Reborn Just To Be a Big Shot Family Freeloader

Chapter 449: festival girls school

  Chapter 449 Girls Enrollment

  Lingqi directly gave his little sister Xiaoxun a blast: "You are from a little family, do you still know all this?"

   Qixun rolled his eyes: "Brother, I rely on my head to eat, you made me stupid, you support me?"

Lingqi hummed and said: "Raise, we have ten brothers, and there are only three of you girls in total, let alone one of you, I will raise all three sisters! In order to raise you beautifully, I have to work hard to earn money for my brother. what."

   Qixun felt that his brothers and cousins ​​love their sisters, they are willing to work hard, and they are down-to-earth.

   Even if my three sisters cannot cultivate, but with these brothers around, life will not be too bad.

   It is said that being brothers, there are those in this life but not in the next, so let’s do it and cherish it.

After laughing for a while, Lingyu raised doubts: "I wanted to ask before, but I have been busy with farming, so I didn't have time to ask. Why is it so rare in our village to go out now? Also, at this moment, the wild grass in the field is growing like crazy. At that time, why are the older aunts, aunts and old ladies? I just went out for a walk, and I didn't see a few young men."

This Lingqi knew it, smiled and said, "It's all thanks to Xiaoxun, isn't the fourth aunt now in charge of weaving and spinning? Many little ladies and daughters-in-law in the village have been sent by the fourth aunt to work in the weaving workshop. So now in the village it is rare to see little ladies walking around.

   Not only our village, but many other villages with good spinning and weaving skills were also recruited. I heard that the income is not low. Now the little girls from our nearby villages are very popular in the marriage market because they have wages every month.

   Also, the dim sum shop opened by Aunt Wu in the county seat has already opened in Qingzefu City. There are more than ten shops in total, and many young ladies have also been recruited. All store clerks and stewards need to be literate. The same is true at the weaving workshop. Now in the county town, all people who have the conditions send women to study and read.

   As for the young and strong, there are several workshops in our village, which take up part of the labor. In addition, this is not the county government office. Because of your donations, the road is being built. Once the farming season is over, the county government office will recruit workers. Now they are all going to build the road. I heard that the wages are not low, and the food provided is good. Don't all the idle labor in the village go to build roads? "

   Qixun was very happy to hear it.

  The man didn't bother to ask, but the fifth aunt's pastry shop and the weaving workshop where the fourth aunt worked all employed female workers, and the fifth aunt's pastry shop was nothing but the work load in the weaving workshop was enormous, and more women would be employed in the future. What a good thing this is!

  The economic base determines the superstructure. Women can support themselves, and their social status and family status will naturally improve.

  Nowadays, people who have the conditions voluntarily send women to study, which is progress.

   Qixun said: "Why don't you go and tell the patriarch grandpa that in our clan school, girls of the right age in the village are also admitted to school. There is a paper workshop in our village, and paper is used in the clan school, and only from the paper workshop.

   As for books, my family can donate them every year. For other expenses, if the family is unwilling to allocate funds, we can allocate a part of the annual share of our paper workshop.

  Little Fifth Master, Brother Lingqi, do you think it can be done? If so, let the old man go and talk to the patriarch grandpa? "

   The two of them naturally agreed, looking at the three little sisters in front of them, they knew the benefits of women reading.

   But, the fifth master said: "The patriarch will certainly not object, but the parents of those girls may not be willing.

   A six- or seven-year-old girl can do some housework, take care of her younger siblings, and go to school. Isn’t it a lack of labor? Some people may not care if the conditions are better, but those who are already poor may be reluctant. "

   Xiaoxun hummed: "Then let the patriarch and grandpa set a rule, but those who do not want to read and read as a child in the family will not enjoy the benefits given to the clan every year.

  We will not send any gifts to each family during the New Year!

  If there are school-age girls in the family who are not sent to school, the men in the family are not allowed to enter the clan school!

  This worldly woman is not easy to live. If she can read and read, she can always walk wider! "

   Lingyu hugged the big dog Daner by the side, fanned him, heard this, and laughed: "It's not enough to just suppress it, you have to give him some sweetness.

   In the future, whenever a girl who can read and write gets married, the family will prepare a dowry of 10 taels of silver. The three of us will give out the money in private, and let the family bear a reputation. After all, it is more respectable to come forward than our sisters to give directly!

   In addition, my mother became a professor at the Imperial Academy and the Royal Academy. Didn't the eldest grandmother only hold a three-day running water banquet? This thing is still hot in the village. Go back and send a message to the parents and ask them to write letters to the clan to talk about the girl's enrollment. I think, in this way, eight or nine are inseparable from ten, and it can be achieved in no time! "

Lingqi smiled and said: "Xiao Wu is right. But what the sisters want to do, we as brothers must support us. After that, my shop will also recruit young ladies from our clan, after all, there are female guests to entertain. I'm recruiting people, and I won't accept those who can't read and write. Besides, we'll accept those girls from other villages who want to come to study. So, sisters, can you still do it?"

  Little Fifth Master nodded: "I still have to give some rewards to those little girls who are good at reading. In this way, I also have some shares in Lingqi's business now, and there is always some income.

   In the future, the evaluation will be conducted every year. Among the little girls, the first place in the test will be rewarded with 22 taels of silver, the second place, 10 taels, the third place, and 50 taels. 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place. how? "

  Lingqi said: "There are so many benefits, but you still worry about not sending girls to study? It's really good to read. It can earn more than men."

   After a few people agreed, they decided to go back and elaborate, and then talk to the patriarch.

   Brother Monkey greeted everyone to eat quickly.

   Big dog Dan'er has been very happy for half a day, and until now, he has not cried or made trouble.

  Lingsu thought that it had been a long time, he should be hungry, so he said he was going to steam him an egg custard, make some juice to warm it up, and ask him to drink it.

   When Aunt Lu came to deliver the sweet potato stems, Lingyu hadn't brought him back. He was probably busy with lunch at the moment and hadn't come to pick him up yet. The little thing is so cute that it makes people reluctant to send him back.

   Brother Monkey stopped Lingsu, and when it comes to cooking, he is still fast.

  I get food for the baby from time to time, Lingyu took it, and while feeding the little guy, he also followed.

   Everyone chatted while eating, and talked about the marriage of the fifth master.

  Little Fifth Master said: "The old man said that I have a family and a business now, and it is not enough to have a house in the county town. After all, the Yanjia Village is the root. I can't come back every year to worship my ancestors, and there is no serious place to stay.

  The old man asked me to buy a house in the village. No matter how big or small, I have to have a home. It really didn't work, so I pushed the old house of my house to rebuild it. I wondered, the old man was right.

  I thought about it, why not just buy the homestead next door to your house? There is a huge wasteland next to your grandfather's old house. You said, how about I just buy that land? "

   (end of this chapter)