Reborn on Top of Football

v2 Chapter 134: Business Value of Wang Ai

"Ms. Elsa, I have to say that environmental protection in Germany is doing a good job. During my morning exercise, even if I run alone on the hills, castles, forests, and rivers in Germany, I feel moved by the beauty here. I have run more and more slowly and even stopped in training more than once. Although I have lived here for more than a year, to be honest, I love it here. Of course, the people here also like me "Wang Ai said sincerely:" So, my life is not boring, but full of beautiful sunshine and flowers everywhere. "

The proud Germanic woman, Elsa, applauded Wang Ai and nodded approvingly.

"If you look at it from another perspective, you will also discover the fun of my life intuitively. The morning study is a teenager exploring the secrets of the world with the help of a teacher. The afternoon and evening training competition is a teenager doing with friends Their favorite game. "Wang Ai shrugged." So, do you still think that my life is not fun? No, I wake up with a big mouth and laugh, and sleep with a big mouth. Go. "

"Haha" Elsa laughed: "Dr. Wang, your smile makes me the most optimistic. Even my superiors think that your smile has the most affinity for people, especially children. And your studies and your self-discipline It will also impress the parents of the children. No one parent does not want their children to study carefully, observe discipline, live a regular life, and live a healthy life. This is also our NICI product philosophy. I have to say, except that you are Chinese, You are our natural collaborator ... Oh, sorry I am not discriminating against you Chinese. On the contrary, you come from the mysterious East, and will bring our cooperation and your image to attract attention and curiosity. And attention and Curiosity is also our philosophy at NICI! "

"If the cooperation is successful, what do I need to do?" Wang Ai asked with a smile.

"In addition to taking some photos for us and attending some events, you do n’t need to do anything else, even attending the event is optional. After all, we are not popular brands that need frequent momentum activities, we do n’t need it. But from my personal perspective , I suggest that you can go to some orphanages to participate in activities when you are free. Of course, if we cooperate successfully, you can also give some orphans to NICI products. "

Wang Ai nodded. Commercial value and charitable activities are inseparable. Charitable activities create the personal image of a star. The personal image helps to stabilize and expand commercial value. It can even be said that, in a broad sense, charity is itself a part of star business. Whether it is the five major leagues in Europe or the NBA in the United States, the team will organize stars to regularly participate in public welfare activities, or charity activities. Communities, orphanages and other places are the most frequented places. Because both the community and children can touch the weakest part of people's hearts, by the way, use the least effort to stimulate people's greatest emotions, thus adding a touch of tenderness to the advertisement of celebrity endorsements. Communities stand for "home" from a psychological perspective, while children stand for "hope and love." Once a product has been cast such an impression, the effect on sales is self-evident.

Due to their low level and lack of knowledge in the club, Tubingen youths have not paid attention to this aspect. As Tubingen youths get closer and closer to the professional league, this must be done.

The first meeting with Elsa was only a preliminary contact. The two sides confirmed the cooperation intention, but did not specifically discuss the price. That was the second contact ... The Germans were so rigid and step by step. talk!

The arrival of NICI seems to have opened the door for Wang Ai's commercial cooperation. French brands Smoby and Danish LEGO have rushed to the door or phoned for preliminary negotiations in the past few days before the end of the year. In addition to toys, German stationery brands have also begun to show interest in Wang Ai. The first one to come is Montblanc!

According to the introduction of Montblanc, he and Elsa from NICI were classmates and friends. It was Elsa who noticed that Wang Ai was using a Montblanc fountain pen before he called him. When he came in person, he found that the Tubingen Youth Club and the team members used Montblanc pens, and they were loyal users of the brand, which made him even more happy.

In addition to Montblanc, Leuchtturm 1917, Faber-Castell and others also made preliminary contact with Wang Ai.

In addition to these formal toys and stationery, confectionery companies, children's clothing companies, sanitary ware companies, and even beer companies are invited to negotiate ...

The confectionery company is okay. After all, Wang Ai will bring a lot of German sweets to her relatives in China every time. Children's clothing can also be understood. After all, Wang Ai is still a teenager, and the bathroom company is a bit torn. ...

And beer companies, don't you know I'm "pour a glass"? The sausage business is pretty much the same!

In short, there are more than 30 invitations for general business cooperation negotiations. Even Huang Xin and Leonie are a bit dumbfounded. Why are they so concentrated all at once, not one before? Oh, I ca n’t say that there is n’t one, for example, a local diaper company has asked Wang Ai for half a year, let alone Wang Ai, Wang Ai recommended it to Ozil, Ozil did not do it ...

Later, Wang Ai called and asked Elsa to find out what was happening. It turned out that German elementary and middle schools had to take a winter vacation ... Children on vacation were at home all day. Parents had to increase their economic expenditure on children in order to prevent "demolition."

Another reason is that Wang Ai only wanted to understand after consulting Kim Boss Xu. Because the winter break is coming, the half-time champion of the Tubingen youth has already come two rounds in advance, and the Tubingen youth have a great chance six months later. Will be promoted to Bundesliga. So there is no doubt that the endorsement fee of Wang Ai in Bundesliga and Wang Ai in the regional league is like a salary, at least five times worse!

TMD, traitor! Internationally renowned brands are also picking up on me!

Wang Ai angrily rejected almost all business cooperation at this stage! After six months, I can definitely be promoted to the Bundesliga. Taking half a year early, I will lose 80%! Not to mention that many endorsements are three years old!

However, Wang Ai, Huang Xin and Leonie also kept in touch with the representatives of these enterprises. Almost everyone would get a souvenir from the Tubingen Youth Club. They will be invited to watch the game, inspect the club or something, of course, they are actually invited to dinner and play together.

The spokespersons of these businesses found that the Ph.D. of Tubingen found that they were careful not to think about it. The business negotiation is nothing but fraud. You lose because you did n’t expect. No matter how good we are, I do n’t pit you. Will pit you, so I better come to pit you.

And Wang Ai was very curious about how much money he could get. He asked Elsa once when he was at home to take a vacation ... Hemp eggs, only 50,000 euros! Under my **** is a lion stadium with an investment of 15 million euros! 50,000 Euros, enough to do ...

Think about it, the price is actually not low! The salary of the main players in the regional league is only 50,000 euros a year. An advertising endorsement is as high as the salary, and it is indeed not low, which shows that these companies have indeed sincerely cooperated with Wang Ai. As for how much money Ai ’s family has, this is not in their consideration. Whatever you do, you get as much money as you want. 50,000 euros a year is already twice the average German annual income.

From this perspective, Wang Ai in Germany can really support himself by playing football!