Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 752: Ground effect aircraft make new achievem

In fact, when Bao Zixuan left Paris, the three core figures of Zhang Zhan, Peng Yifei and John Howard Black Cloud Security Department were not idle either. Now the group needs money, especially cash; traditional transportation methods are too late, and they can only win by surprise.

Peng Yifei went directly to Japan, and among these people, he was more familiar with Clay-Clark. Many things are easy to communicate and understand each other. Huaxia Kyoto is also the closest to Japan, so the efficiency will be higher.

Recently, Peng Yifei has been working more in Huaxia Kyoto. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the president of Heiyun Group's Huaxia District, but he is not a flamboyant person. At the same time, knowing that the task in China mainland is to spend money, it is also the most special existence in the entire group. But everyone in the Black Cloud Group knows that Peng Yifei is definitely the boss's **** confidant; no one dares to ignore his existence.

Good steel will be used on the blade, and this is the time when Peng Yifei needs to exert his strength. When he received the task, he didn't dare to neglect at all, and took people directly to Japan. Because the boss has explained before, unless the matter is urgent or very important, otherwise he will not be easily let him leave China mainland, at least not for a short time.

Zhang Zhan went to Iraq, and there were many people in the security department of Heiyun Group. Basically, they are all drawn from Xiangjiang, and he can be a little more handy in commanding in the past.

Baohuodong Mining Company did not invest in the Iraqi oilfield project, and Heiyun Group could only continue the task. In order to reassure Bao Zixuan, the president had already asked the eldest son to leave the country. This kind of sincerity cannot be achieved by ordinary people at all, but the investment in the past cannot be justified. Iraq has just experienced a war, and the natural environment in the Middle East is not very good. Most of the first group sent to the past were security personnel, and ordinary engineers may not necessarily adapt to the environment.

John Howard went to Saudi Arabia, and it is more convenient to work in Saudi Arabia as an American. At the same time, Saudi Arabia is also the most important area to raise funds this time, and his identity can act as a deterrent if he encounters urgent problems.

The United States has troops stationed in Saudi Arabia, and John Howard, a retired military officer, has many comrades serving in Saudi Arabia. Friendship in arms is difficult to give up, and if something goes wrong, there will be one more person to take care of.

The three of them led the team for only one purpose, which was to transport the money back to Xiangjiang. Bao Zixuan knew that he wanted to form a deterrent to Shaqiantong and the forces behind him. It is necessary to let them see the strength of the Heiyun Group, and then they will not suffer at the negotiating table. It would be strange if people knew that the Black Cloud Group was supporting you and that they didn't bully you to the death.

Peng Yifei flew directly from Huaxia Kyoto to Tokyo, Japan, and Clay Clark, president of Blackstone Fund, went to the airport to meet the boss's bodyguard in person. Clay Clark knew that in name his level was much higher than Peng Yifei; but in fact, in the boss's mind, Peng Yifei was more important.

Peng Yifei is impatient: he sat in the car and said to Clay Clark, "Lao Ke, are you ready for what the boss wants?"

For this title, Clay Clark is used to it. Peng Yifei is the only one in the world who can call him that, others either don't dare or don't know what it means.

Clay-Clark: "The things are ready, and the items you need are also ready. The goods are all placed on the ground effect aircraft and can take off at any time. The formalities in Japan have been completed, you don't have to worry about that."

Peng Yifei knew Clay Clark's efficiency, and at the same time recognized his ability. The boss asked him to come here just for the sake of speed, but he didn't dare to delay in the slightest.

Peng Yifei: "I have eaten on the plane just now, so let's go directly to the pier. In order not to have too many dreams at night, the situation in Xiangjiang is already very dangerous, and we dare not delay for a while."

After arriving at the dock, a ground effect aircraft was already waiting. Clay-Clark said: "There is a total of 1 billion US dollars here, plus 375 billion yen; it's all up to you. It's urgent, wait until the next time you come to Japan to drink together."

After Peng Yifei checked it again, he found that there was no problem. Directly ask the pilot to start the aircraft, and he wants to transport the money back to Xiangjiang as soon as possible. With this money alone, the Blackstone Fund paid more than $300 million in taxes to the Japanese government, otherwise it would have been released easily.

The distance from Hong Kong to Tokyo is less than 3,000 kilometers, and the ground effect aircraft can reach it in four hours. Looking at the Xiangjiang monster that was already speeding on the sea, Clay Clark's heart was half relieved. His task has been completed, and the rest is up to Peng Yifei. However, I believe that with the ability of the other party, the task should be completed.

The Iraqi side is very respectful, and all matters are personally supervised and handled by the second son. $3 billion directly on the ground effect vehicle without even charging a single fee. Knowing that there was a problem with Heiyun Bank of Hong Kong, I didn't dare to hold back at this time. Once there is a problem with Bao Zixuan, the Iraqi project will be difficult to handle.

What's more, this is still the money for the purchase of the HH-01 Ghost fighter-bomber, which must be paid to the Black Cloud Group. Zhang Zhan didn't have any hesitation, and took off at the first time. He was much more aware of the problem of Heiyun Bank of Heilongjiang than Peng Yifei.

The Saudi side was not embarrassed either. Prince Sultan learned that Bao Zixuan had bought so many things for his daughter. I really don't feel angry. Although this favor is small, I still have to pay it back. How to repay the daughter, in the end, it still has to be counted on the head of Laozi.

30 billion Hong Kong dollars were taken from the Saudi treasury and installed directly on the ground effect aircraft. John Howard didn't expect so much money, but he didn't dare to think about it. In addition to the Black Cloud security team, there are also international mercenaries and Saudi internal security forces. This is what Bao Zixuan requested, and the three parties restrict each other.

The wealth and silk are touching, and no one can fully believe it at this time. At the same time, the three Xiangjiang monster ground effect aircraft are equipped with positioning devices and self-destruction systems. Don't want money and can't be cheap to others, the main reason is that this hole can't be opened. Otherwise, there will be bigger problems in the future, after all, the wealth will become more and more.

It is almost 7,000 kilometers from the Middle East to Xiangjiang, and the ground effect aircraft takes 9 hours. It was a long wait and torment, and since hearing the flight of the aircraft, Bao Zixuan has been unable to fall asleep.

News of the aircraft is constantly being followed, with more than $12 billion in funding on the three aircraft. If there is a problem, it is impossible for Heiyun to carry out any major projects in a short period of time. The most important thing is that the problem of Heiyun Bank cannot be solved. So how to negotiate with other shareholders of Baohuodong Mining Company, first of all, there is insufficient confidence.

On the morning of the third day when Bao Zixuan returned to Xiangjiang, Peng Yifei landed directly on the square in front of Heiyun Bank in Tianshuiwei with the ground effect aircraft. This made people who came to withdraw money feel incredible, after all, many people saw the legendary ground effect aircraft for the first time. The landing process is too domineering, giving people infinite shock.

What is even more shocking is that after the aircraft stopped. The security personnel directly surrounded the aircraft, and as the hatch opened, Peng Yifei immediately arranged for bank staff to count the funds. Seeing the boxes of money being carried out, the citizens of Xiangjiang who came to withdraw the money knew that Bao's richest man was going to be serious. So do they still need to withdraw their money? Many people have put a big question mark, or at least their hearts have been shaken.

After the funds brought from Japan were put into the warehouse, Zhang Zhan led the second ground effect aircraft to land on the square, and then John Howard led the third aircraft to land on the square.

Fortunately, the square in front of Heiyun Bank is very Otherwise, three Xiangjiang monster ground effect aircraft cannot be placed. Saudi Arabia and Iraq are not as meticulous and disciplined as the Japanese. It's just wrapping it with a transparent film, but the number of wrapping layers is more.

Then fasten the money to the card board with a string, so that everyone around you can see it. This is the first time that the citizens of Hong Kong have seen someone put money in this way, which greatly subverts their perception.

Seeing this situation, many people have withdrawn from the withdrawal queue. In particular, ordinary citizens who have made regular deposits will lose a lot of interest when withdrawing money now. Bao Zixuan is the richest man in Hong Kong, how could he be dishonest, let alone watch the bank go bankrupt, he can't afford to lose that person.

The bank staff began to explain that the security personnel put the funds in the underground vault, and the square is not very safe.

Seeing that most of the people in the square had dispersed, not only Bao Zixuan; even Yuan Tianfan felt relieved. I believe that it will soon reach the ears of Hong Kong citizens, and the crisis is half over.

As for those who still want to withdraw money, most of them have some relationship with the charter king and Zheng Yutong, and many of them are entrusted by them. Of course, British-funded companies also contributed to the flames, just to create panic.