Reborn In The ’80s to Raise Cubs

Chapter 141

Pay tuition?

If Xu Zhao remembers correctly, this is the second time Xu Fan has gone to school. The first time was a year ago. He happily followed the children to sign up. He was driven back by the teacher because he had no money and cried a lot. In the field, Xu Zhao thought that this matter had been turned over, and as a result, he went to school with the children again today, and he was still holding a piggy bank.

What a love of learning.

Xu Zhao didn't have the time to shake his head. Xu Fan followed a group of children and ran away. Xu Zhao looked at Cui Dingchen.

Cui Dingchen pushed the bicycle and sighed: "Let's go, let's go and have a look."

Xu Zhao nodded.

The two walked behind the children towards Nanyang Village Primary School. Nanyang Village Primary School is located at the junction of Nanyang Village and Nanwan Village. It absorbs students from the two villages. It is called Nanyang Village Primary School instead of Nanwan Village Primary School. , Because before the establishment of Zhaoyang Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd., Nanyang Village has always been rich in Nanwan Village, so the name of Nanyang Village Primary School was taken above.

Some time ago, Xu Zhao and Cui Dingchen jointly persuaded a sum of money to give Nanyang Village Primary School. The principal wanted to change the name of the school at that time, but Xu Zhao and Cui Dingchen refused, saying that it is good to call Nanyang Village Primary School.

Today, with the support of Xu Zhao and Cui Dingchen, the teaching environment of Nanyang Village Primary School has been greatly improved. The preschool, grade 1 to grade 5 are all tile-roofed houses with complete desks and chairs. In the past, they had to move stools to school.

Xu Zhao and Cui Dingchen looked at the remodeled Nanyang Village Primary School with a sense of accomplishment. However, they did not immerse themselves in it, but followed the children towards the school, and then saw Xu Fan and Dazhuang running towards the preschool.

The other children were registered with their parents, but Xu Fan and Dazhuang came alone, lined up behind the two adults, and then crowded together in front of the preschool podium, looking at the head teacher and saying in unison, "Teacher, I want to go to school too!"

The head teacher was taken aback, and it is not surprising to see Xu Fan. After all, there is no one in Nanwan Village and Nanyang Village who does not know Xu Zhao, but Xu Fan is not old enough to go to preschool, right? However, the head teacher still asked kindly, "Where are your parents?"

Dazhuang didn't know what "parents" meant, so he turned to look at Xu Fan, who answered with experience, "Our parents are at home."

"Then why did you run here?"

Xu Fan was the first to answer: "I, let's go to school, and Dazhuang and I come to school."

The head teacher asked warmly, "Then did your parents agree?"

Xu Fan nodded and said in a milky voice, "Agreed."

"Then why didn't your parents come with you?"

"Because how long will it take me to send it?" Xu Fan patted the piggy bank in his arms and said, "I, I've brought tuition! How much money I'll make by sending it."

Bring, bring tuition fees - and send some money -

A group of people laughed.

Xu Fan and Dazhuang's expressions were very serious.

The head teacher was helpless and said, "But, you are not old enough, how old are you?"

Xu Fan replied, "I'm four years old."

Dazhuang followed up: "I am also four years old."

"You can't go to school at the age of four. You can only go to school at the age of six."

Xu Fan asked inexplicably, "Why?"

"Because four years old is still ignorant."

"I understand, I can write one, two, three, and I can recite poems."

Is there still preschool education these days? The head teacher asked in surprise, "You can still memorize poems?"


"Recite a song to the teacher."

Xu Fan scratched his little head with his fleshy little hands and said, "I know how to back, back—one to two or three miles, four or five homes in Yancun. There are six or seven pavilions and ten flowers. I will also Back - The grass on the Lili Plain, withering once every year. Wildfires can't be burnt out, but the spring breeze blows and grows again. Far Fang invades the ancient road, Qingcui connects the deserted city.

Xu Fan's voice was immature and his milky voice was strong. Although his words were unclear, his words were correct, and he had a different flavor. Not to mention the head teacher was amazed, even the parents who were onlookers were extremely surprised.

Xu Zhao and Cui Dingchen, who had just arrived, just happened to see this scene.

Cui Dingchen turned to look at Xu Zhao.

Xu Zhao smiled and said, "He can carry more."

Cui Dingchen asked, "Then let him go to school?"

Xu Zhao thought for a while and said, "Whatever you want, you can go to school, if you don't want to, don't go to school. Anyway, when you go to school, don't you always skip grades?"

Cui Dingchen nodded.

Then, when the head teacher's eyes came over, Xu Zhaochong nodded to the head teacher, and then the head teacher would meet at will, pick up a pen, and ask, "What's your school name?"

Dazhuang answered first: "My name is Dazhuang."

The head teacher said, "This is your nickname, what is your real name?"

Dazhuang replied, "His name is Li Dazhuang."

The head teacher looked at Xu Fan and asked, "How about you?"

Big name? Does the name have more characters? Xu Fan immediately understood and said, "My real name is Xu Sanwazi!"

Xu Sanwazi——

Xu Zhao didn't see Xu Fan anymore, did he really think "Xu Sanwazi" sounded better?

Cui Dingchen pressed his eyebrows.

The head teacher unceremoniously wrote the words "Xu Sanwazi" on the class book, and then sent a big red flower to Xu Fan and Dazhuang. The two children came out of the classroom happily and saw Xu Zhao and Cui Dingchen very happy. Show off big red flowers.

Cui Dingchen asked, "Xu Sanwazi? Do you really want to go to school?"

Xu Fan nodded.

"But you don't even have a school bag."

"Buy it." Xu Fan said.

Cui Dingchen asked, "Are you rich?"

Xu Fan raised his little fleshy face and said, "You have wow, you can give it to me, and I will pay you back when I grow up."

Cui Dingchen smiled.

Immediately asked the villagers of Nanwan Village to bring a message back to Nanwan Village, and then they went to the county town with Xu Zhao, Xu Fan and Dazhuang, and bought schoolbags, notebooks, pencils, erasers, and red scarves for them. Back to South Bay Village.

As soon as he arrived at Nanwan Village, Xu Fan wore a red scarf and walked around the village. When he saw people, he said he was going to school. He was very embarrassed. - Xu Sanwazi.

"Dad, I'm not called Xu Sanwazi anymore." As it was written, Xu Fan suddenly turned his head and said to Cui Dingchen.

Cui Dingchen asked, "Why?"

"Because it's too long to write wow."

"Then what's your name?"

"My name is Sanwazi."

"You don't have a last name?"

"My surname is Sanwa."

Cui Dingchen jumped twice in the sun, and tried to communicate with Xu Fan in the way of Xu Zhao, that is, not to reason with the child, to give the child multiple choice questions, and to ask whether Xu Fan's surname was Xu or Cui, and his name was Xu Sanwazi. Still called Cui Sanwazi, Xu Fan decided to choose Xu Sanwazi, because "Cui" is more difficult to write, and Cui Sanwazi is so ugly.

"Is it ugly?" Cui Dingchen asked.

Xu Fan said, "It doesn't sound good."

"But your surname is Cui."

"My surname is not Cui, but my surname is Xu."

"Okay, do as you like."

Cui Dingchen ignored Xu Fan and went to find Xu Zhao.

The next day was Xu Fan's first day of school. Early in the morning, Xu Fan excitedly carried a small schoolbag. He didn't need Xu Zhao and Cui Dingchen to send them, and ran to Nanyang Village Primary School with the older children.

Xu's father and Xu's mother were very reluctant to give up, thinking that Xu Fan could go to school two years later. Cui Dingchen listened to the words and persuaded the second old man to say that Xu Fan was just a fun-loving person, and he would come back after two days of playing. At most, Xu Fan would definitely not want to go to school.

But Cui Dingchen was slapped in the face. Although the preschool class in Nanwan Village does not need to go to class when it rains, does not need to go to class when it is windy, does not need to go to class when it snows, and does not need to go to class when it is windy, there are only four classes a day, all four classes are for fun, but Xu As if finding an organization, he goes to school happily every day.

I went to school for three full days, and I was still excited to go to school.

Xu Zhao couldn't help but ask Cui Dingchen, "Didn't you say that he won't be there in two days?"

Cui Dingchen was speechless.

Xu Zhao added: "He is very similar to you."

Cui Dingchen was speechless.

Xu Zhao smiled, turned to look at the sky, and then said to Cui Dingchen, "Let's go to the county seat?"

Cui Dingchen nodded.

Then Cui Dingchen rode a bicycle and drove Xu Zhao to the county seat. He couldn't help but turned a corner and went to Nanyang Village Primary School. However, the two did not enter the school, but went around the back of the preschool classroom, and walked towards the classroom from the window. Look, I saw the head teacher patiently teaching Pinyin on the podium.

The children in the classroom, some listened carefully to the class, some were talking in a low voice, and some were playing with folding planes. Xu Zhao and Cui Dingchen glanced around the classroom, but did not see Xu Fan, and swept around again. Finally saw Xu Fan.

Xu Fan was sitting in front of the desk with his little head almost buried in the hole in the desk. Little by little, Xu Zhao and Cui Dingchen were very puzzled about what Xu Fan was doing, and when they looked down, he was, was - eating corn on the cob!

Eat corn!

Xu Zhao suddenly remembered that Xu Fan was in a hurry to go to school in the morning, but the corn had just been cooked. Mother Xu was afraid that Xu Fan would be hungry, so she stuffed a piece of corn for Xu Fan to eat on the way. Unexpectedly....

"Xu Sanwazi!" At this moment, the head teacher called Xu Fan.

Xu Fan raised his little face. The fleshy little face was covered with corn kernels. He stood up in a daze, and the little meat hand wiped a small mouth and wiped off half of the corn kernels.

The head teacher asked, "Do you know I'm in class?"

Xu Fan replied, "I know."

The head teacher asked with a serious expression, "Do you know what class I'm taking?"

Xu Fan replied earnestly, "Ah, goose coat mullet."

"Then what is the three plus two I said last class?"

"Equal to five."

"..." That's right, the youngest, but the fastest learner, the head teacher doesn't know what to say, but if he doesn't teach Xu Fan, he feels that he can't manage the students. In this era, there is no saying that heavy corporal punishment is not allowed, so The head teacher ordered Xu Fan to stand at the door of the classroom.

Xu Zhao and Cui Dingchen thought that Xu Fan was going to cry, so they quickly bypassed the preschool classroom and came to the school gate. From a distance, they saw Xu Fan standing at the entrance of the preschool class, and the little meat hand squeezed the corn kernels on his face and squeezed one into the small mouth. Stuff one in, squeeze another, stuff another, and eat it with gusto.

Cui Dingchen looked at Xu Zhao speechlessly.

Xu Zhao said blankly: "This is not my son, this is definitely not my son, I have never been so shameless."

Cui Dingchen: "..."

The author has something to say:

Author: Sanwazi, did you come to school to eat corn on the cob?

Xu Fan: No.

Author: Then why do you eat it?

Xu Fan: I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I have to eat. How can I go to class without eating?

Author: = mouth =!