Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 582: National TV interview

Bao Zixuan and Aisha left the market and went straight back to the villa. In the evening, Bao Zixuan still had a task. That is to accept an exclusive interview with Saudi state television, and the interviewer is Princess Aisha.

Since Bao Zixuan agreed to visit, not only the Saudi princess, but also the senior officials of Saudi state television have been carefully preparing. There were only a handful of media that had exclusive access to Bao Zixuan before, and they were all print media. The richest man Bao has never been interviewed by a TV station. This is a good opportunity, an opportunity to increase the popularity of Saudi state TV.

In the hearts of Saudis, they are the big brothers in the Middle East. But this big brother is not convinced in other aspects except oil. Oil exports are mostly due to the large land area. Kuwait and Iraq have rich oil reserves, and Iran is also a country rich in oil resources. Oil alone is not very convincing.

The fact that Saudi state TV was able to interview Bao Zixuan shows that Saudi Arabia has made a major breakthrough in media. Otherwise, how could people give Saudi Arabia the opportunity for the first TV interview, which is a good proof.

In fact, the richest man Bao really didn't think so much. He was at Prince Sultan's house at this time. Moreover, there is still business to discuss in Saudi Arabia, and this face will definitely be given.

Fortunately, Prince Sultan's villa is so big that it even has a meeting room. As the number one figure in the Saudi military, people often report here.

Although Aisha was wearing traditional Saudi clothing, her face was not covered. Maybe it is not yet married, and after marriage, as a member of the royal family, it is not allowed to make public appearances.

After the equipment was set up, the interview got to the point.

Aisha said to the camera: "Hello everyone, I'm Aisha; a journalist from Saudi National Television, I am honored to invite Mr. Bao Zixuan, President of Heungkong Heiyun Group, who came to Saudi Arabia for inspection."

"Hello, Mr. Bao!"

Bao Zixuan: "Hello, Miss Aisha."

At this time, you can't call the other party a princess. This is what Aisha told me to do. Fortunately, it is now recorded and broadcast. If there is anything unreasonable, you can pause and start again. This is good news for inexperienced reporters, but Aisha, who is unwilling to admit defeat, will not allow this to happen.

Aisha: "First of all, on behalf of all the colleagues of Saudi National Television, I would like to extend my welcome to you, and thank you even more for accepting this interview. It is the first time for Mr. Bao to come to Saudi Arabia. What is your impression of this place?"

Who can say that this is not good, isn't it difficult to find it!

Bao Zixuan: "To be honest, I was really uncomfortable with the weather conditions when I first arrived in Saudi Arabia, but I found out after a few days that it was nothing. The Saudi people are very enthusiastic, and they are very friendly to foreigners."

"I invested in two factories in Saudi Arabia, and construction has already started. The investment environment here is very good, and the support of the royal family and the whole country is very strong. According to the current speed, the first factory will be able to start production by the end of the year. It can be said that the same The strong support from the Saudi side is inseparable, and here I would also like to thank all those who have contributed to the Black Cloud project.”

It cannot be said that what Bao Zixuan said is very false. The Saudi side has indeed supported a lot, but it is more in terms of funds. Others still need to be solved by Heiyun himself. Fortunately, Saudi Arabia has a green light on the issue of foreign labor entry. Everyone knows what the state of their workers is, and the Saudi royal family has no choice.

Aisha didn't expect Bao Zixuan to speak so highly of Saudi Arabia, not only her, but everyone at the scene was very happy. There is no country that does not wish to receive positive reviews, which is the best guarantee for attracting investment and tourists.

Aisha: "The data shows that Mr. Bao started his business at the age of 19. And he succeeded in his first business. Can you share it with everyone?"

A native of Saudi Arabia would not ask this question, but Aisha is very different. He is studying in the United States. They will do things according to the American way of thinking. The American dream and the creation of heroes are common tactics used by Americans.

Bao Zixuan: "Actually, it's nothing. Back then I returned to Hong Kong from London. Because I still have two years to complete my studies at MIT, when I got home, I saw that my mother was still working, and it was a tiring job."

"I didn't have a father since I was a child. My mother brought me up. It can be said that mother and son have been dependent on each other since childhood. At that time, I was very uncomfortable. I was an adult and my mother had to work so hard. This is really not right, my mother should be have a life of their own."

"Then I decided to start a business and want to make a career out of it. As for success, it may be a little bit of talent, but it's more about hard work and hard work. In this world, it's impossible to achieve success without doing anything, with goals. It takes effort to make it happen.”

"When I first started my business, I worked more than 15 hours a day. Many designs were already perfect, but suddenly I came up with a more perfect idea. At this time, it is necessary to revise the previously designed plan to achieve excellence."

Hearing this, the on-site staff felt incredible. It seems that the success was not accidental. Watching this young tycoon achieve success, but few people know about the efforts on the road to success.

Aisha: "There is no shortcut to success, only hard work. This sentence is suitable for any country in the world, and it is a good spur for young people in Saudi Arabia."

She also looks down on the lives of many people, especially the children of the royal family. If things go on like this, accidents will happen sooner or later. Young people in other countries are struggling, but young people in Saudi Arabia are enjoying national oil benefits. This is a very dangerous thing with serious consequences.

Aisha then asked: "Black Cloud Group has developed a lot of products that cross the times. How did this happen?"

In fact, not only Aisha was curious, but everyone else was also very curious. How did Bao Zixuan think of it, and then how did he develop the product.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Many are unconscious, it can be said to be accidental, or it can be said to be inevitable."

"After discovering a phenomenon, we have to conduct in-depth research on the phenomenon. Use the scientific and technological knowledge we have learned to make the phenomenon a reality. Only in this way can we make breakthroughs in technology."

"Many problems have scientific laws. As long as the basic knowledge is mastered, it is normal to develop results."

"For example, the mobile phone we use now is the first successful research and development of Motorola. But the first to commercialize the mobile phone is the Black Cloud Group. This is the result of the continuous efforts of engineers."

"Motorola's mobile phone is very large, and we will try to make it smaller. At this time, batteries with higher energy intensity are needed, and the battery project department will develop new batteries on the basis of predecessors to see which element has stronger power storage capacity. ."

"Other parts are large and we have to shrink them to see what new technologies can replace them. It is just like this step by step that the mobile phone can be commercialized, and the effect is not bad at present."

"The same is true for ground effect aircraft. Scientists have long discovered ground effect. Based on the ground effect value, Black Cloud engineers will calculate the distance from the aircraft to the ground and the construction ratio of the ground effect is the strongest."

"Then the formula is used to deduce what shape and size products are to be designed, and the rest is how much power is needed, and the development of control systems and other issues."

"It is very simple to discover problems, and countless problems are discovered every day. However, how to solve problems scientifically is the key. The development of science and technology requires accumulation."

"It is difficult to make a major breakthrough on the road of scientific research without basic accumulation. If an ordinary person writes a love story, it is very simple. But it is very difficult for him to make a simple engine because he has not studied related majors before. knowledge."

Although most of the TV stations are liberal arts students, they are also highly educated talents. I agree with what Bao Zixuan said, that science and engineering majors do need continuous research.

Aisha: "Thank you Mr. Bao for sharing the scientific research foundation and work attitude. At the same time, I also remind young people to work hard and specialize in research. Success is not accidental."

"Mr. Bao is already the richest man in Hong Kong, and the amount of wealth is even more amazing. May I ask which aspect of research and development the Black Cloud Group will invest in in the This is a question that many people are concerned about."

Bao Zixuan: "I had a dream of flying when I was a child, and I would enter the aerospace field if conditions allowed. If I could be buried in an alien after my death, that would be a very cool thing."

Bao's richest man didn't dare to say too much, that was exposing company secrets. There are many smart people in this world, and if they smell it, it will not end well, and they will even be blocked in advance. Bao Zixuan didn't want to see such a thing happen. Only by seizing the opportunity can he be invincible in the market.

Next, Aisha asked some other questions. Not only Bao Zixuan was interviewed by a TV station for the first time, but Aisha was also the first interviewer. I have only practiced a few times before, and the experience is not very rich.

Fortunately, there were no mistakes in the middle, and the task was successfully completed. Bao Zixuan's attitude towards Saudi Arabia and the level of cooperation in the interview made everyone very satisfied.

This man has a huge influence in the whole world, saying that the sand in Israel is better than other places, so many people go to Tel Aviv to dig sand. How influential this is, I believe everyone understands it needless to say.

Now it is a platform for Saudi Arabia. In the future, more companies will definitely come to Saudi Arabia to invest, and more people will come to Saudi Arabia for tourism. But it is good news that can promote the development of Saudi Arabia's economy, and all Saudis should express their gratitude to it.



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