Reborn on Top of Football

v2 Chapter 186: Home site

After Huang Xin delivered a speech, Li Yingfa spoke on behalf of Liao Zugongxun. First of all, he thanked the fans of Liaoning for their love, secondly the leaders and colleagues, and finally thanked Beyond Group for their love and support. As the founder of the ten consecutive championships, Li Yingfa has no doubt about Liaozu ’s feelings. In the end, the old man even almost cried, and Liaozu ’s glory can be expected to reappear. Witnessing all the legends, merits, mainstays, and many family members of the Liaozu, they are equally excited.

After Li Yingfa's speech, the manager of Liaoning team Cao and the players' representatives expressed their determination.

All this happened under the eyes of Wang Ai, but Wang Ai did not show up. He was not a player from Liaoning Football. Buying Liaoning Football is also an enterprise behavior. Even if he has a good relationship with many members of Liaoning Football, but his relationship is emotional and business is business. , Should not be confused. Buying Liaozu now is different from the original sponsorship of Liaozu. At that time, most of the elements were love and regret, but now it is a strategic decision based on the consideration of enterprise development.

No matter how "indulgent" Wang Bin and Ai Xiaoqing are with Wang Ai, the investment involving such a large amount of money has even leveraged the strategic investment of the entire Chinese football circle, and Wang Aihu cannot be allowed to do anything wrong. You know, although Chinese football is not very good, as the first sport, previous national leaders have paid close attention to it. It is not only ordinary people who watch live broadcasts in front of television. How dare the Wang family dare to die in such a thing?

Either don't do it, or do it well! Beyond the company has come up with a set of plans to revive and develop Liaozu, and reserves the corresponding funds. In addition to the construction of stadiums, clubs, and business district development plans, there is also a comprehensive Liaozu echelon construction plan. Now the Liaozu reserve is roughly divided into youth teams and youth teams. According to the new plan, it will be divided into four levels: Youth First Team, Youth Second Team, Youth First Team, Youth Second Team.

In terms of club construction, not only the commercial development department but also the legal department were set up in accordance with the model of foreign clubs. In order to stabilize the hearts of the players, beyond the sports, they took out 20 million funds and stored them in a separate account as the player's salary. Issued by. This is enough for two years' wages.

The most exciting thing for people in Liaoning football is that Beyond Sports also has a German football club, which has reached the final of the German Cup. The promising youth of Tubingen! This means that young players from Liaoning will get a wide range of training opportunities abroad. Although the examples of Bai Guanghai and Luo Tongliang had already established a good reputation for transcendence in the past, at that time, after all, there were two. Whether the Liaoning football team could go abroad was stuck in the hands of transcendence. Now, the two have changed into one, which is equivalent to opening up the fast lane for foreign players in Liaoning!

This advantage is unique in the country! On the other hand, if Liaozu wants to bring in players from abroad, the Tubingen youth is also a best quay. After the acquisition of Liaozu, Beyond Sports became a multinational company, and along the bridge of transcendence, players at home and abroad will have an unobstructed circulation, and will no longer be limited by international brokers and greedy brokers. Because Beyond Sports has a special agent company, unless the player asks, the future Liaozu team members' agents will be responsible for Beyond Sports agent company.

And it is precisely because of this set of plans, that beyond the acquisition of Liaozu has not been opposed by people in Liaoning football. Although these people are already old and not in the first team, they have a lot of energy, and at least they have the ability to do bad things. The money transcended is the sports bureau and the provincial government, and the plan to transcend is the power to move professionals.

After the inauguration ceremony, the guests did not leave. Beyond Group leased a large conference room in Liaoning Hotel to host a reception, which was to entertain guests and deepen exchanges. Ai Xiaoqing left after a moment of attendance. Since Wang Ai was playing football in sports, Ai Xiaoqing was like treating fool food. The specific work was handed to Huang Xin, which won the trust of Wang Ai and even depended on him.

Wang Ai and Li Tie, Zhao Junzhe, Wang Liang, Qu Dong, Zhang Yonghai and others ate and chatted in a corner of the hall, whispering to Huang Xin and the various fairies to communicate freely. Although 23-year-old Huang Xin is still relatively immature in this group of old churros, Huang Xin's personality is peaceful, and his calm personality brings constant calm. And no matter how shallow Huang Xin's business experience and life experience, people in the domestic football circle must be careful to deal with her. In Chinese society, it is difficult for women to be in their early days, but as long as they are in their early days, none of them is provoking.

Although Huang Xin was handsome and pleasant, she didn't have a strange mind in her life. She thought, "Bring me your dowry and drive your carriage, you must marry me." Beyond being able to push Huang Xin as the chairman and general manager of the company, this is a candidate who cannot be swayed by outsiders. Someone who knows the Tubingen Youth Club knows that this girl has led an investment of 200 million yuan. As the person in charge, there are too many places that can be played, and this time it is the investment of 500 million. This proves that this is a person who cannot be attracted.

"Huang Dong, you are a big deal. The main stadium is very beautiful!" Manager Shenyang Jinde said, "I just don't know, where is your location?"

Many people present are concerned about this issue, which involves the most important revenue of the ball market. Everyone knows the idea of ​​going beyond the sleeves and doing a big fight. Everyone is afraid of such a river crossing the river. Whether it is Dalian Shide or Shenyang Kindergarten, or A, B, China B and other teams are more nervous.

"Liaoning football team, it must be in Liaoning. We repeatedly inspected various cities in Liaoning, and finally chose Hunnan New District." Huang Xin smiled: "Still in Shenyang, we can't live without it. Our players and the Football Association are all here. Here."

At the same time, Liao football players with Wang Ai are also asking Wang Ai this question: "Where is our new stadium?"

They are basically Shenyang people or already settled in Shenyang. If you cover the stadium to Huludao this time, who do you believe is your home court? You are farther than the visiting team! Besides, this is not a main stadium and a club. This means that players usually have to be here for training and weekend games, and this will be the home of the Liaoning football team.

Wang Ai wanted to scare this group of people a little bit, saying that we moved to Heilongjiang or something, but after thinking about it, let's forget it. These guys are all violent, and I really find that they are fooling themselves and must be cleaned up. The owner of the team called the player to be embarrassed. This is really not good news.

"Dongling District, oh, it was renamed Hunnan New District last year. It is still in Shenyang. In fact, I am very interested in moving Liaozu to our home in Liaoyang, and I can watch the ball at the door of my home every day. Liaoyang is in the center of Liaoning, southeast and northwest It ’s more convenient for the fans to watch the ball. But later I thought that except for the fans who are near the south of the Shenyang-Dalian line, they have to be transferred in Shenyang. After all, Shenyang is a transportation hub in Liaoning, so it ’s fine. Shenyang is cheap, you guys. "