Reborn In The ’80s to Raise Cubs

Chapter 32

Cui Dingchen said in a low voice, "Come to me in five days."

Xu Zhao didn't understand Cui Dingchen's words for a while, and a look of doubt appeared on his face.

Upon seeing this, Cui Dingchen said, "Let's go to the city together."

Xu Zhao was stunned, and then asked, "Uncle, aren't you busy?"

Cui Dingchen paused and said, "I'll be going to the city in five days."

"That's great, thank you uncle."

Cui Dingchen gave a light hum, and started the car again to leave.

Xu Zhao was in a good mood and looked down at Xu Fan. Xu Fan was holding a toy car in his small arms and looked at the black car with envy and longing. The look of "I really want to ride in a big car" is really impressive. distressed.

Xu Zhao couldn't help but hug Xu Fan, looked at Xu Fan, and shouted, "Xu Fan."

Xu Fan looked at Xu Zhao and shouted, "Dad."

Xu Zhao touched Xu Fan's little face and said, "Five days later, Dad will take you in a big car, okay?"

Xu Fan's watery eyes instantly lit up and asked, "Really?"

Xu Zhao nodded: "Of course it's true."

Xu Fan asked in a milky voice, "Is it the big car of the second master Cui?"


"Then, then, when will you sit down?" Xu Fan asked.

Xu Zhao smiled and said, "Didn't you just say it? It's five days later, five days later, okay?"

Xu Fan said obediently, "Wow."

The little milk voice is really nice.

Xu Zhao fondly kissed Xu Fan's tender little face and said, "Then, let's go back to the restaurant to eat roast duck first."

Xu Fan happily repeated Xu Zhao's words: "Go back to the restaurant and eat roast duck!"

The roast duck was bought by Cui Dingchen. It was big, with crispy skin and thick meat. It was oily. The two pieces of oil paper wrapped in it were soaked, which made Mother Xu, who had always been saving, distressed. She felt that the wasted oil was used for cooking. Can be used for a full two days.

However, Mother Xu didn't save today, saying that it was hot, and this kind of cooked duck couldn't be kept for a long time, so the family ate the most of the roast duck with mixed noodles, and ate the rest of the duck until the evening. This is the first time the family has eaten such delicious and so much meat.

After eating, Xu Fan seemed unsatisfied, licking his fleshy little fingers.

"Xu Fan." Xu Zhao shouted.

Xu Fan raised his watery eyes and looked at Xu Zhao with a grin. He immediately stretched out his two little hands and said, "Dad, take a shower."

Xu Zhao took Xu Fan's little fleshy hands, squatted by the basin, and washed his pancreas. After washing, Xu Zhao went to Cui's house to make my afternoon popsicles.

Xu Fan stayed at Fan Xiaodian, saying that he helped sell popsicles. In fact, he was playing with the children nearby, playing with glass balls, water guns, and rolling steel rings. He was too young, and no one would take him to play with him. Just followed the blind run, and the running was fun. With the "red bus", he successfully entered the circle of four or five-year-old children and played with people.

When he returned home in the evening, Xu Fan ran back to Nanwan Village to play with Dazhuang, still holding the toy car, and then the five-year-old Xu Erwazi snatched the toy car.

Xu Fan and Dazhuang were not easy to provoke. They bit Xu Erwa together. Xu Erwa went back crying and complained. After a while, Xu Youcheng ran over to make a scene. Although Xu Youcheng and his son did not get any benefit, they saw the chef. Half a roast duck on the chopping board in the house, and half a bowl of pork belly with vegetables.

Xu Youcheng returned to the tiled house and told Xu Zuocheng about it.

"Do they really eat roast duck and meat?" Xu Zuocheng asked.

"I can see it clearly!" Xu Youcheng said seriously: "The child in Sanwazi has toys. Think about the two slingshots of our eldest baby and the second baby, and we have to fix it ourselves, and nothing else. , just Sanwazi... Look at the fat people now, they must eat meat every day, otherwise how can they catch up with the big baby and the second baby. "

"Where do they get the money to eat meat?" Xu Zuocheng asked.

"That woman is rich!" The woman Xu Youcheng said was referring to Xu's mother.

"Where did she get the money?" Xu Zuocheng asked.

Xu Youcheng said firmly: "Why don't you have any money? You don't have the money to go to Xu Zhao to go to secondary school? It must have been saved over the years. She is usually reluctant to eat and wear, and she treats us harshly, even subsidizing her own son!"

Xu Zuocheng looked at Xu Youcheng thoughtfully.

Xu Youcheng added: "Brother, the eldest child will be eight years old soon, and he can start the first grade. The tuition fee should be two or three yuan. There are also books, notebooks, pens, and miscellaneous fees. Dad did not provide for us to go to school. Baby, let's go to school, don't let your heart grow too far!"

Xu Zuocheng hesitated and said, "But Dad is sick..."

"Isn't Dad okay? Besides, the woman will hold the money, so of course the woman will take the money to treat Dad. It's not that we are not filial, it's because we don't have any money! Who doesn't want to be treated with money? , isn't it? If you have money, you have to help each other, right? It's obvious that Dad and the others have money in their hands. Why do they only care about the third child and don't want the big two? Grandpa and grandma pay, otherwise your wife and my daughter-in-law will have a second child!"

Xu Zuocheng fell into thought again.

Xu Youcheng asked, "Brother, do you think I'm right?"

Xu Zuocheng returned to his senses and said, "Yes."

"Then we'll go and ask them for money."

"Have a plan."

"What's the plan?"

"Xu Zhao is different now, so he can't mess around."

When Xu Zuocheng and Xu Youcheng were discussing how to deal with Xu Zhao, Xu Zhao was washing his own and Xu Fan's clothes. He also wanted to wash Xu's father and Xu's mother, but Xu's father and Xu's mother were unwilling to say anything.

So Xu Zhao only washed his own and Xu Fan's clothes, and then Xu Zhao wore the big pants made by Xu's mother and sat under the kerosene lamp to settle accounts, write a summary, and plan each next step.

Writing and writing, Xu Fan, who was wearing a bellyband, bare butt, and slippers, came over, scratching his little **** with his little hand, and shouted in a milky voice, "Dad."

"What?" Xu Zhao responded without raising his head.

"Mosquito bites me."

"Where did you bite?"

"Mosquito bites my ass."

"Come and see."

Xu Fan took two steps forward and showed Xu Zhao his butt.

With the light of the kerosene lamp, I really saw two red bumps on the right half of Xu Fan's tender butt.

"Is it itchy?" Xu Zhao asked.

"Itching." Xu Fan scratched his **** with his small hands again.

"I'll scratch it for you, okay, let's go, we've wiped out the mosquitoes on the mosquito net, and you can go to sleep."


When the mosquitoes were wiped out, Xu Zhao was also sleepy and fell asleep with his arms around Xu Fan.

The next morning, the family took lunch to Fan Xiaodian to see the store. When they had lunch, because the weather was hot, they didn’t feel that the cold lunch was inappropriate, but if it was cold, they would eat cold rice. , it's definitely not good, especially for Father Xu's body.

Xu Zhao had another plan to buy pots and pans in the county town, but now that he has no money, the plan is just a plan, so he should pass the Mid-Autumn Festival first.

Soon, on the day agreed with Xizhou Food Factory, Xu Zhao still remembered Cui Dingchen's words, so he came to Cui's house with Xu Fan, and first found Cui Qingfeng. Follow to the east of Xizhou City.

Xu Zhao had to bring Xu Fan to Cui Dingchen.

Cui Dingchen looked at the fat Xu Fan who was holding the toy car, then looked at Xu Zhao, and asked suspiciously, "Is he going too?"

Xu Zhao said embarrassedly, "Well, let him take the car."

Cui Dingchen asked again, "Who took him?"

Xu Zhao said, "I will bring it."

Cui Dingchen said nothing and opened the door to let Xu Zhao and Xu Fan get in the car.

Xu Zhao sat in the car first, then reached out to Xu Fan outside the car and said, "Xu Fan, come here."

It felt unbelievable that the dream had come true. Xu Fan was dumbfounded before he was carried into the car by Xu Zhao. Once he got into the car, Xu Fan was not as crazy as before, but sat quietly in the car. In the seat, he looked left and right in a gentle manner. The slight noise when the car started made him startled, and he looked at the center console blankly. When the car started, he fell backward unsteadily. a bit.

"Ouch." Xu Zhao quickly supported Xu Fan and asked with a smile, "What's wrong? Haven't you always wanted to take a big bus? Why are you unhappy when you get there? Don't you want to sit?"

Xu Fan didn't look back, looked out the window, and looked at the crowd of houses passing by, as if he had the feeling of riding in a big car at this time, and suddenly said loudly, "Dad! Look! Run fast!"

"Yes, do you like it?" Xu Zhao asked.

"I like it." Xu Fan finally came back to his senses. The love and enthusiasm for cars came back all of a sudden. He couldn't sit still. He looked at the window on the left for a while, and then leaned on Xu Zhao's body and looked at the car on the right. The window, and finally lying in front of the left window, pointing out and shouting: "Dad! Look! Dad! Look!"

"What's wrong?" Xu Zhao leaned over and asked.

"Cow! Calf!" Xu Fan said with his little finger pointing to a cow outside the window.

"Well, it's a calf."

"And sheep, baa."


"Wow, big house! Dad! Big house!"

"It's a big house with three floors."

"Ah, Dad! So many people!"



Along the way, Xu Fan never stopped.

Xu Zhao always took care of Xu Fan, and tried to keep Xu Fan's voice quieter, so as not to disturb Cui Dingchen.

On the other hand, Cui Dingchen drove the car attentively, but only glanced at Xu Zhao in the rearview mirror from time to time, his handsome face was always tense, and he drove to the door of the Xizhou Food Factory.

Xu Zhao took Xu Fan out of the car and was about to walk into the Xizhou Food Factory when the guard stopped him, saying that children could not enter.

No matter what, Xu Zhao had no choice but to put Xu Fan beside Cui Dingchen, that is, in the passenger seat. Knowing that Cui Dingchen did not like children, Xu Zhao repeatedly assured Cui Dingchen that twenty minutes, no, fifteen minutes, In fifteen minutes at most, he must come out of the factory and take Xu Fan.

Cui Dingchen nodded unhappily.

Xu Zhao quickly entered the food factory.

Xu Fan sat in front of the passenger seat with the toy car in his arms. After watching his father disappear, his eyes turned to Cui Dingchen.

Cui Dingchen also looked at Xu Fan.

The air suddenly quieted down.

Cui Dingchen didn't speak, but he was actually quite embarrassed. He looked up and down the fat boy in front of him, Xu Fan. This was the first time he saw the child up close and communicated with the child.

It was also the first time for Xu Fan to be alone with Cui Dingchen. He wrapped his small arms tightly around the toy car, noticed Cui Dingchen's gaze, and suddenly said, "You have a big car, this, this, this is my big car, I Dad bought it, not for you to play!"

Cui Dingchen: "..."