Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 642: work for mother 4

700,000 US dollars can be said to be Liulichang's largest business after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Who would have thought that it would only buy a knife of paper. Not only Li Xinyue did not expect Bao Zixuan to be so arrogant, but even the well-informed shopkeeper Li did not expect that the buyer did not counter-offer. Even if you have to buy a $50,000 wolf pen, do you want to buy the pen you will use for a lifetime!

Shopkeeper Li: "No problem, I'll call someone to prepare."

Bao Zixuan didn't talk nonsense, but wrote a Huaxia Bank check for $850,000 to the other party. The grandfather and grandson didn't know what to do, and they were worried that this Xiangjiang man was a liar.

Seeing the expressions of the grandfather and grandson, Bao Zixuan smiled and said that there is a Huaxia Bank in front of you, you can pay the check and send it. Hearing that the two of them were relieved, they let Bao Zixuan rest in the shop and let the clerk serve tea at the same time.

Heiyun Group's foreign exchange business in mainland China will be handed over to Hua Xia Bank for settlement. After all, only Hua Xia Bank has business dealings with Heung Kong.

After the two went to the bank, the bank staff couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the account and the signature on the check. Not only because of the huge amount, but because of the account and signature.

Fortunately, they have received professional training and know that Bao Zixuan, the richest man in Xiangjiang, is in Kyoto, otherwise it would be really easy to have problems.

Hurry up and ask the president, after all, such a large amount of business is rare, and it is a check signed by Bao Zixuan.

After seeing the grandfather and grandson, the bank president smiled and said, "Sir, my surname is Wang, and I am the president of Huaxia Bank's Kyoto Liulichang branch. How did you get this check?"

Shopkeeper Li didn't expect to alarm the president, and the young man in the shop was really a liar. But it doesn't look like it! Otherwise, it will definitely ask to take things away first.

Shopkeeper Li: "This old man is the shopkeeper of Rongbaozhai. This is the payment the young man just paid to my shop. Is there any problem, or this check is fake."

Hearing that from Manager Li, President Wang quickly explained: "There is no problem with the check, and it can be paid at any time. You can rest assured, I just want to know if the buyer is still in your store!"

Hearing that there is no problem with the check, the grandfather and grandson are relieved. It seems that this young man is really capable.

Shopkeeper Li: "It's still in the store. We can't pick up the goods and leave until our check is paid. That's the rule."

Hearing this, President Wang hurriedly asked someone to handle the business, and there was no requirement that it must be exchanged for Huaxia coins. After all, I just heard that the girl in front of me was going to study abroad, which can be said to be a green light.

President Wang: "I wonder if the old gentleman can take me to your store. I want to visit the people in your store."

Doing business in the Liulichang area will definitely use President Wang, how dare you refuse this request. At this time, both grandfather and grandson were curious about the identity of the young man, and it seemed that he was really a big man.

Shopkeeper Li: "What's wrong with this, we'll go back when the business is done."

At this time, Bao Zixuan was drinking tea in the store, and when he saw his grandfather and grandson with a middle-aged man, he didn't realize what was going on. But none of this has anything to do with him. The richest man Bao is only interested in Empress Li's Chengxintang.

Bao Zixuan: "Have Mr. Li cashed the check? Can you give me the goods?"

Shopkeeper Li: "I'll arrange it right away. This is President Wang of Hua Xia Bank. I heard that you were still in the store and wanted to come and visit. It seems that your identity is not simple!"

President Wang is less than 50 years old this year and has worked in Huaxia Bank for many years. It can be said that he still has a lot of ideas. Knowing that Bao Zixuan will definitely provide good service when he comes to Liulichang, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

President Wang: "If you didn't see the check and didn't know that Mr. Bao was coming to Liulichang, the shops here don't really believe in the check. Hua Xia Bank can issue a letter of credit to Mr. Bao, and as long as you have the letter of credit, you can go to Hua Xia Bank to withdraw money. In this way, you don't have to wait any longer when purchasing items, and you can leave immediately after the payment is completed, mainly to not delay your time."

Bao Zixuan did not expect that the president would have such a reaction when he saw the check, and he seemed to be a very thoughtful person. How to say that the other party is coming to release kindness and make it easier for you, or you need to thank him.

Bao Zixuan: "Thanks to President Wang Zhou Dao for his attentive service. In the future, I will use Huaxia Bank's letter of credit when purchasing items from Liulichang."

Hearing this, President Wang hurriedly handed over the 5 million Huaxia coins and the letter of credit of 1 million U.S. dollars to Bao Zixuan, and said at the same time: "This time I came out in a hurry, I didn't prepare too much, you can use these first. Liulichang The shops here all believe that the letter of credit issued by Hua Xia Bank can be redeemed on the spot."

"If it's not enough, you can call me at any time, and it can be delivered to you immediately. The service of our Liulichang branch will definitely satisfy you."

After Bao Zixuan took the letter of credit, he said with a smile, "There is President Lao Wang."

When Peng Yifei walked to the next house with his things, President Wang was still silent in the conversation just now. The richest man Bao used the letter of credit from Huaxia Bank Liulichang Branch to buy items. It seems that his days of prosperity are not far away.

Seeing that Mr. Wang, who is also a figure in Liulichang, has to curry favor with this young man, the identity of the other party is definitely very prominent.

Shopkeeper Li: "President Wang, the person has already left. I didn't dare to ask this question, but I really want to know. Can you tell me who the other person is!"

After all, it was in someone else's store, and today it was shopkeeper Li who led the way for him to catch the richest man. Anyway, the person has left, and it has nothing to do with him.

President Wang: "Since Shopkeeper Li has asked, I'll tell you. But please keep it a secret, otherwise I won't be able to explain it."

Shopkeeper Li: "President Wang, please rest assured, I'm just curious."

President Wang: "The young man just now was Bao Zixuan, the boss of Heiyun Group, who is known as the richest man in Hong Kong. You should have made no counter-offer. That's because US$850,000 is a huge sum in our eyes, but in Bao's richest man But there is nothing in his eyes. The other party’s worth is conservatively estimated to be more than 100 billion US dollars, and he has invested in many major projects in the mainland.”

Hearing that the object was actually sold to the richest man in Xiangjiang, the curiosity of shopkeeper Li was satisfied.

Pen, ink, paper, inkstone and stamps, now that we have pens, paper and stamps, then we must buy ink and inkstones next. The richest man in the general road cargo package can't look down on it, so Peng Yifei took him to a century-old shop - Yidege, which is very famous in the world for ink production.

Yidekaku is a local traditional handicraft in Kyoto City. "Yidege" is famous for producing ink and has a production history of more than 100 years. The products have bright ink marks, five shades of light, fluent writing, moderate concentration, strong fragrance, easy to dry after writing, suitable for unpacking, strong water resistance, never fading, small precipitation, non-irritating paper, suitable for four seasons, and have the characteristics of ancient ink Wait.

During the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, a literati named Xie and Songdai went to Beijing to take the exam. At that time, he thought, if a kind of ink could be made and used directly for writing, which would save time and effort, wouldn’t it be possible to “use one art for the world”? So after many experiments, he finally used oil fume, plus other accessories, to make ink with the same effect as ink sticks. Once listed, it was welcomed by scholars and writers. In the fourth year of Tongzhi, Xie Songdai opened the first ink shop at No. 44 Liulichang in Kyoto. The name of the shop was "Yide Pavilion", and he wrote a plaque and hung it in front of the door. This is the origin of the "Yide Pavilion" ink.

After Xie Songdai passed away, he passed the shop to his disciple Xu Xu Jiebin was from Shenxian County, with a flexible mind and good management skills. Under his management, the scale of production and operation of "Yide Pavilion" has continued to expand.

It can be said that the head of Yide Pavilion at this time is the Xu family. Peng Yifei mentioned it to the other party once before, but was rejected by the other party. After all, the richest man in the package is the treasure of each store, and of course people will not sell it easily.

Unlike Rongbaozhai, Yidege's economic situation is much better. After all, it is said that the family is also a big business. It has factories in many parts of the country. It is a relatively powerful antique shop in Liulichang.

Many things can be done by people below, and the purchase of valuable antique calligraphy and paintings can be handed over to Peng Yifei. But now it is to help my mother choose gifts, and she must do it herself.

It's a matter of heart, although knowing that the mother might waste some historical relics. But as long as she is happy, it doesn't matter, the objects are produced for people to use, although Li Yulin is not a calligrapher and painter. But she has a very rich son, so all this is not a problem.

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