Reborn Just To Be a Big Shot Family Freeloader

Chapter 981: gossip

  Brother Hou and Qixun are back, Grandpa Zhong and Grandma are the happiest.

  Five brothers and sisters, these two are the surname Gongyu.

  The two elders were clearly eccentric, beat the two brothers and sisters out of the ancestral hall, and kept turning around to ask the two brothers and sisters about their health, even the big dishes prepared for lunch were favorites of Brother Hou and Qixun.

   As for the other three brothers and sisters, I'm sorry, but I can't remember them right now.

  Brother Hou and Qixun can be regarded as experiencing the refreshing feeling of being favored again. Very proudly, he glanced at the other three siblings from time to time.

   It made both Uncle Yujing and his wife a little embarrassed.

   Fortunately, the other three brothers and sisters understood the feelings of the two old people very well.

  Actually, besides Qixun and Brother Hou, the other three siblings were educated in their previous lives to attach great importance to family inheritance, not to mention that the Fusu family is someone who really has the throne to inherit.

  In this life, you can ask for longevity, so you just don't have any ideas about getting married.

  So the three brothers and sisters were very tolerant and ignored the two embarrassing ones.

  Uncle Yujing’s family’s three little guys, the one-year-old baby girl was hugged by five brothers and sisters, giggling and laughing, not to mention how cute. The eldest son, who was six years old, and the second son, who was three years old, spun two beasts, Babai and Liuchun, and ran around the courtyard.

   Qixun is still wondering, since her family Dundun has been promoted to the sixth level, it has been a long time without hyperactivity, and has been lazy, why is it so lively today?

   Could it be that he has been acting as the left protector of the dragon father recently, and is afraid of being slapped? So it's hard to relax?

  Aunt Yujing looked at the group of small animals surrounded by the five brothers and sisters, feeling very miraculous.

   It’s nothing more than two fluffy animals playing with the children. The little turtle lying on Miss San’s shoulder also seems to understand human speech. Whoever speaks, it turns its head and looks at whoever it is with its little mung bean eyes.

   And that big dog raised its paws to taste tea! This is fine, right?

   This means that she couldn't see the five elements, and she didn't notice the snake hairpin on Lingyu's head, which was a real "snake". Otherwise, it can be really scary.

   Fortunately, Little Kunpeng and Huo Qilin kept playing in the courtyard impatiently, and followed Father Long and Mei Niang to the Imperial College to see the human school.

Aunt Yujing quietly told Uncle Yujing about the magic of those beasts, and Uncle Yujing smiled and said: "Our young man and girl are all extraordinary people, and these beasts are also extraordinary beasts, so they should be It must be a spirit beast raised by a monk.

  Recently, there has been a lot of noise in the capital about the visitors from the four continents. This was originally a matter of the imperial court. Why did our aunt have to host the reception? Isn't it that those people are all monks?

  Our aunt is a literary sage, and our young masters and girls are naturally monks. "

  Although Aunt Yujing knew that her aunt was a literary saint, she really didn't know that the five children born to her aunt were all monks.

   After all, Uncle Yujing never mentioned it to her before. Regarding the affairs of my aunt's house, even if they were husband and wife, my husband didn't say much to her.

  When asked in the past, he only said that the five children of his aunt's family went out for a trip.

  At this meeting, she saw that the ages of the children were not right, they were indeed too young, so she knew that these children might be the legendary monks. It's just that I haven't asked any questions all the time. Now that I am free and there is no one around, I have the opportunity to talk about it.

  When she married her husband back then, the girls from her natal family laughed at her for marrying her, and her husband’s family turned out to be just their servants. In fact, who doesn’t envy her for marrying behind her back!

   You know, her in-laws are in charge of the ancestral house of Wen Sheng's family, and the care of the elderly in the future will not belong to her and her husband, but Wen Sheng's parents and children will be responsible.

  How many people in the entire Great Xia can have such an honor, such a dignity?

  Although her husband is free, he is not a servant of the world now, but he is a retainer of Wen Sheng's family!

  This is Wen Sheng's retainer!

  Don't say anything else, just mention her home, the attitude of her parents, brothers and sisters-in-law, is not comparable to other married girls in her natal family.

  The two sons and one daughter she gave birth to returned to her ancestral home, which was also valued by her ancestral home.

   Isn’t this all because of the glory of Wen Sheng?

  It is the business of the natal family, and they have benefited a lot because of their relationship with Wen Sheng's family.

   Fortunately, her father and elder brother are not foolish people, and they have never done anything unruly by relying on their relationship with Wen Sheng's family.

  Her parents kept reminding her to be more considerate to her parents-in-law. The son-in-law can take care of Wensheng's property in the capital. As long as this relationship exists, it will benefit endlessly.

  Don't be shallow-sighted and do something that will hinder the reputation of Wen Sheng.

   She also said that she is a blessed person, even for the sake of her parents-in-law, the pair of children from Wensheng's family who were adopted by Gongyu's family will definitely treat her children well in the future.

  When the son and daughter are well, what will happen to her? This is true blessing.

  Aunt Yujing deeply agrees with this.

  Let’s not talk about luck or anything else, just say that when Aunt Wen Sheng’s family came back and brought back the gifts from the old house, she would be astounded when she was young and lived in the rich nest.

   Those are not all for the old couple, most of them belong to their husband, wife and three children.

   Jewelry, luxurious clothing, food and clothing, Linlin always, most of which she has never seen before.

   Especially the two pieces of fabric, she can guarantee that even the royal family does not have such good material.

  The couple are free in the afternoon at the moment, and they are packing up the pile full of presents. Looking at these things, Aunt Yujing is a little afraid to accept them: "Husband, these things are too expensive, do you really want to accept them all?"

Uncle Yujing said helplessly: "You can't return it either, since it's for us, just accept it. But those foods are mostly seafood, which are rare in our capital, and those fruits are not sold in the market this season. Yes. Later, you share some and send them to your father-in-law and mother-in-law to taste. Then there are those health-preserving pills, our third girl is a miracle doctor, these are the most rare, you give some to your father-in-law and mother-in-law, it is better than anything else. "

  Aunt Yujing is not the kind of person who picks up things from her husband’s house to deliver to her natal family. Her natal family is richer than her husband’s, so she doesn’t need it. But her husband can think of her parents, how can she be unhappy?

   "Okay, I'll deliver it in two days."

  Uncle Yujing said again: "It's nothing else. The Ping Anyu for the three children can't be taken away by anyone. Let the children wear it on a daily basis. That is more important than anything else."

   "What can you say?" Yu is a good jade, and this Aunt Yu Jing can naturally see it.

  But compared to the box full of jewelry that was delivered, the Ping Anyu was really not outstanding.

Uncle Yujing said: "That is a jade talisman that can protect oneself from evil spirits. The jade pendant I wear is also a jade talisman of safety. I didn't mention it before because I was afraid that you would worry about it. In fact, once I met a robber , it was the jade talisman that saved my life. At that time, a knife was slashed at my head, and I thought I was bound to die. As a result, a golden light flashed on the jade pendant, which not only blocked the knife, but also bit the robber. The robber was seriously injured on the spot. I tried this a few times, and after seriously injuring a few robbers, I finally let the escorts breathe a sigh of relief and wiped out the gang of robbers. So you say, is it a good thing?"

Aunt Yujing said in surprise: "There is such a thing? You too, such a big thing, you didn't mention it until today! Forget it, fortunately, people are fine. I will embroider the peace jade of the three children Put it in the pouch and ask them to wear it again. It saves the need for people to touch it. By the way, it won’t affect the effect if you put it in the kit bag, right?”

   "Don't worry, it won't affect you. You can do the same with your piece."

   Qixun not only engraved safe jade charms for the three children, but also Uncle Yujing and his wife, Master Zhong and Grandma.

  How can her current talisman level be compared to before? So it's all re-prepared.

  Here, the husband and wife were talking and sorting out the gifts. The old couple's gifts were sent to the old couple's warehouse, and their own gifts were planned to be brought back in a few days.

   As for these two days, they will stay at the old house.

  The five brothers and sisters also have to stay overnight in the old house. There is no reason to just eat a meal at home and leave.

  The next day, Fusu, Lingsu, and Lingyu went back to their own homes, and they still had to give away the earthen instruments for each family.

  Brother Hou and Qixun just stayed in the old house and planned to stay for a few days before returning.

  In addition to accompanying Grandpa Zhong and Grandma, this time also happened to be used to refine the Horcrux Mecha.