Reborn on Top of Football

v2 Chapter 170: His Majesty the Emperor

After the semi-finals of the German Cup, the team of the Tubingen youth team entered a rest period. Even if a league opponent was attracted three days later, Xu Genbao still gave the team members two days off. Tired. A high-intensity game consumes twice as much energy as it normally trains, especially the players who devote all their energy to it. Because various accidents often occur during the competition, it is not possible to distribute physical fitness step by step as in training.

Of course, there is another reason for the holiday: Beckenbauer, then the chairman of the German Football Association, is coming.

In the afternoon of March 7, Tubingen's entire team concentrated on the training field, because March 9 is the league's match day, and March 8 the team will resume normal training, so Beckenboldt chose this One day came to Tubingen. Although it is a holiday, most of the players are the Tubingen team of the University of Tübingen, and there is nowhere to go after the vacation. As an amateur team, the income of the players is not enough to support them in luxury global travel, let alone global, travel throughout Germany is enough.

Ozil returned to Gelsenkirchen on March 6, and returned to Tubingen this morning to continue school. Mertesack's home is too far away, so he simply didn't go back and stayed in the club with Wang Ai, Bai Guanghai, Luo Tongliang and other three trained as usual, but the training intensity was slightly reduced.

A Mercedes-Benz car stopped slowly outside the training ground. In the eyes of everyone, Beckenbauer with glasses and gray hair smiled and got out of the car.

Beckenbauer is an idol in the eyes of footballers in this country and even in Europe and the world. Although the current president of the German Football Association is actually Gerhard, because of Bekenbauer ’s huge reputation, he is always stunned by the media. dialogue. Regardless of whether he is a technical consultant or a vice chairman of the Football Association, all circles in Germany have given him a great reputation and honor, and also required him to bear a huge responsibility. His influence is ubiquitous in this country, no matter where he is or where he is. .

The "Expanding Talent Promotion Plan" is a reconstruction plan of the German team that has been carried out since 2000. It includes the requirements of 390 youth football training centers nationwide, and all professional teams must have their own youth training centers. There are plans to constantly find and cultivate young football talents. After the implementation of this plan, the next step is to open football foreign aid to provide fierce competition for local talents on the arena and encourage local players to perform better. These two plans are complementary. Without local youth training, a large amount of foreign aid can only bring prosperity to the league, but it cannot help the national team. Over time, the national team is weak and the development of the league will be restricted. Without an open foreign aid system, local players lack high-level competition, and both the league and the national team will be damaged.

When the Tubingen youth appeared in the vision of German fans as an "international team" and continuously defeated the local Bundesliga team, the sensitive German seniors had realized that the time to open up foreign aid policy was slowly maturing. So despite the huge controversy, the German Football Association arranged the prestigious Beckenbauer to visit the Tubingen Youth Club.

You know, no matter how good the Tubingen youth are, it is just an amateur club, and it is far from enough to use characters like Beckenbauer. The German Football Association uses this action to send a signal to the outside world: The Football Association's attitude of opening up foreign aid is firm, no matter what you say.

"Welcome Your Majesty!" Leoni stood with a smile on the front of the queue.

"Hello, Leoni." Beckenbauer smiled and shook hands with Leoni. "German football hasn't had a young manager like you, but a woman manager."

Obviously, Beckenbauer did some homework.

"Before you, no one knew what a 'free man' was, did you?" Leoni smiled charmingly.

"I'm not discriminating against women, it's just that there are too few female managers, aren't they?" Beckenbauer was keenly aware of Leoni's dissatisfaction, and smiled.

"This is our captain, Tubingen echelon head coach, Favor." Leoni ended his greetings with his Majesty and began to introduce the other members of the club as the host.

"Hello, Fever, I have an impression on you." Beckenbauer and Fever shook hands.

"Thank you, I'm more impressed with you," Feife said humorously.

"This is the head coach of the Tubingen youth team, Kim Boss Xu." Leonie introduced solemnly.

Beckenbauer smiled and stretched out his hands, the two old men's hands held together.

"Mr. Gimbos, your game is so exciting." Beckenbauer said, "I didn't believe your team was still in the regional league when watching the game."

Xu Genbao had a lot of words to talk to Beckenbauer, but now it is clearly not the time for in-depth communication, so he laughed: "That's because I have a group of good players. This is Mesut from Gelsenkirchen. · Ozil. "

Xu Genbao started to introduce his players to the emperor. The first to shake hands with the emperor was Ozil, a native immigrant descendant. This choice has a certain profound meaning. In the recording of the following television camera, whoever shakes hands with Beckenbauer as the first player will attract attention. Ozil has German nationality and is considered a player trained in German youth training. He is also a descendant of immigrants and has some foreign characteristics.

The second is the pure German Mertesacker, who represents Germany's excellent football tradition. The third is Boateng, an Australian-German player who represents the Tubingen University team's background at the Tubingen youth team and also represents foreign aid with close ethnicity. In this order, it is easier to be accepted by conservative media.

The fourth is the real core of the team: Wang Ai.

Wang Ai's status and role in this team can not be hidden, as the dual role of investor and player, determines that Wang Ai is the core of the foreign aid issue quarrel caused by this team. If it was not because Wang Ai was still a minor, and he had become a very professional philosophical scholar across the borders, then Wang Ai would have been the subject of frequent criticism by German media. Even the serious German media is more tolerant of minors, and even the German footballers are awed by the philosophy of theology.

"Welcome to Tubingen, Your Majesty!" Wang Ai stroked his chest with his right hand and performed a knight ceremony.

Beckenbauer shook his head with a smile: "You are doing well. Although you are hiding your attack power, I still know that you are the core of the team's tactics and the chief executive of Mr. Gimbos' tactical plan . "