Reborn In The ’80s to Raise Cubs

Chapter 15

"Who?" Xu Zhao asked.

"I, Cui Qingfeng." Cui Qingfeng's voice sounded outside the door.

"Ah, Qingfeng, what's the matter?"

"Your father is in the hospital!"

Your dad is in the hospital?

your dad?


Is it Father Xu?

Xu Zhao reacted slowly, jumped off the bed, opened the wooden door of the hut, saw Cui Qingfeng standing at the door, hurriedly confirmed it, and asked, "My dad is hospitalized?"

"Yeah." Cui Qingfeng nodded slightly panting.

Xu Zhao asked again, "How did you know that?"

Cui Qingfeng replied: "I met your mother at the intersection, she told me."

"When did it happen?"

"Fifteen minutes ago, I met your two brothers on the road and told them about it. They are going to the hospital now."

"Which hospital?" Xu Zhao asked anxiously.

"County Central Hospital."

"Okay, I'll go take a look now."

Walking into the hut again, Xu Zhao put on his clothes three times, washed his face and brushed his teeth quickly, pulled Xu Fan out of the bed, put on new clothes, put on small shoes, took out the hut, locked the wooden door, and put him on the bicycle. On the front bumper, he and Cui Qingfeng rode a bicycle to the county seat and then split lanes.

Cui Qingfeng went home to make popsicles.

Xu Zhao took Xu Fan to the county central hospital, and only when he got to the hospital entrance, he saw Xu Zuocheng and Xu Youcheng who came out in a hurry. He discussed loudly about Xu's father's condition, which was a stroke.


Xu Zhao was taken aback. Stroke is a disease that mostly occurs in the elderly. The worst is fatal, the second is paralysis, and the least is stiff limbs and language barriers. But no matter what, Father Xu will never live without him. Medicine, this is a lot of income for any ordinary family, but the Xu family has a lot of labor and can actually afford it, but Xu Zuocheng and Xu Youcheng don't seem to think so.

"I don't support him!" Xu Zuocheng said.

"Who is raising it?" Xu Youcheng asked.

"Whoever you love, it doesn't matter anyway."

"I don't care either."

Xu Zuocheng paused for a moment and said, "Youcheng, our father had a stroke because he was harvesting wheat for Uncle Xu Zhao. Is it reasonable to ask Uncle Xu Zhao to be responsible? But Xu Zhao's mother was unwilling, and mentioned that he saved us in the 1960s. If she is dead, she just doesn't want Uncle Xu Zhao to pay for food, so why let us both support it, our two families can't eat anymore, and now your sister-in-law is pregnant again, I won't support it anyway."

Xu Youcheng then said, "I don't raise it either. That woman is Xu Zhao's mother, not the mother of the two of us. Our mother died long ago!"

Our mother died long ago—

Xu Zhao sucked in a breath of cold air, so it was!

It turns out that Xu Zhao, Xu Zuocheng and Xu Youcheng are half-brothers. No wonder, no wonder the two brothers dislike Xu Zhao together. Poor Yuan Xu Zhao didn't know that. It is estimated that Xu's father and mother wanted Yuan Xu Zhao to be treated as a compatriot. Xu Zuocheng and Xu Youcheng, but Xu Zuocheng and Xu Youcheng didn't think so. They always treated Xu Zhao as an outsider and treated Xu Zhao harshly, even turning a blind eye to Xu's mother's goodness to them.

So Father Xu had a stroke this time, and the two quickly got rid of the matter.

After the discussion, Xu Zuocheng and Xu Youcheng still didn't find Xu Zhao, but decided not to go to the hospital, turned around and left, and just left.

"Xu Zhao." Someone called Xu Zhao at this time.

Xu Zhao looked over in response and saw a woman standing at the door. He recognized Xu's mother at once.

Mother Xu is a thin woman, neither tall nor short. Like most women in rural areas, her skin is dark and her face is full of wrinkles that cannot be hidden. Even so, it can still be seen that when Mother Xu was young, she was a big girl. Beauty, but now her face is haggard and sad.

"Grandma." Xu Fan shouted happily while sitting on the front bar of the bicycle.

Mother Xu forced a smile on her face: "Sanwazi."


Xu Zhao took Xu Fan off the bicycle.

Xu Fan immediately ran towards Mother Xu with his short legs.

Mother Xu hugged Xu Fan, then took Xu Fan's little hand, looked at Xu Zhao and asked, "Your elder brother and second elder brother are gone?"

Xu Zhao said, "Let's go."

Mother Xu looked sad.

Xu Zhao asked, "Mom, what happened to Dad?"

Mother Xu lowered her head and said, "Let's go to the ward and talk."

Xu Zhao parked the bicycle in the hospital, locked it with a chain, followed his mother and Xu Fan to the ward, and saw his father lying on the hospital bed. Her eyes were slanted. Mother Xu said that she was cutting wheat and suddenly fell to the ground. At that time, her mouth was crooked, her eyes were crooked, and she could not speak clearly. After she was brought to the hospital, the hospital said yes stroke.

"What else did the doctor say?" Xu Zhao asked.

Mother Xu paused and said, "Tell, say that after your dad wakes up, he might be paralyzed."

Xu Zhao was horrified, paralyzed, paralyzed - no wonder Xu Zuocheng and Xu Youcheng avoided it, unless a family like Cui Qingfeng had an economic backing like Cui Qingfeng's uncle, so Cui's father was sick in bed and had no life pressure, but Father Cui's illness in bed is temporary, and he can live a normal life after the operation is successful.

However, Father Xu is not. How can Father Xu be paralyzed, that is, he will be paralyzed in bed all his life, and people in normal families can't bear it.

"Xu Zhao." Seeing that Xu Zhao didn't say a word, Mother Xu called out again, "Xu Zhao."

Xu Zhao looked at Xu's mother.

Mother Xu sat on the stool in front of the hospital bed, wrapped her arms around Xu Fan who was standing beside her, pondered for a while, and said, "Do you feel like your eldest brother and second brother feel that we are a burden and plan to leave us here. "

"No, Mom—"

"Don't worry, I won't let you burden your father." Xu's mother interrupted Xu Zhao. She was already heartbroken by the unrequited love of her two adopted sons. If there is a family, then she must not be able to bear it anymore, she said sadly: "I saved some money in my own hand, it was originally for you to go to school, but you can't go to school, enough for your father to be hospitalized for two days. After leaving the hospital, I will take care of your father whether he is lame or paralyzed. If you have money to buy medicine, you will not take it if you have no money. One day is another day. It's just that I can't help you take care of Sanwazi in the future. You have to work harder yourself."

Hearing these words, Xu Zhao felt uncomfortable and shouted, "Mom—"

"Okay, don't talk about it, you can go back first, there's nothing to do here, I'll just watch your dad."


"Go back and bring Sanwazi. I think he has prickly heat. Don't heat him." Mother Xu touched Xu Fan's head and said, "Sanwazi, go and take your father home."

"Grandma, when are you going home?" Xu Fan asked with a small face.

Mother Xu reluctantly smiled and said, "Grandma will go home in two days, and Sanwazi will go home first."

"Then I'll wait for my grandparents at home."

"Three children are really good."

Then Xu Fan stretched out his small hand, took Xu Zhao's big hand, and said, "Dad, let's go."

Xu Zhao felt a mess in his heart. He followed Xu Fan out of the hospital and instantly entered the hot sun, feeling the heat from all directions.

"It's so hot." Xu Fan said.

Xu Zhao instantly thought of the prickly heat on Xu Fan's body, and immediately pulled Xu Fan to the shade of the tree, then sat on the stone under the shade of the roadside, watching the pedestrians and bicycles coming and going, feeling a little dazed, he was a man in his last life. The orphan did not know or understand family affection, but just now he knew that Xu Zuocheng and Xu Youcheng threw away Father Xu like a burden.

What about him?

Will he also throw away Xu's father and Xu's mother?

What should he do?

"Dad!" Xu Fan shouted.

Xu Zhao looked at Xu Fan and called out, "Xu Fan."

"Dad, what's the matter?"

Xu Zhao asked, "Do you like your grandparents?"

Xu Fan replied, "I like it."

"Do you want to live with your grandparents all the time?"


"Want to eat a lot of meat, or want to be with grandparents?"

"With grandparents."


"Because my grandparents don't eat meat, my grandparents gave me a lot of meat to eat."

Because grandparents don't eat meat—

My grandparents always gave me a lot of meat to eat—

Even Xu Fan understood such a simple truth, but Xu Zuocheng and Xu Youcheng didn't. Xu Zhao immediately made a decision. This decision would make his life more difficult, but it made him feel very relaxed and warm, but he couldn't care less about it. , or deal with Cui Qingfeng first.

He took Xu Fan to Cui Qingfeng's house, helped Cui Qing make the popsicles, and asked directly, "What happened?"

Cui Qingfeng was at a loss when asked, and asked, "What?"

Xu Zhao asked, "Why did you meet my mother at the intersection of Nanwan Village in the morning?"

"It's just a coincidence."

"I mean, what are you doing at the intersection of Nanwan Village?"

"I, I—" Cui Qingfeng's face instantly became unnatural.

"Are you hiding something from me?" Xu Zhao asked.


"to be honest."

Cui Qingfeng really convinced Xu Zhao, and he could see even this clue, Cui Qingfeng no longer concealed it, and said embarrassingly: "The street office will not let us sell popsicles at the intersection, and it is said that the impact is not good, and we will sell it again. fine."

When he got this news early in the morning, his first reaction was to tell Xu Zhao and discuss it with Xu Zhao, so he borrowed a bicycle and came to the intersection of Nanwan Village. It will be annoying, so I decided to solve it myself, although there is no way, but you can think about it slowly.

"Reported?" Xu Zhao asked with a frown.

"Well, someone jealous that we made money."

"This is a routine operation. Don't worry. When I deal with my dad, I will deal with the intersection. We will definitely continue to sell popsicles at the intersection." Xu Zhao is to appease Cui Qingfeng, but in fact I don't know what to do.

"Okay, you'll be busy first, and I'll be active myself." Actually, Cui Qingfeng wasn't sure at all.


While talking, the popsicles had already been made. Xu Zhao and Cui Qingfeng hurriedly packed them and sent 500 sticks to the steel mill. Cui Qingfeng borrowed a neighbor's bicycle to sell popsicles.

Xu Zhao borrowed Cui Qingfeng's straw hat and put it on Xu Fan's head. Then he rode a bicycle against the sun and returned to Nanwan Village. He acted according to his own decision and took Xu Fan into Xu's house. For the first time, I walked straight into the main hall of Xu's house, looking at a small clock in the center of the table, raised my voice without looking sideways, and said, "Xu Zuocheng, Xu Youcheng, come out!"