Reborn on Top of Football

v1 Chapter 69: Goddess capture (below)

No matter how Ai Xiaoqing questioned, Wang Ai refused to acknowledge it. In fact, this is indeed the case. Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian are really just friends now, at best they are better friends. Not to mention that Xu Qinglian, who is only 12 years old, cannot even think of these. Even Wang Ai is not very persistent. He is more curious about Xu Qinglian, because Wang Ai has more options than before. So this thing fools.

Throughout the winter vacation, Wang Ai was almost the same as going to school, except that he had met once with classmates You Hong, Lin Jiao and Lin Long. During the day, study at home, read textbooks, extra-curricular books, take notes, and bring equipment to Lien Youth Street Primary School with Li Lin in the morning and one night. After all, it is a holiday, time is more free, and Wang Ai's shooting technology has been improved more significantly.

Everything went smoothly after the start of school again, and the time gradually came to May in spring.

Letters from Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian continued to flow. And Xu Qinglian's relationship finally came to a corner. After three years of friction and the Cold War, the family of three, especially Xu's father and daughter, finally felt that this relationship must be changed and could no longer be maintained. The family of three was very uncomfortable.

In the description of Xu Qinglian's letter, Wang Ai knew that their father and daughter had a very calm and slightly indifferent conversation. In the end, the two people's preferred solution was to send Xu Qinglian to boarding school.

Since you can't get along well, it's better to open the distance appropriately.

But then, the problem came. Yingkou did not have a boarding school. To go to boarding school, you have to go out. In the field, a 12-year-old girl can't be reassured.

Old Xu Steel is steel, but not cold-blooded.

When Wang Ai noticed this scene, she felt that she could no longer stand by.

Through such a long understanding, Wang Ai thinks that the reason why Xu Qinglian became a junior when he was an adult has been roughly understood, and there are thousands of words to say: don't believe in marriage.

And the mainstream concept in Chinese society is: Love that does not want to get married is a hooligan.

From the perspective of Xu Qinglian, this is a paradox: The sweet man who does not want to marry her is only greedy for her body and has a bad heart. She naturally does not accept it, but a normal man who wants to marry her does not want to marry. Meet the requirements of others. That is to say, it is not a good man who does not want to marry her, and the marriage of a good man requires her to be unsatisfied.

The mainstream culture of Chinese society has a strong ability to integrate, and will always unknowingly assimilate marginalized people. Like many young people, they have sworn to be Dink and unmarried people, and in the end few of them can survive.

But Xu Qinglian is just one who can persist. It is too difficult to find the same true unmarried family to join. Just like the Chinese Dink family, in fact, most people do not really want Dink, but for no other reason than help.

Maybe she wants to feel love, maybe she wants a child, maybe it just meets her physical needs, but no matter what, finding someone who won't marry her and she can see is the most comfortable for her. After resolutely being a junior third regardless of other people's views, she once asked her girlfriend to tell her classmates who cared about her: she was very comfortable and comfortable ... this is likely to be the truth. According to Wang Ai's surviving memories, a classmate who investigated the middle-aged businessman came back and said that the businessman had little money and no great relationship, but a good person. The reason for not divorcing is for children.

Wang Ai felt that Xu Qinglian's pessimistic attitude towards marriage should be reversed. In any case, the road to enjoying love while maintaining freedom is only superficial, and it is definitely a stray road. In addition to Xu Qinglian's crookedness in this matter, other people are very positive people, saying that they don't care, how can they really not care? Knowing cold and warm.

After receiving this letter from Xu Qinglian, Wang Ai thought for two days, made a few phone calls, then asked the counselor for leave, and took Li Lin back to Liaoyang.

First, he visited Director Jin at a high school, and then visited the principal Li at the city's first middle school. Then he called the head of the Stupid Student Fund, and then called Yingkou.

On the morning of May 12th, I rushed to Yingkou with Director Jin, a clerk of the Municipal Education Bureau and Li Lin. After arriving in Yingkou, he visited a middle-level cadre of Yingkou City Education Bureau and the principal of Honglie Primary School. Then at noon, a group of six people came to Xu Qinglian's house.

The family saw these visitors very unexpectedly. Old Xu knew the principal of a Honglie Elementary School, and Xu Qinglian only knew one more Wang Ai.

After being introduced by the principal of Honglie Elementary School, everyone sat down and talked a few words before getting into the topic.

"Uncle Xu", Wang Ai said with a smile: "Me and Xu Qinglian met last year. You know that I was the champion of the college entrance examination last year. I made a report at Honglie Primary School. Xu Qinglian was the student representative at the time. Later we I have become a pen pal for more than half a year. "

Old Xu held Wang Ai and found that the child was a little taller than his peers, smiling confidently and openly, full of charm and sincerity, and nodded.

"In the last letter, Xu told me that she was going to boarding school, but Yingkou did n’t have to go to a foreign country. I thought at the time, this must make it difficult for Uncle Xu. Going to boarding school is a good thing and the campus is closed , Is conducive to learning, but the field is too far away and it is not convenient for you to take care of it. "

Wang Ai avoided the cause of the discordant relationship between father and daughter, emphasized the advantages of boarding school to improve learning, and left Lao Xu a step. Sure enough, Lao Xu nodded: "Yeah, I have been worried about this."

Wang Ai laughed: "Last year after I became the first-time college entrance examination, we in Liaoyang City took care of me. I used the top prize given to me to set up an education fund. So, I think I can send Xu to Liaoyang. One goes to school, the other is the only key middle school in Liaoyang, and it is also a boarding school. Many local rural children are boarding at school. Although I went to college in Beijing, my home is in Liaoyang. Parents usually take care of classmate Xu, so you don't have to worry about her safety issues, uncle Xu. "

Old Xu nodded and said nothing.

"Today I invite the principal of Honglie Elementary School and the leader of the Yingkou Education Bureau to give us a testimony to prove that I am indeed the champion of the college entrance examination last year and that Director Jin is indeed the teaching director of a high school in Liaoyang. Cadres from the Education Bureau also came, proving that we are not traffickers. "Wang Ai laughed.

Everyone laughed.

Old Xu also smiled. He believed this. His daughter was so beautiful that she could not make the principal of the Honglie Elementary School and the cadres of the Yingkou Education Bureau come to the sea. It must be true.

"Uncle Xu, if you don't worry, you can go with us to Liaoyang, you can see for yourself and decide."

Old Xu nodded. This plan seemed to be the most suitable. The college entrance examination champion and his daughter are pen pals. The friendship should be not bad. According to the director Jin, there is money and status in the family, and his daughter must take care of it, and the little champion will take a leave from Beijing Renmin University to do this. Sincerity is enough.

Although Lao Xu felt a bit uneasy about "giving" her daughter to a stranger in this way, she thought, this may be the best solution. Do you really want your daughter to study abroad? Would you trust your distant relatives, friends, and former colleagues? I'm afraid it hasn't been sent to Liaoyang's little champion's home for more peace of mind.

Not to mention the small champion's name is a huge guarantee in itself. They also specially invited a high school teaching director and a cadre of the Liaoyang Education Bureau to provide security. This is much safer than just asking a person.

Therefore, Lao Xu struggled all night and followed Wang Ai and his party decisively to Liaoyang the next morning. Liaoyang is very happy to do things here. When you go to the city's first middle school, the teaching environment is really good. A handful of principal Li received it, and he was transferred to another class twice a year. The class teacher came out and said a few words to go back to class. The old Xu kept his eyes open for a middle school. He collected tuition fees, issued a receipt, lost his student registration, issued a student ID, books, and meal card, and allocated dormitory.

When he sent Lao Xu to the train, Lao Xu finally moved his lips, his eyes were red, and the yin and yang were so wrong, but he is also his own daughter. He was so big that he left.

Xu Qinglian wiped her eyes and gave her father a bright smile. After years of friction in the Cold War, both father and daughter realized that this might be their best way to get along.

That night, Wang Ai sent Xu Qinglian to the dormitory of No.1 Middle School in the city, and she brought her a lot of fruits and snacks to share with her roommates.

The next day is Saturday, and the boarding school students can go home on vacation. The head teacher talked to Xu Qinglian in the morning. In the afternoon, Wang Ai led Xu Qinglian to play around in Liaoyang. The two are generally large, and although they haven't seen each other, Hongyan's biography is already familiar.

Xu Qinglian didn't blame Wang Ai for bringing her to Liaoyang without asking her opinion. She was never immoral. She was brought by Wang Ai, and she didn't have any fear of this strange city. Instead, she was like a bird out of the cage. Have fun, Baita Park, Youth Lake Park, Xiguan Shopping Center, Snack Street, Liaoyang Museum. As the oldest city in the northeast, Liaoyang's profound cultural charm is not available in other cities.

The two kept playing until seven in the evening, only to be relieved by Li Lin's reminder.

"Then I'll go back, is the bus No. 2?" Xu Qinglian asked.

Wang Ai nodded: "It's the second road, but I think you should meet your guardian. I will go to school in Beijing in the future. You have to find them if you have any questions."

"Is Uncle Wang and Auntie Ai?"

Wang Ai nodded: "Let's go, my house is three stops away from here."

In the early summer evening, the streets of Liaoyang were bustling, and Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian each had their own minds and were speechless.

Li Lin, who followed him, had a funny heart. He saw this little girl last year, but he never expected that this was the situation.

In front of the house, say goodbye to Li Lin, twist the key and open the door.

Wang Bin and Ai Xiaoqing were finishing their meal. They were surprised to see their son suddenly return.

Then, a scene that made them even more surprised appeared.

Wang Ai opened her mouth with a big smug smile and let go of her body, revealing a beautiful little girl.

"Uncle Wang, Auntie Ai, how are you, this is Xu Qinglian."

Wang Bin and Ai Xiaoqing collapsed in their hearts. The interrogation during the winter vacation was not forgotten. The son turned the little girl home silently!

Ai Xiaoqing pulled Xu Qinglian to speak, and Wang Bin gave Wang Ai a look: son, good skill!