Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 591: The loss that shocked the world 2

With the help of the Soviet Union, representatives of Iran and Iraq began negotiations. It can be said that both countries can't wait. After all, both sides of the war can't afford to fight.

Iraq can persevere because of the support of other Arab brother countries, and Iran relies on faith and wealth. At this time, Iraq has begun to become indebted, and Iran's property has been blown up at one time, so it still has the ability and courage to continue fighting.

Both sides are full of sincerity. Iraq urgently needs to develop its economy, and the Iranians hope to quickly enrich their family. The only difference is the issue of Khomeini Port. In the end, both sides made certain concessions after asking for domestic instructions.

The port of Khomeini is jointly managed by Iran and Iraq. The two sides set up a port management company. The company is not allowed to employ citizens of the two countries and is completely handed over to the management team of multinational enterprises. It can be said that this is a result that both parties can accept, otherwise the Iranian high-level officials will not be able to explain it to the public.

When the news of the end of the war spread to the two countries, the people of both countries spontaneously took to the streets to celebrate. Again, no one is born to like war. It is good news for both sides that the war can now be ended peacefully.

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But what made the senior officials of the two countries depressed was that the war had been going on for several years. In addition to costing a lot of money and killing a large number of domestic soldiers, it did not achieve practical significance. The country's territory is still so large, and the only benefit Iraq gets is that it will be easier to transport oil by participating in the management of Khomeini Port.

But the price paid by the two countries is really not small, which is worth thinking about by everyone.

When the armistice was signed, Bao Zixuan knew that history had been changed again. Iraq has not hit a dead end like the previous life, and the possibility of invading Kuwait is unlikely; then the Black Cloud Group has added another solid ally in the Middle East. The influence of the United States in the Middle East will be further weakened, which is very beneficial to the development of other countries.

These series of events completely disrupted the U.S. Middle East plan and made Americans very unhappy. At this time in the US Central Intelligence Agency William - Joseph - Casey is inquiring about the subordinates. As the director of the CIA, he did not have effective control over the development of the Iran-Iraq war. Instead, he let the Soviets take the lead; this was his dereliction of duty, and he didn't know how to explain it when he went to the White House to report.

The head of the CIA's Middle East region said apologetically: "This is a negligence of our work. The Iraqi bombing was too sudden, and there was no sign before. It directly caught the Iranians by surprise and took Iran out of Grumman at one time. The purchased F-14 Panda planes were wiped out on the ground, and it can be said that Iran has no ability to continue fighting."

"There is no clear data yet, but the bombing of Iran lost more than 50 aircraft, of which 30 were F-14 Panda aircraft. If the fighting continues without air supremacy, it will be a disaster for soldiers."

"Iraq's economic situation is also not very good. It is only with the support of other Arab countries that it has reached today. Therefore, after the Iranians sent a signal for peace, they also agreed to end the war."

Hearing this, William Joseph Casey thought for a moment and said, "What weapons did the Iraqis use to bomb Iran this time? The Iranians are just incompetent, and they shouldn't have found their targets when the bombers penetrated deep into the capital."

This is a question that the whole world is concerned about, and everyone wants to get an answer. After all, no defense can threaten the national defense of the country. Once a country does this to you, who can stand it.

The head of the Middle East of the CIA: "At present, it is impossible to say which country developed the stealth aircraft, but the analysis of samples from the missile fragments shows that they are all Soviet-made missiles."

"But this is a big doubt. There is no evidence that the Soviets are developing stealth bombers. It may also be that the Soviets have done a good job of keeping secrets. I can't rule out that the Soviets provided stealth aircraft to Iraq, but they are also sending them to Iran. Selling weapons is really incomprehensible."

"There is another piece of news that needs to be noted. Recently, Bao Zixuan, president of Heiyun Group, was inspecting the Middle East. And after leaving Saudi Arabia, he went to Iraq in secret. Could it be that Heiyun Group has developed some new aircraft and conducted experiments through the Iraqi Air Force. ."

"Heiyun Group's ability to develop a ground-effect aircraft at least proves that there are no technical obstacles to the production of aircraft. At the same time, Bao Zixuan is a professional in aviation power and has a fanatical love for aircraft."

The Americans have been cultivating in the Middle East for many years, and their intelligence capabilities are definitely the first existence. In this respect, the Soviet KGB has no way to compare with them. It is estimated that only the CIA in the world can collect so much useful information in just 2 days.

William - Joseph - Casey: "Continue to monitor the movements of Bao Zixuan and the Soviet Union. If the Black Cloud Group and the Soviet Union choose one, I would rather be the Black Cloud Group to produce stealth aircraft. If the Soviets have such advanced aircraft, A serious threat to the United States."

"Although Iran's radar was a product of the United States ten years ago, it was the most advanced equipment at that time. It was much stronger than the radar of other countries, but even such a radar could not detect the target, which shows the strong stealth performance of the aircraft. This is a very Important issues must be taken seriously.”

As the director of the CIA, of course, he knows some things about the US military. Lockheed began to develop stealth aircraft in the mid-1970s. It first flew in 1981 and entered service in 1983. The official code name is F-117A attack aircraft.

At the same time, more advanced stealth aircraft are also being developed, but they are found through technical comparison. At present, the stealth performance of the F117 attack aircraft can not keep up with the aircraft used in Iraq, which makes the CIA executives puzzled.

The world's No. 1 scientific and technological power actually lags behind in the research and development of stealth aircraft. This thing really shouldn't be, but it happened right in front of them, and they didn't know how to justify it.

After finishing the information, William Joseph Casey asked the driver to take him directly to the White House. At this time, President Reagan was waiting for him. It can be said that the Americans who were most uncomfortable with the signing of the Armistice Agreement were the Americans.

Reagan didn't give the CIA director a good face. After all, this time it was too embarrassing. I don't know what kind of aircraft Iraq used; I don't know how much Iran lost; I don't know why the Soviets acted as peacemakers.

Is this still the all-knowing CIA! It's almost become three ignorant, I'm really sorry for the taxpayer's contribution.

Reagan: "Director Casey, how is the investigation going? Why did the Iran-Iraq war suddenly end? What aircraft did Iraq use? How much was Iran's loss, and what role did the Soviets play in it?"

Has the CIA received any news before, and has it made judgments and response plans for emergencies? How to end now, if this can only reduce the CIA's activities in the next year, there must be an explanation to the taxpayer.

President Reagan asked so many why all at once, but William Joseph Casey really didn't know how to answer. But things have already happened, and it is too late to say anything, we can only face it positively.

William - Joseph - Casey: "The end of the war is mainly due to the loss of the Iranian Air Force, especially the F-14 Panda fighters purchased from Grumman. Don't stop, this will end the war hastily."

"As for who provided the plane, according to the current intelligence analysis, it is either the Soviets or the Heiyun Group. Bao Zixuan is in Iraq, and all the missiles used are produced by the Soviet Union. The CIA still prefers the Heiyun Group, and it is impossible for Bao Zixuan to go there for no reason. Iraq."

"The Iranians took the initiative to contact the Soviet Union. After all, only the United States and the Soviet Union have the ability to mediate wars in the world. Now the relationship between the United States and Iran is very tense, and the Iranians will not take the initiative to come to the door."

"Because the incident was too sudden, the previous analysis of the Iran-Iraq war will take at least 3-5 years to have a result. Therefore, there is no contingency This is the dereliction of duty by the CIA."

Hearing William Joseph Casey's answer, Reagan knew that he couldn't be blamed for everything. But whether it is the Black Cloud Group or the Soviet Union that has developed a stealth aircraft, it is a huge hidden danger, and things must be clarified.

The Black Cloud Group can say that the Soviets have stealth aircraft technology, which is a huge threat to the United States. Arms dealers should be ordered to develop more advanced radars to deal with raids by stealth aircraft.

Reagan: "Investigate the matter as soon as possible. No matter who develops stealth aircraft, it is a huge challenge to the United States. At the same time, to increase the penetration of Iraq and Iran, we must ensure the influence of the United States in the Middle East. You can give some points as appropriate. Sweetness, the Soviets cannot infiltrate the core areas of the Middle East."

Stealth aircraft is a technical problem, and the United States is the country that invests the most in technology research and development in the world. Competing in technical strength has not been afraid of anyone, just allocate more funds for research and development.

But it is unforgivable to allow the Soviet Union to penetrate into the Middle East. It is related to a country's overall strategy. Now the Soviet Union is no worse than the United States militarily, and its strategic depth is even stronger than that of the United States. After all, where is the face value of the land. The only thing missing is the economy. If the Soviet Union is allowed to infiltrate the oil-producing countries in the Middle East, then the economic problem will be solved. At that time, who can restrain the development of the Soviet Union, and the strategic advantage of the United States will cease to exist.



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