Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 997: Gunpowder flavor 10 foot three

Randy Pritzker was chatting with Princess Diana at this time and learned that the eldest Miss Rockefeller family came to Scotland. And it's also for project investment. At the same time, the two people have the same name. Of course, I want to get to know each other.

The British royal family also wants to make friends and make good friends. For the core interests of the British Empire, it is not shameful to communicate more with investors. And what the Rockefeller family represents in the United States, I am afraid that everyone from the president to the children in the slums knows. This is a family whose reputation is not weaker than that of the British royal family, and its hard power may be stronger than that of the British royal family.

It is no secret that the eldest Miss of the Rockefeller family came out to start a business in the upper-class circles in Europe and America. Including Rachel Morgan's creation of a courier company, it is well known that the two daughters are comparing each other.

At this time, there was already a Best Selling electronic mall in London, but I didn't expect the expansion to be so fast. Coming directly to Scotland, it seems that in business, I really need to learn from these families.

The British are still too conservative, mainly because the nobles can't let go of their identities, especially the royal family. In this way, it is strange that the country can develop. And doing things is too tricky, Bao Zixuan has decided on three projects in just half a month. If this is a British businessman, the preliminary investigation of the first project may not be completed.

The same is true for Best Selling Electronics Mall, although not as exaggerated as Heiyun Group. However, the efficiency of opening new malls is very high. The first mall in London has been opened for less than a year, and now three are in normal operation. Now it has entered Scotland, and it will be difficult for local British businessmen to succeed in this way.

The royal family does not need to rely on business to maintain a living, but what about the rest of the UK. I still have to have a good talk with my husband, Prince Charles. No matter whether you can hear it or not, you must also express your own meaning. This is the minimum duty of a British princess.

Princess Diana did not let Randy Pritzker bring Miss Rockefeller over, and went to visit in person, but it was a very face-saving behavior. When he came closer, he saw Zhang Youran chatting with Miss Rockefeller, and they were very compatible. Did they know each other before?

Randy Pritzker of course knew Zhang Youran, Princess Diana had already introduced the two of them before she came in. It was incredible to see Diana Rockefeller chatting with him. Could it be that the two have met before, but have not heard of it.

As for Bao Zixuan, it was naturally ignored. Because Bao's richest man and Rachel Morgan have had scandals, I am afraid the whole world knows. But no one like Diana Rockefeller really thinks about it. Mainly because the two are really nothing, even Bao Zixuan thinks so.

Whether Randy Pritzker is the owner or the oldest, I must introduce it to everyone. So he said with a smile: "So you know each other, but I don't need to introduce too much."

"This is Princess Di Anran, who has the same name as you!"

Then he said to Princess Diana: "This is Miss Rockefeller with the same name as you. This time I came to Scotland to do market research."

Diana Rockefeller considered herself a beauty, but in front of Princess Diana, she was really ashamed. The princess in front of her was stronger than her in both temperament and appearance. To know that the other party is a woman who has given birth to a child, it is not in itself an advantage. It's hard to imagine how high his appearance was at his peak.

Although the strength is not weaker than that of the British royal family, this place is after all in other people's territory. The face that should be given is still to be given, Diana Rockefeller said with a smile: "I have heard the name of the princess for a long time, but I have never been able to see it. It is my honor to have the same name as you, I hope you don't mind."

Miss Rockefeller was still very low-key, just because she wanted to overwhelm Zhang Youran with her aura. Now facing the British princess, and the woman who is likely to become the mother of the country, of course, she must be low-key.

Princess Diana said with a smile: "Miss Rockefeller is very welcome. Welcome to Scotland. You must be familiar with this place, so I won't introduce it too much."

"I just didn't expect you and Mrs. Bao to know each other for a long time, and I wanted to introduce you to you before!"

There is no doubt that Scotland is still nominally administered by the United Kingdom. Princess Diana was certainly qualified to represent Scotland, and there was nothing wrong with speaking like that. But the mention of Mrs. Bao made Diana Rockefeller very upset.

Just now, he has been weakening the fact that Zhang Youran is Mrs. Bao, and now it is mentioned by Princess Diana again.

But she couldn't turn her face with the princess, after all, she didn't know what the situation was.

Princess Diana's words made Zhang Youran very happy to hear it, and the title of Mrs. Bao must be determined. At least let the world know that she is the wife of Bao Zixuan, the richest man in Xiangjiang. It didn't feel so important before, but the appearance of Diana Rockefeller made her see a sense of crisis.

The husband is too good, and there will be many people who will miss him. Now see if you can conceive a child, otherwise it will be difficult for a long time.

Diana Rockefeller said with a smile: "It's the first time I met Miss Zhang, but I'm very familiar with Mr. Bao. We've known each other for a long time, and the two of us have collaborated on many projects."

"You may not know that Mr. Bao is a major shareholder of Best Selling and is also a co-founder. He just trusts me and doesn't usually participate in management."

"I thought Miss Zhang knew all about it, but I didn't expect that Mr. Bao didn't tell her. It seems that I am too talkative, and that man can't have any secrets."

Diane Rockefeller's words made the atmosphere of the scene weird. The women present were not stupid, how could such obvious provocative behavior not be seen. Many people have heard of Bao Zixuan's relationship with Miss Morgan. Is there something that outsiders don't know? At this time, Diana Rockefeller is like a resentful woman, and there must be a story between her and Bao Zixuan.

It seems that the world's No. 1 diamond Wang Laowu is indeed well-deserved, and he has captured the hearts of the two Morgan and Rockefeller families at the same time. This is simply unwilling to imagine, but it provides a lot of creative themes for film and television.

Such a **** rich and powerful plot, even a screenwriter with a big brain would not think about it in this regard.

Of course, Zhang Youran was not to be outdone. If he didn't say anything at this time, he would appear too weak. Others have bullied you, and if you don't fight back with such provocative behavior, then who will take you seriously in the future. So he smiled and said, "Leave some space for men; but it's crazy outside, as long as you can go home at night. Men don't work hard, why should we women do it?"

"Maybe Miss Rockefeller felt that women should have autonomy, but transitioning to autonomy means power. Maybe that's the life she wants, but men don't want women like that."

"The wife has to ask her husband's not particularly important partners, so she is too confident. The Black Cloud Group is too busy with so many businesses, and the daily accounts are dazzling. I still have time to pay attention to some small businesses. ."

Not particularly important partners, small business and other words are seriously insulting, at least Diana Rockefeller felt. Unexpectedly, the Xiangjiang woman in front of her is not useless, she knows how to fight back, and she is so sharp.

Diana and Randy Pritzker knew, seeing the two of them fighting each other; Gentle women can also become tough when it comes to family status.

And the eldest lady of the Rockefeller family made it clear that she was a provocateur. But neither Princess Diana nor Randy Pritzker can say After all, this is a private matter of the two, and the relationship is not yet familiar to this extent.

In addition, this is in the UK, as the host, the first thing to do is to entertain the guests.

The best way at the moment is to separate the two, because neither one can afford to offend.

The Rockefeller family is famous, how can it be easily offended. Bao Zixuan is investing heavily in the United Kingdom. If he offends him at this time, he is the sinner of the entire British Empire.

Princess Diana and the Marquise Dowclas exchanged glances, and immediately understood what the other meant.

The Marchioness said with a smile: "Mrs. Bao, this is the first time you have come to Drumland Rigo Castle. While the banquet has not yet started, I don't know how to show you around for some time. You can learn about this castle; At the same time, let the Douglas family do their best as landlords."

Obviously it is the behavior under the steps, and of course it cannot be rejected. And Zhang Youran knew that there would definitely be a battle later, so it would be better to think about how to deal with it in advance.