Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 581: Saudi royal family's decision

Just when Princess Aisha was shopping with Bao Zixuan, at the Saudi Royal Palace; those in power were having a heated discussion. Some people think that taking this opportunity to launch all projects; this way Saudi Arabia can win the future. There are also some people who believe that launching too many projects is too risky and should be done step by step. It can be said that the two sides are arguing endlessly, and neither side is willing to give in.

But one thing is very clear, that is, we must cooperate with Heiyun Group. Everyone knows that if Saudi Arabia wants to develop, it must cooperate with the Black Cloud Group. This is an indisputable fact.

Because the members of the Saudi royal family couldn't help but think more, their most reliant figures were also the authority of Saudi Arabia's domestic science and technology industry.

Shaheed is the dean of the King Saud University Institute of Technology and graduated from the California Institute of Technology. Moreover, he was admitted to Caltech by virtue of his true ability, and he is definitely a genius in Saudi Arabia.

King Saud University is definitely the most tyrannical university in the world. The salary, benefits and treatment of professors belong to the unique existence in the whole world. This scholar, who thinks he is the first genius in Saudi Arabia, felt incredible when he saw the information provided by Bao Zixuan.

The technology of desalination equipment is very feasible, at least 20 years ahead of existing equipment. If the technical indicators can be met, the entire Saudi Arabia will no longer worry about fresh water. King Saud University has been conducting research on seawater desalination, although it has achieved certain results. Now seeing the technical information provided by Heiyun, I feel that all products developed by King's University should be destroyed. Because after comparing the two, it is found that the Saudi research results are meaningless and not at all desirable.

This makes Shahid, who has always been considered the world's first in the field of desalination, blush, and the technology outside has developed to such a point. He's still there feeling good, how ridiculous it seems now.

For natural gas power generation to nothing, European and American countries have long conducted relevant research. The data provided by Black Cloud is technically a little ahead at most, and it is not that amazing. But when I saw Tianyang's power generation, my heart was hit again. It turned out that power generation can still be operated in this way.

According to the data analysis provided by the Black Cloud Group, the existing solar power generation is simply at the level of elementary school students, and it is not worth mentioning at all. I don't believe it and there is no way, because I feel very feasible after seeing the design drawings; I am currently in conflict.

Scientific research is no joke. At this time, Shaheed really wanted to see Bao Zixuan. The proponent of this new solar power generation technology may even be the pioneer.

When he saw the plan for Saudi Arabia's agricultural development, Shaheed was convinced. As a Saudi citizen, especially a Saudi citizen studying science and engineering, I have been thinking about a technology powerhouse.

Seeing the Saudi agricultural development plan proposed by Bao Zixuan, especially when the other party believes that developing agriculture is more important than industry. Only then did he realize that outsiders saw it more thoroughly than he did. So many years of studying abroad was a waste.

An outsider knows what restricts Saudi Arabia's development, but as a native Saudi citizen, he still can't understand it. How ignorant this is, and even more ridiculous.

After seeing the high-tech blueprint, Shaheed has been completely conquered. He already had an idea in his mind, Bao Zixuan is a super genius, why should he be compared with such a person. The height of others is compared with Newton and Einstein. He is still far, far away.

Afterwards, members of the Saudi royal family drew sketches of the HH-01 ghost plane from memory, leaving Shaheed unsure of what to say.

Summarizing all the information, Shaheed said: "The technical information proposed by the Black Cloud Group is very feasible, and it is at least 20 years ahead of Saudi Arabia. Many topics are not only not studied by King's University, but also have not been thought of."

"If Yulin Institute of Technology agrees to conduct joint research with King Saud University, I am willing to fight for Bao Zixuan. This is not to soften, but to make Saudi Arabia stronger."

The members of the royal family felt incredible to hear the guy who thought himself the first genius in Saudi Arabia said so. Usually this guy is not always self-righteous and feels like the world's first! What happened today, is the sun coming out from the west.

Shaheed is indeed a bit arrogant and domineering at ordinary times, thinking that members of the Saudi royal family do nothing at all. However, after seeing the technical information provided by Heiyun today, I found that there are people outside people and there are days outside the sky, but there is nothing wrong with it.

Compared with Bao Zixuan, I am not a star and a half. Compared with a company in Heiyun, Saudi Arabia is even worse.

As the crown prince, Abdullah must express his position. If the king expresses his opinion, the matter may be directly decided to die. As the crown prince, there is still some leeway in what to say, which is what the crown prince must do.

Abdullah: "Shaheed, now I'm asking you which technology can be realized and which solution is more feasible. Saudi Arabia has to make a choice, or else the opportunity will be lost."

Although he didn't want to say anything, Shaheed knew it. The purpose of the royal family calling him here is to analyze the technical data. Now that he has read it, he must have a pertinent evaluation. This is related to the entire Saudi national strategy, and there is no room for sloppiness.

Shahid: "From the perspective of technical data and data analysis, the technology provided by the Black Cloud Group is completely feasible. Many of them are beyond the times, but I just don't understand why Bao Zixuan wants to share it with Saudi Arabia. It's always puzzling."

Hearing that the technology is feasible, the Saudi royal family is relieved. As for why he wanted to share it with Saudi Arabia, the king gave him a look, and Prince Sultan immediately understood what he meant.

Prince Sultan: "Bao Zixuan told me about this issue. According to him, it is money, time, and right to speak."

Then he explained Bao Zixuan's analysis to members of the Saudi royal family again. Many people would respond with skepticism, but until a better explanation was found, they could only agree that this was the case.

Shaheed said at this time: "It turns out that this is the case, then there is no problem."

Seeing that the members of the royal family are all looking at him, as if to say, what have you found, but say it!

Shahid continued: "Although Bao Zixuan is a super genius, the development of Heiyun Group is extremely rapid. But in other words, he is also a person, at most a company. There is no external support, and funds are always limited."

"Bao Zixuan is building Heiyun Town in order to stabilize the economic development of Hong Kong. It will inevitably lead to a shortage of funds. To do scientific research requires huge funds. At this time, the Heiyun Group should not be able to provide too much money."

"As a scientific researcher, there is no capital investment to develop a good project. In my heart, I will definitely not be able to pass this test, so I will seek investment from Saudi Arabia."

Shaheed's analysis is very reasonable, and in some places it is even exaggerated. However, he also has his own goals. He thinks that he will have more confidence in applying for scientific research funding in the future. At present, he can only say this!

The Saudi royal family finally understood something. The technical information provided by Bao Zixuan was very useful. It has high economic benefits and can make Saudi Arabia stronger. These are already recognized facts. The current priority is how to get the technology. This is what the Saudi royal family needs to consider.

King of Saudi Arabia: "Based on what Prince Sultan and Professor Shahid said, Bao Zixuan and Heiyun Group found Saudi Arabia when they faced difficulties. We should show the style of a big country, but Saudi Arabia must obtain Heiyun's technology. On the surface It seems that this is a contradictory issue, but it is normal to analyze it carefully. Therefore, I hope you can come up with a plan. In any case, Saudi Arabia must master related technologies such as seawater desalination, power generation, agricultural technology, etc., and it is left to you to decide.”

"Don't be afraid to spend money, as long as Saudi Arabia still has oil, money is not a problem. Cooperation with Heiyun is to prepare for the future and to benefit future The king's speech has determined the matter, even if Saudi Arabia suffers It doesn't matter. In short, to see the future development, how to negotiate is the problem of the people below.

With the king's statement, members of the Saudi royal family also know what to do. Now I can only pray that Bao Zixuan is not too dark, otherwise, even if Saudi Arabia is rich, it will not be able to bear it.

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The King of Saudi Arabia suddenly asked Prince Sultan, "Sultan, how are Bao Zixuan and Aisha getting along? Is there any possibility between them? If it can be possible, it will be a great thing for us in Saudi Arabia."

Prince Sultan didn't expect the king to ask such a question, so he had to answer truthfully: "It seems unlikely at present, don't look at Bao Zixuan's youth, but this person is difficult to see through. It seems that Saudi Arabia has to pay a lot of money this time, but These must be paid for the future of Saudi Arabia.”

The members of the royal family discussed some related topics, mainly on how to cooperate with the Black Cloud Group.



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