Reborn Just To Be a Big Shot Family Freeloader

Chapter 111: Festival is too bullying monkeys!

   Chapter 111 Too bullying monkeys!

For a time, the knife light was like a shadow, and the speed and technique were dazzling. While processing the ingredients, he also explained to Wu Zhangshi, what is the lion head pork belly, you can't directly dice it, you have to pat and beat the meat tendons first, let the meat diced It is naturally formed into a ball, and the broth must also be flavorful. The fish with pickled cabbage should not be biting, and the thickness should be moderate. The work of cooking dried shreds is only in the broth.

   It is said that it is too late to make the soup stock, but Brother Monkey also has a way. He uses the real spiritual energy to process the ingredients, which not only speeds up the speed of the soup stew, but also the taste is by no means comparable to that of the ordinary stove.

  It took less than half an hour, and he had already made the clear soup lion head, braised lion head, boiled dried silk, Pingqiao tofu soup, and pickled fish.

   Looking at the delicious dishes in front of him, Shopkeeper Wu was only surprised.

  I haven't tasted it yet, so I don't know how it tastes, but just by looking at the appearance and aroma, he knows it shouldn't be bad.

   Brother Monkey pointed to a few dishes, and said to Shopkeeper Wu and the chefs who were watching around in the back kitchen: "Let's try them all."

   The chefs were delighted to see the hunter. This young man's knife skills are real skills, at least they really can't compare. This is what handles the broth. Then they wouldn't be able to come. If they didn't know that this young man was a ruthless man who would beat even the children of the powerful, he probably wouldn't look down on the profession of a chef. They were all afraid that this kid was here to grab a job.

   Shopkeeper Wu raised his chopsticks without saying a word.

   Big boiled dried shredded garnishes are fragrant, tender and delicious, the soup is bright, the dried shreds are as white as jade, and the taste is fragrant and delicious.

  The clear soup lion head is fragrant and soft, fat but not greasy. Braised lion head is fragrant and enticing. The combination of the mellow meat and the juice is absolutely top-notch.

  Pingqiao tofu is tender, fragrant and smooth, and tastes fresh and salty, making it a real delicious soup!

   As for the pickled fish, shopkeeper Wu also praised it, it is sour and appetizing, extremely delicious, it is definitely a next meal.

   Brother Monkey said, his family Xiaoxun said that this pickled fish was once the pioneer dish of other people's cuisines. If it didn't have any advantages, it wouldn't be popular. It's a pity that there is no chili pepper that Xiaoxun said, and it has lost a lot of color.

   But at the moment, it is absolutely amazing enough.

   Anyway, everyone in their family likes it.

   Shopkeeper Wu, Chef in charge and the rest of the kitchen are flying chopsticks, and they will see the bottom of the plate from time to time.

   Brother Monkey smiled and asked, "How?"

   The chef in charge gave a thumbs up and decisively liked: "It's delicious."

   Shopkeeper Wu also kept nodding his head: "It's really amazing, I never thought that the little hero is very good at martial arts, and he is also very good at cooking."

Brother Monkey laughed, took out the recipe from the purse that Sister Lin had embroidered for him and handed it to Shopkeeper Wu: "These recipes have been given to you, how to deal with the ingredients, your chef has seen them just now. It's a little delicate. The requirements are listed in the recipe, and it will be successful if the chef tries a few times.”

   Family recipes are not easily spread.

He got a few recipes all at once. Manager Wu felt that the so-called back-protection last time was just a little effort, and it was not worth the price. When people said they wanted to repay, they really repaid. He didn't think he could calm down. Next.

After pondering for a while, Wu Zhang said: "It's not good to be a little hero in vain, but these dishes are indeed top-level dishes. I am waiting for a restaurant. The most important thing is the dishes. This is the foundation of the restaurant's foothold. If you are willing to give up, it is better for the little hero to put forward a condition, as long as Zhiweilou can do it, he will never refuse."

Brother Monkey shook his head: "I said that these dishes will be delivered, so there is no reason to negotiate the conditions. I have more than these dishes here, there are also more delicious dishes than these. Do you want it? If you want, don't say it. What are the conditions, you can buy it with real money. Taking these dishes as the standard, how much silver do you think a recipe is worth?"

Zhiweilou does not dare to say that it is worth the money every day, but the profit for one year is definitely an astonishing figure. With these dishes, the reputation of Zhiweilou can definitely be improved to a higher level. Shopkeeper Wu pondered for a while, Within the scope of his power, he gave the highest price: "Five hundred taels for a piece of silver, what does the little hero think? In fact, I can make the decision and give the little hero 10% of the profit. In my opinion, the little hero sits and receives Dividends are more cost-effective than selling recipes alone.”

   A buyout at a price, of course, is no better than a long-running dry stock.

   Brother Monkey does not intend to have a more complicated relationship with Zhiweilou.

   Zhiwei Building can stand on the first floor in Linjiang, who knows which dignitaries are involved? Might as well just take the silver cheap.

  500 taels of silver might seem like a lot, but Zhiweilou is not only opened in Linjiang County, the entire Qingze Prefecture, Zhiweilou is spread all over the city, how much profit can these dishes bring to Zhiweilou? At this price, Zhiweilou is definitely not a loss. What's more, if it is said to be ten dishes, it is actually fifteen dishes.

   Brother Monkey shook his head: "Five hundred taels of silver, I'll sell you ten dishes. The recipe is very detailed, you can ask the chef Fu to try it a few times."

A total of 5,000 taels of silver, the shopkeeper Wu asked someone to immediately go to the account room to get a bank note. This is almost all the money in the account of Zhiwei Building. Fortunately, the account for last month has not been paid, or else it will be paid in a while. I really can't come up with so many banknotes.

   Brother Monkey was holding a thick stack of silver bills of one hundred taels, and his heart was full of sighs.

  He hunted hard in the mountains for two months, and it was only one-tenth of the value of the recipe that Xiaoxun and Xiaowu said.

  Too bullying monkeys!

   So the coolie is really worthless!

  Knowledge is power and money!

   My great sage must study hard!

   Turning around and thinking, that's not right, didn't I also make money fighting? At least tens of thousands of taels, it's not so worthless, right?

   Then I think about it again, it's not right, I fight very hard, but Xiao Xun and Xiao Wu just sit there and use their minds and mouths, so knowledge is more valuable?

   Forget it, too lazy to think about it, Brother Monkey thinks it's cool to have money in hand, thinking about too many dead brain cells! No need!

  Anyway, learning is about learning. If you don’t learn, there is no hope for the double first-class mother, and she will really beat the monkeys.

   Brother Monkey happily took the silver note and said goodbye. Shopkeeper Wu warmly sent him into the box and asked about the ingredients. He had never seen the sauerkraut and dried tofu.

Brother Monkey smiled and said: "Dried bean curd and sauerkraut are the specialties of our Yanjia Village. You can't sell them outside. You can go to our Yanjia Village to buy them. But there are not so many sauerkraut. Yes, it will take some time, about half a month, dried tofu can be ordered at any time. In terms of pork, there are many pigs raised in our Yanjia Village, and most of them have not grown up now. After half a year, one pig a day is not a problem, and the pork outside , the taste is different! Don't worry, it's all cheap stuff."

   Shopkeeper Wu thought, co-authoring is waiting for me here, no wonder he recommends the recipe so enthusiastically.

   Shopkeeper Wu asked who to buy, and then sent the person to the box to return.

   Brother Monkey entered the box and handed the silver note to Lingsu: "Ha, sold ten dishes, five thousand taels!"

   (end of this chapter)