Reborn on Top of Football

v1 Chapter 44: Reporting Complaints Directly with Compl

This meeting was the result of Wang Ai's thoughtfulness. After more than a year, the paper mill has basically reached the limit of capacity expansion in the tissue paper industry. The increase in production capacity cannot be digested by the market. It can only continue to extend the sales network. It will inevitably fight the papermaking bases in Shandong and Hebei. With the advantage of transportation costs, it is not worth the trouble. The factory has reached the transformation stage of developing new products and expanding new markets. This period can be used to promote new management mechanisms. In the past, I was busy expanding production capacity. The focus of the entire plant was to explode production capacity and seize the market as soon as possible. Therefore, some management issues can only be temporarily suspended without energy.

Through the meeting, Wang Ai focused on promoting the cost accounting system in all aspects of production. From the purchase of raw materials to storage and delivery, to the pulping and washing of the pulping department, etc., to the storage, delivery, transportation, and sales of finished products, each link specifies a benchmark value based on the actual operation experience of the factory. + Floating value. Under the premise of ensuring product quality, extra products or reduced consumption are implemented with a two-level bonus system of one hundred yuan and eighty yuan. In the future, when wages are adjusted with prices, bonuses will be gradually incorporated into wages, and then the base value + floating value will be increased according to actual conditions. The purpose of this set of reforms is two, one is to improve the overall profitability of the factory, through the accumulation of savings and production increases in various aspects, and the second is to urge front-line workers to maintain a positive and progressive work spirit, strive to summarize work experience, and avoid The lack of competition in the old state-owned enterprise culture.

Wang Ai also issued a supplier qualification certificate system through the meeting, scoring suppliers according to the quality, quantity, and stability of the supplied raw materials, and issued or replaced the qualification certificate every quarter. Certain discounts will be given to the outstanding ones, and long-term cooperation is encouraged to further improve the quality of raw materials.

The following is the most important personnel adjustment. Wang Ai gathered the people from the factory and the old Wang's family and the old Ai's family to bring their relatives together, and in principle they were all downgraded. Now the paper mill is divided into three levels. The manager level is composed of Wang Bin, Wang Xiu, and Secretary Jin. The monthly salary is 1,500. The cadre level is the head of each department and workshop. The monthly salary is 600 to 800. The rest are workers with monthly wages of three hundred to four hundred and fifty-five.

These imperial relatives were divided into two parts, and those who followed Ai Xiaomei and Ai Xiaoju that day broke out together and were expelled as a whole. For those who did not follow the trouble, the cadres were reduced to workshop workers, their wages remained unchanged, and workers who were suitable for the job could stay and be reassigned. Whatever others are, you are just like that, the factory will not look at them differently. Of course, for those who are demoted, they will not be adjusted synchronously when the wages are generally adjusted in the future, and when they are the same as others, they will be synchronized. Without the backbone of the old Ai family, they had to walk away sloppy. The Lao Wang family felt wronged, we didn't do anything, why did we downgrade us? Everyone rushed to Wang Xiu at the conference table.

Wang Xiugang is about to speak, Wang Ai said: "Wang Xiu, workshops 34 and 35 have no workshop director yet. Which one are you going to go to?"

Wang Xiu opened his mouth and couldn't say what he wanted to say. Wang Ai added: "If you don't have any opinion, just go to the 35th workshop." After that, stop looking at him, and then talk about other things. Wang Xiu worked hard several times before finally bowing his head.

To this uncle, Wang Ai sees it very well, and his character is okay, but if he can't handle it, he will shrink back when he encounters a challenge. It was incompetent for him to be the manager, not to mention that Ai Xiaoming did not say anything when he was in the factory to do his best. The Wang Bin family trusts you, and the old Ai family has to ride around Wang's neck. Who is the youngest person in your family? But in such a serious time, if you do nothing and let it go, then your last use is useless. It ’s okay to be a workshop director. There is no wind or rain. Anyway, you are also Wang Bin ’s brother. No one dares to bully you. You were still farming at home a year ago.

Regarding the purchasing department, Wang Aixian criticized it because your purchasing department has not strictly controlled and caused millions of losses to the factory. You ca n’t even pay for it. The upcoming bonus plan will be postponed for one quarter. . However, several people who performed well, especially the employees who privately reported the problem to Wang Ai through the channels of Sun Yi-Li Lin-Wang Ai, were praised and commended.

Among them, a Mongolian man named Baoli was a raw material warehouse manager. Because Ai Xiaoming said that the raw materials were wet, he was not allowed to enter the warehouse. Therefore, he even fought with Ai Xiaoming. No matter how frightened Ai Xiaoming was, When a man in his thirties was shaking his head, he just didn't agree! The magistrate might as well control Ai Xiaoming and take him. There are six raw material warehouses in the whole factory, and the raw materials of Ai Xiaoming have also been confiscated in this team of Bao Li Gao. After the meeting, Wang Ai recommended Bao Li Gao to Secretary Jin, and became the first Minister of the newly formed Discipline Department, responsible for the work discipline and labor discipline supervision and inspection of the entire plant. Since then, Sun Yi and the Ministry of Defense have formed two powerful institutions, one external and one internal.

At the end of the meeting, Wang Ai and everyone said that starting this year, the factory will set up a science and technology research and development department to mobilize 5% of the annual net profit into new product research and development, and gradually increase it. The subsequent research and development will include comprehensive research and development in many aspects such as technology, equipment and quality.

Most cadres are suspicious of this ambitious science and technology research and development plan. We are a factory and not a scientific research unit. What kind of science and technology research and development? It's good to be honest. But no one dared to question it openly, and just so confusedly entered the annual work plan and meeting minutes. Of course, Wang Ai doesn't need to explain to them either. When he was in the hospital before, he had already said to Wang Bin and Secretary Jin. Both of them agreed that ordinary middle-level cadres should understand and understand. The next step is for Wang Bin to take the initiative to go to the light industry departments of various universities to look for scientific research talents, purchase equipment and a series of specific tasks.

After the introduction of management adjustment measures, workers were encouraged and their incomes generally increased by 30%! Now our factory is the first, private enterprise workers still have bonuses! Suppliers are also very happy. In the past, Ai Xiaoming engaged in wind and rain in it. Obviously, it was unfair competition. Now he has been driven away. It depends on his ability.

On the night of the meeting, Wang Ai's grandfather suddenly called a night shift worker to say that he would eat at home at night, something to say. The family of three had to change their original plan to return to Wangjiacun.

Wang Ai's old adobe house has already rebuilt three large tile houses and gave it to Wang Ai's grandfather Wang Cheng Lao. The family entered the door and found that they were quite homogeneous and looked a little inexplicable. The three of them knew in their hearts and didn't say anything.

Wang Xiu was now afraid of Wang Ai. That pickaxe scared Wang Xiu who was peeping on the second floor that day. So I dare not speak. Although Wang Ai's aunt and old aunt are willing to speak, but now the financial source of his little family is basically Ai Xiaoqing's flower company system, he is afraid to say nothing, for fear of Wang Ai playing again Donkey temper. Finally, the old lady couldn't bear it for a long time, and asked, "Boss, I heard that Xiu'er's work has been transferred?"