Reborn Just To Be a Big Shot Family Freeloader

Chapter 386: Festival Admissions

  Chapter 386 Admission

  Panda baby Yan Mobai was unaware of the surprised look in the family's eyes, and still nibbled at her purple bamboo shoots calmly.

   Fortunately, Qixun had transplanted a batch of purple bamboo in his own space, and then let Lingyu spawn some, otherwise, it would not be able to supply this little guy's daily consumption.

   However, it is clear that she is not satisfied with the purple bamboo shoots spawned by Lingyu. Fortunately, in addition to purple bamboo shoots, there are tender bamboo branches and leaves, and some fruits are also within her edible range. She also seems to be particularly satisfied with apples and bananas.

Later, Brother Monkey had an idea and gave her some purple jade rat meat. This guy seemed to have suddenly found the first food in his life. , just "ton ton ton ton" walking over her short legs and running over happily to be cute.

  To the point of death, Brother Monkey, the front plush, seems to have found the fun of plush all of a sudden, and is very keen to feed her. One person and one treasure get along quite happily.

   In this regard, Xiaobaihu was very angry and expressed his accusation against Brother Monkey. He is also fluffy, and my appearance is higher than hers. Why did you not be so kind to me, second brother?

  Unfortunately, Brother Monkey is a new human who only thinks his face is justice. Besides him, cuteness is justice!

   Not to mention, Yan Mobai, besides being cute, she is also cute, and cute is more lethal!

   Brother Monkey is a little suspicious. In his previous life, he paid so much attention to his monkey group, whether it was actually not related to the monkeys, but because the little monkeys were all cute and dead. The focus is not on the monkeys, but on the cuteness of the little fluffy ones.

   In short, after the family was busy every day, when they returned to their two small courtyards where they temporarily lived in the Royal Academy Seminary, it became the greatest pleasure to feed the baby Yan Mobai.

  The first emperor has been even more comfortable recently, because his two non-human little girls have learned to compete for favor, and they lined up waiting for him to brush their hair.

   In this regard, Wuxingling expressed disdain: Childish!

   In mid-February, the two colleges began to recruit students, and Lingzhou was admitted to the Guozi University without any surprise.

This is mainly due to the credit of Dean Luo Tingluo, who said hello in advance and suggested that Lingzhou take the Guozi Academy, and Lingzhou also considered that the second aunt will be a professor at the Guozi University in the future, and the second aunt needs to sort out the classics. Guozi Academy, it is convenient to help Second Aunt.

  Because Lingzhou was admitted to the Guozi Academy, the Royal Academy once again expressed contempt for the blatant robbing of people by the Guozi Academy. . Fortunately, Lu Chenjun has been with Gongyu Mingxi all the time, and is responsible for sorting out the materials, so he is not afraid of losing money in the distribution of the classics.

   There was also Cui Gui who took the exam with Lingzhou in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, but Lingzhou took the exam for the College of Literature of the Seminary of the National Academy, while Cui Gui took the scholastic exam of the ordinary liberal arts college because he had no training qualifications.

   Now Cui Gui's fruit and vegetable business is no longer in business. Around the New Year, he and Lingyu both made a lot of money through this business.

However, half of what Lingyu earned should be given to Wuxingling. Wuxingling got the silver. Knowing that the little white tiger would be handed over to the family, he divided the silver into three parts, one for honoring the first emperor, one for honoring the beautiful mother, and one for honoring the beautiful mother. keep.

   Then he learned from the little white tiger to entertain guests, took out the money, brought his family, and went to the largest restaurant in the capital for a delicious meal.

  Yan's family stayed at the Royal Academy until the end of February. After returning to the city, it happened that Lingzhou was going to enroll at the Guozi Academy, and Mei Niang was also going to teach at the Guozi Academy.

  The liberal arts students of the seminary need to go to the scholastic academy for many classes, and Gongyu Mingxi's lectures are mostly in the scholastic academy.

   It was the first day of the third month, and the family sent Mei Niang and the big brother to Guozi Academy.

   Because of admission, Lingzhou needs to live on campus. Whether they are students from other places or the capital, Guozi Academy needs to live on campus. On the tenth day off, the local students can only go home on the day of rest.

   Qixun brother and sister, also want to go to Guozi University to see how the big brother's dormitory is.

   Lingzhou couldn't stop it, so he had to agree.

   But when he thinks that he is quite a big man, he was a little embarrassed when he went to school with a row of brothers and sisters sending each other off.

   So on this day, a family of two cars, Qixun held Yan Mobai, Lingyu held Liuchun, Lingsu and Meiniang held hands and got into a carriage.

   Brother Monkey is responsible for giving the mother and daughter a few cars.

   On the other hand, Fusu put all the luggage of the spirit boat into another carriage. After letting the spirit boat in Confucian clothes get on the carriage, he carried the seven spirits and drove for the spirit boat. Uncle Yujing thought that after they entered the academy, the carriage still needed people to settle down, so he went with them.

   Only the first emperor was very indifferent to this, and Shi Shiran went to the yamen to be on duty.

   I took more than a month of leave. If it is not worth it, the paid leave will become unpaid leave.

  Although the seminary of the Imperial Academy is located in the Longyin Mountains outside the city like the Royal Academy, but Lingzhou has only entered the school, and he has to study in the scholastic academy in the first year, so now he is going to the Imperial Academy in the city.

  Yan's yard is very close to the two academies, so after driving for about a quarter of an hour, they arrived at the gate of Guozi Academy.

   The group got out of the carriage, and Uncle Yujing said, "You guys go in, I'll settle the carriage."

Brother Monkey thought for a while and said, "Uncle Yujing, if you don't, go home directly, we may stay in Guozi Academy for how long, wait for my cousin to settle down, I will take my sisters to eat at the restaurant outside, and stay with my mother at night. When it's over, take her back with you."

   Anyway, it’s not far from home, and it doesn’t take long to walk back, and you can still go shopping.

  But Uncle Yujing couldn't pull both carriages back by himself. He was about to hire someone to help. When he met Cui Gui, Cui Gui simply asked his servant who could drive to help him and sent Uncle Yujing back.

  Cui Gui was very happy to see Yan's family.

After bowing to Gongyu Mingxi, he pulled up the Yan family brothers and sisters to speak: "Brother Zhou, I heard that the liberal arts students of your seminary have to study at the college for the first year, and they live in the same place as us. , In this way, you and my brother can meet every day. In the future, I will ask Zhoudi to take care of him as a brother. Alas, it is a pity that we cannot choose roommates by ourselves in this accommodation. Otherwise, it would be great for our brothers to live in one place. ."

The Qixun brothers and sisters have already inquired about the accommodation conditions of the Guozi Academy. The first floor is divided into two floors, the first floor is three rooms, and the hall is in the middle. It is a public activity place. .

   In other words, this dormitory is a four-person house.

   To be honest, this is much better than the university dormitories of later generations. After all, there is a room for one person, and there is also a private space, right?

   Of course, it is definitely not comparable in the same family.

  Although it is already March, the cold spring is not over yet, and it is still extremely cold in the morning and evening.

   Qixun decided to get the big brother a constant temperature array at that time. A low-grade spirit stone can be used for half a month, and after a year, it will only consume twenty-four.

   Besides, with the big brother's temperament, it is estimated that he will not allow this formation to be activated from time to time. At most, he will start the formation when he returns to the house. So in fact, a piece of spirit stone can be used for at least a month. For the Yan family who have dug more than half of the entire spirit mine in the secret realm of the valley, the consumption of this spirit stone is only a drop in the bucket.

  Yan's family and Cui Gui went to report first. Only in this way can you know the status of the class and get the keys to the dormitory.

   (end of this chapter)