Reborn on Top of Football

v2 Chapter 14: Peace Fighter Jonas

"Long live!" A beer glass was raised in the Czech bar. Today is a celebration night. Tubingen's team and loyal fans gathered together. Celebrating victory while waiting for the new year. The city government of Tubingen is setting off fireworks in front of St. George's Church in the city center, and the television station Baden-Württemberg is broadcasting a large parade celebration in Stuttgart. The street outside the bar was crowded with crowds who had finished mass. The children waited for the team to dissolve, knocked on the door of each neighbor and chanted poetry for them.

Colorful fireworks mirror the excited alcoholic in the small bar. The constant sound of thunder blasts makes the bar more noisy. People must raise their voices to speak clearly. But the Germans have a loud voice, it doesn't matter, but it hurts others. For example, Ozil must make every effort to let Wang Ai understand what he said.

The closer to midnight, the stronger the atmosphere in the bar and the more people drink. At 12 o'clock, the fireworks were suspended, and a newlyweds ascended the church's bell tower to ring the ancient bell, and the melodious bell spread throughout the town. The bell just fell, and the noise of people reached its zenith. People in the bar toasted each other and congratulated each other on the new year.

The guys in the team also brought chairs, stood on the chairs and jumped forward, throwing a specially made baggage behind the chairs, praying that they can be lightly loaded in the new year. Just after midnight, the German Spring Festival Gala began to be shown on television-only 18 minutes of "Single Alone". The old movies from decades ago are still black and white, but the Germans watch it every year, and every time they watch it, they laugh like they were the first time.

After 18 minutes, Leonie stepped onto the small stage and performed a variety of vocal "Prince Kiss" with a variety of whistle. Next, the international team advantage of Tubingen's youth was fully demonstrated. Allison of Tanzania sang a Tanzanian folk song "Cute Little Angel". He usually did not smile, and Boaten, who had too much beard to see his mouth, shook two A sand hammer sang a piece of Australian "Sheep Shearing". Feifeel sang and sang the German folk song "Spring Is Here".

Favrell did not step down after singing, and said to the players and loyal fans in the bar: "Teammates, friends, this year our Tubingen football team has achieved a good result as in the past few years. We want Thanks to the old Kugel for his contributions, and also to the Chinese King who took over the team when the team was in difficulty and brought the genius Ozil! We want to thank Allison, who is now the top scorer in the scorer list! Thanks to our Lion King, she led us invincible! To the youth of Tubingen! "

"Youth Tubingen!" A sea of ​​beer glasses in the bar.

At this time, some fans in front of the bar seemed to have some controversy. A strong man was said to be anxious and a cup: "Is that wrong? Why sell the team to a Chinese guy?"

It happened that everyone just dropped the cup and didn't speak, so the bar was very quiet.

After the bang, the bar became audible.

Although the players are unhappy, they don't know how to express for a while, the players are tolerant of the fans, as long as they are not excessive.

Wang Ai was a bit surprised, but she said nothing good.

At this time, in the corner of the bar, stood up a big man who was so thin that his clothes were a bit shabby, with a moustache. He was the janitor of the Tubingen Sports Center, called Jonas, and today the team celebrated, Leoni pulled him over.

"You're wrong." He walked to the big man and shook his head while pouring beer into his stomach.

"Who are you?" The big man was drunk and hazy, very dissatisfied with the rebel who jumped out by accident.

Without waiting for Jonas to answer, the people around Dahan pulled him and whispered, "He is the peace fighter Jonas."

The big man was awake a lot and didn't say a word.

Jonas swayed in front of the crowd and pointed to Wang Ai, "I don't like foreigners, and I don't like any country, but the Chinese, not the invaders and the occupying forces, he is the one who brings us happiness, respect China people!"

I didn't care about others after I said it, I started my own irrigation.

The bar was silent, especially the Germans present returned to their usual serious expressions, raised the glass to silently gesture to Jonas and Wang Ai.

"What does a peace fighter mean?"

After this discordant episode, the atmosphere in the bar returned to the hustle and bustle after the players, especially Allison deliberately mediated, Wang Ai asked Leoni in a low voice.

Leoni swaggered: "His name means peace. He used to be a German Wehrmacht before."

"Then why does everyone listen to him? Some people seem a little afraid of him? Or something else?"

Leoni turned his head and didn't want to say.

Kugel lowered his cup and wiped the clean glass: "Jonaus, our hero of Baden-Württemberg, a German hero!"

Wang Ai looked at the serious Kugel in surprise: "National hero?"

In Wang Ai's impression, "national hero" is almost the supreme title, and they all belong to legends in history. This time I saw a living national hero in the German countryside.

"Let Leoni tell you." Kugel shook his head with a smile.

Leonie glanced at the old Kugel indignantly: "The full name of the drunk is Jonas Hartman!"

"Hartman? You, you two ..." Wang Ai said in surprise, this Jonas seemed like a drug addict, and Leoni was cheerful, beautiful, and elegant. They were actually a family?

"Huh, he's my **** brother!" Leoni sighed rarely. "Three years ago, he was a Defence Force in Stuttgart. It was also a New Year. Two American soldiers pulled a German in an empty house on the street in the suburb of Stuttgart. Girl, he fought with them and was tried by a military court. Then, he was ordered to retire. "

Wang Ai frowned: "Is this what? What about the two American soldiers?"

Leonie said with a dull expression: "One participated in the Sydney Olympics this year and won the bronze medal in the Paralympic Games, and one is said to be still sleeping."

Wang Yiluo pondered for a moment, a sip of wine sprayed on the ground, and co-authored one who was labeled as disabled and one who was labeled as a vegetative? This order is quite interesting!

"Hum" Old Kugel interjected: "Leoni is too simple. When the self-righteous Protestants in the north want to judge him, all of us in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hessen moved. Stuttgart 50,000 people rally to protest. That's how the name 'Peace Warrior' comes! Otherwise, he should be in prison now. Maybe that's better, at least he won't become a drunkard! Thanks to my little lion Go and take care of him. "