Reborn on Top of Football

v2 Chapter 272: Simei, dilemma (below)

The city leaders did not stay long, after all, the director of the central hospital reported Wang Ai's condition last night. There is a slight concussion, and it can be recovered in 5 minutes, which is a matter of a few days at most, and the city leaders do not need to make a big deal. The key is that the person has arrived, the words have arrived, the attitude has arrived, and the camera has arrived, that is, to complete the task, and explain to Dr. Wang from top to bottom.

Of course, from the heart, these leaders are not very interested in engaging in sports. Of course, if you have the ability to play football with 200,000 laid-off workers in the city, then you are the rebirth of uh ... uh , Old friends of the people of Liaoyang! Anyway, any way. But it is clear that sports cannot do this. However, the city leaders are still very interested in people who are engaged in sports. After all, football is the world's first sport, and the audience is extremely wide. In which era and which Chinese did not play two-footed ball when they went to school.

Waiting for the photographer of Liaoyang TV Station said: After shooting. City leaders waved their hands: Enter free time!

Seeing that Wang Ai was really fine, I sat in a circle to chat. After all, Ai Xiaoqing's age might be a generation later in front of them, so the attitude was very relaxed. I am very interested in Wang Ai, a doctor of philosophy who has joined the national football team. In addition, Wang Ai has rarely returned home in the past two years. He has not met them since he returned, so the topic of chatting is very broad. Before I left, I needed two signatures. Of course, they did n’t ask for anything. I paid a sympathy for a token visit and gave me a promise: Dr. Wang, what do we need to do, despite speaking ... we research Say it later.

Dr. Wang sometimes doesn't care, this big guy knows. At that time, the young people made a big noise at the National Olympic Center, forcing the latter to renovate five years in advance, which was cited as a joke. Dr. Wang has the typical characteristics of traditional Chinese intellectuals: no fear of powerful people! For example, the two or three things that he and the leaders of the Football Association must say ...

However, Wang Ai really made a request. He said to the deputy mayor of subjective science, education, culture and health, "Can we Liaoyang grant me a few plots?"

The leaders looked at each other in confusion, and then looked at Ai Xiaoqing. I heard that your family is playing real estate.

The deputy mayor said: "You want to do real estate, this is not my responsibility."

As a result, Wang Ai shook his head and said, "I'm not in real estate, I'm trying to get a few free simple football fields. I don't want a lot of land, not a good land, you just find me some land in the worst part of the city. It ’s OK. It does n’t matter if the land is uneven and the traffic is not convenient. I level the land myself, build the basic facilities myself, and turf myself, as long as it is a piece of land. You just need to be a public green. Let's do some greening in a circle. "

The deputy mayor persuaded: "Xiao Wang, if you are back in Liaoyang, if you are afraid that there is no place to practice, we will tell the stadium, you can just practice it without any effort. Besides, if you really go to practice, I I guess I can still sell tickets. "

Wang Ai shook his head with a smile: "That's not the meaning. The place where I studied in Germany is Tubingen. The town is only 80,000 people, but there are ten free football fields for the public. That's why German football is so strong. We There are 1.7 million people in Liaoyang, and there is not even a free court. So I want to invest in a few pieces. The matter of the country is so big, and the matter of land is now sensitive. I ca n’t talk about it elsewhere, but Why should I try it when I get home? "

The city leaders looked at each other. Who in this year's rich people didn't use the money to make money and strive to get the banknotes into the Eiffel Tower as soon as possible? It ’s better to be able to reach the moon directly. Few people like Wang Ai who lay the foundation for a certain thing at any cost.

The city leaders knew in their minds that this thing would definitely not make money! This year, the sports government is still the biggest player. Individuals who engage in sports and open a football club are losing money. The only one also opened a football school. What can I charge for tuition, the whole football field, or free of charge? Where can I make money? Not to mention making money, whether it is Wanda or Shide, engaging a football team at least loses money to make a slap, you ca n’t even make a slap on a civilian football field.

"Compassion!" The municipal party committee sighed with emotion: "Xiao Wang, we haven't encountered this yet. I don't think there are any brother cities in the country using land for this. But you have something to say, Liaoyang It's your hometown! You and we can't manage it anywhere else, but in Liaoyang, in our own house, you are not good at fame and fortune, so we will seriously consider your request. As long as the conditions Allow, we try to meet your requirements. "

The city leaders left with different feelings.

Ai Xiaoqing nodded Wang Ai's forehead for a smirk: "Why do you want to come out?"

Ai Xiaoqing didn't say anything to Wang Aisha's ladder. After all, this kind of investment involving land is indispensable. It's hard to get rich, but still not financial freedom? Or, how do you want to spend it? As long as Wang Ai is happy, it is a trivial matter for Ai Xiaoqing to spend some money. If it wasn't for burning the yuan to break the law, anything with cigarettes and cigarettes would be weak.

"Mom, I thought about it when you talked just now. Actually, I have been thinking why we lost to Turkey in the end."

"Isn't you injured and didn't kick the free kick?" Ai Xiaoqing said doubtfully.

"Yes, no." Wang Ai shook his head: "Mom, from the point of view of the direct cause, I was really injured, and then I did not score a free kick, and then lost. Many people in China also said that our football team is very strong, After all, did you tie with Brazil? But ah, mother, our strength is a false fire. It ’s not really strong, you think, how can a football team's victory and defeat fall on one person? I ca n’t play, Then the team is over. Is this healthy? Is it strong? No, mom! You said that our company, such as Beyond Sports, once Huang Xin was transferred, and Leoni, Leoni was transferred. There are also managers from Liaozu Cao, and the most difficult one is me. Even if we have no time, at least we can ask Mr. Xu to come for emergency help, isn't it? Other companies in the system are also like this. There are two brothers from the Zhou family. They have not developed enough, but they are more than enough. But what about our football team? "

Ai Xiaoqing thoughtfully.

"Mom, we are the two of us now. I have a big word. With and without me, this football team is two teams. From technology, to tactics, to organization, to confidence, to the most critical goal kick. The level of the warm-up match in the first half of the year is the true strength of this national team. "

"Son, what are you doing so hard?"

"Mom, I have the ability to pull it. Why not move? Our men's football has fallen for too long and won't win the game. Managers have a rigid mind, do not want to make progress, they are comfortable with the status quo, they are drunk. The knowledge of research is stale, scrabble, make quick successes of the team, and promote seedlings. As the nation's largest sport, sports that have been followed by previous leaders always fail to produce good results. Over time, they lose confidence and do not know what to do. The rich resources have flowed in other directions, so when you look at our football, everything has nothing but good results. So I have to stand up and boost the team ’s performance and use all the energy to make good efforts. Refocus resources and resources, guide in the direction of good results, and strive to activate a healthy cycle. "