Reborn on Top of Football

v2 Chapter 109: Passing Time and Space

On October 4, 2001, the CCTV five "Football Nights" live broadcast.

Today is the "Special Edition for National Youth on Football Night". The CCTV Sports Channel invited Gao Hongbo and Yang to lead the 84 National Youth who just won the World Junior Championship. At the same time, under the personal invitation of the person in charge of the Sports Channel and Wang Ai's begging, Yuan Weimin, the general boss of China's sports industry, also took 20 minutes before the evening meeting to participate in this program.

In front of the camera, Zhang Bin was talking eloquently: "Today's program, in addition to inviting Yuan, we also unexpectedly invited a special guest!"

Talking, the music sounded, and a tall smiling woman came from the background.

"Director Lang is now coaching in Italy. We learned that these two days Lang instructor just returned to work in the country, so we invited her to our site. Director Lang, please note that this program is not called 'Volleyball Night'." Liu Jianhong Station Teased aside.

Lang Ping smiled and glared at Liu Jianhong. Yuan Weimin, who was the first to sit on the side, would n’t be able to come if she was a teacher. As Liu Jianhong said, this is "Football Night". What are you talking about?

Yuan Weimin laughed after the two "Xiaolang" embarrassed; "Remember the photo I asked you to sign for two months ago? Is this the request of the young football team? These kids like our old women's volleyball team, so they have time You have to come and see your fans. "

"Is that so?" Lang Ping laughed. "I said, why did you suddenly send me a photo for my signature, and to whom?"

A group of young children from the country stood up. A member with a medium smile and a smile on his face walked to Lang Ping with a little excitement. Of course, Lang Ping has seen a lot of reports in the newspaper these days. However, it is the captain of this young country, the absolute core, the winner of the golden ball and golden boots of this World Junior Championship. So Lang Ping stood up and was ready to formally shake hands with this outstanding player.

The captain of the world championship team can no longer be regarded as a child. Even if it is full of honor or Lang Ping in the volleyball world, it is necessary to show proper respect.

Like an Italian aristocrat, Wang Ai didn't shake hands with the woman directly, but held Lang Ping's hand and bent over and kissed him.

"Well, what about you etiquette in the West?" Liu Jianhong said quickly.

"No!" Wang Ai shook his head and said with a smile: "I just want to taste the taste of 'Iron Hammer' (Lang Ping)."

"Hahaha" Lang Ping smiled brightly: "I heard people say that you are naughty, when you meet, it's really true, even you dare to make fun of me, so I let you taste it." With a fist in Wang Ai Smashed lightly on his head.

After a few people took their seats, Zhang Bin laughed: "Director Yuan, when we heard that this young man went on an expedition, did you ever give them a secret weapon, did you? Can we see it?"

Yuan Weimin smiled and waved his hand: "It's the picture I asked Xiaolang to sign them, it's not a secret weapon. How much encouragement these kids can get from it, mainly depends on themselves. If they don't want to inherit our old volleyball team It ’s useless to stand in front of us. "

"So, let us fans appreciate it?"

"Okay." Yuan Weimin nodded, took out a folder from his shoulder bag, and unfolded it towards the camera. It was a toasting photo after winning the championship in this year's youth. One by one the teenagers smiled with gold medals.

On the other side, Wang Ai also took the signature photo of the old women's volleyball from the bag.

"Now, this photo belongs to him, you found the wrong person." Yuan Weimin laughed.

Two photos are held by two people and are placed side by side in front of the camera. One is very historical, the other is very contemporary. The picture of the volleyball champion is in the hands of the captain of the national youth team. In your hand, you don't need to say anything, a different kind of feeling is undulating in front of the camera. The fans who witnessed the National Youth Finals also seemed to be back in the **** and passionate 1980s. The girls of the women's volleyball team struggled hard in Song Shixiong's commentary, an exciting moment of glory for the country.

"Although I am a supporter of the football program, at this moment, I still have to pay our respects to the women's volleyball team more than ten years ago," said Zhang Bin emotionally. "This is our New China Sports A glorious page in history, not only inspiring volleyball, but also continuously inspiring a wider sports cause. Like the two pictures before us, these are two teams without any affiliation. They are two teams that have spanned the entire field in the 1980s and 1990s for almost two decades. However, as we all know, we have all discovered and realized that their spirit is the same. This is probably better than the competition Something more cherished! "

At this time, two big characters "Inheritance" appeared on the big screen behind the host! Then there are scenes of the game of the old women's volleyball team and this year's national game in Trinidad and Tobago. Although the definitions of the videos are completely different, they are very cleverly grafted together. Young girls, young and capable guys, are struggling hard in different arenas.

Since Yuan Weimin was about to have a meeting soon, he got up and quit in advertising time. Wang Ai stood up and sent Yuan Weimin and Lang Ping to go out. For Wang Ai, he really won the championship trophy, which was not expected by Yuan Weimin. He, like most of his colleagues, thinks that the young national team will be able to qualify for the group, repeating the eighth place in the first World Junior Championships held in Beijing is very important. After all, it is only the results of the host. Unexpectedly, Wang Ai really brought back a bunch of glitters. Although Yuan Weimin rejected Wang Ai's willingness to give him a medal as a souvenir, he was still very satisfied with Wang Ai. It was also because of this that Wang Ai was given a face. Otherwise, it is unimaginable for Wang Ai, the captain of a national youth men's football team, to talk to the director of the General Administration of Sports and change his schedule. Under the high official Yuan Weimin, there are thousands of teams like Guo Shao!

On the occasion of separation, Lang Ping, who is about to return to Europe, also invited Wang Ai to Italy to watch her team match at the appropriate time. Wang Ai promised not only to go on the spot, we will go for the whole team!

After the advertisement, this program officially entered the football section. Lao Gao and the team leader talked with Wang Bin and Liu Jianhong on the stage to talk about some interesting facts about the current National Junior and World Junior Junior Games and made a simple evaluation of the players. Although Lao Gao was wary of the media, he was somewhat familiar with the two. During his time in Trinidad and Tobago with Liu Jianhong, apart from pitting a handful of Wang Ai, he still adhered to the national team. Disciplined. Since the disobedient reporter of Sports Weekly was expelled, the national youth team did not return any news outside the stadium during the game, which shows that Liu Jianhong's sports reporters have a good ethics.

"Audience friends, after we have listened to Coach Gao Hongbo's comments on the players, do we want to listen to the team members' self-evaluation?" Zhang Bin smiled and "teased" the audience, many of whom were young players And their parents.

"So, who will start with? Captain Wang, are you here? Don't be embarrassed, you dare to advertise in our live broadcast in front of us. What else is embarrassing?"

"Hold on, right?" Wang Ai stepped on the stage and pointed at a group of sports channel staff posing in disguise, "I said this responsibility is also good for your sports channel? I know you can I only joked with you after that period, and as a result ... you and me made a bigger joke! "