Reborn on Top of Football

v2 Chapter 37: Four run

"Oh!" Yang Chen laughed. "If I say that, I won't run yet?"

"What do you think?" Wang Ai said: "Do you think the kids will, our professional players are satisfied and meet the requirements?"

Yang Chen blinked: "You seem to make sense."

"What's the essence of speed running? It's about holding fast, with a moderate stride, strong footwork, and being prepared to be bumped and harassed at every step, just like a steel train going forward. The speed is average, but it has unparalleled strength. Brother Yang, your speed running, such as the speed running when you make a breakthrough with a long drive, is enough, but the stride is slightly larger and the center of gravity is not stable. "

Yang Chen recalled her running situation: "Really?"

"This is because you haven't noticed the difference between high-speed running and racing. You also want to run at high speed while racing, so the following consciousness has increased the stride, so you will often be bumped by the defender. It's hard to get the ball, especially a stronger defender than you, and you can't stretch that distance. "

Wang Ai and other Yang Chen digested the digestion and continued: "Conversely, if you consciously train two running methods, when the ball breaks through, if the opponent is slower or almost the same as you, you can use the pull at the start Open the gap, keep running at full speed to keep him from catching up. If the speed is similar to yours, how can you not get rid of it, and you have to stride the local restricted area, you must use racing to protect The right to the ball. If you don't analyze the two situations, use one method of running, and want to achieve two goals, how can it be possible? Not to mention that there are high-frequency running. "

"Well, I can run at high frequencies!" Yang Chen smiled comfortably.

"You will?" Wang Ai despised: "You also call high-frequency running? Brother Yang, think about it yourself, did you run more than three steps in small steps when you broke the ball?"

"What's wrong? Isn't three steps small steps?"

“Hey, I ’ve said that I ’ve watched your videotape. You did have a small step when you broke the ball, but it ’s not a system. You ca n’t call it a high-frequency run. Think about it. Did you suddenly pass the ball and slow down or change? After moving towards the opponent ’s center of gravity, accelerate beyond the opponent or open the shooting angle? ”


"That ’s good. You ’re called concise, or you eat fast, but you ’re uncomfortable. Your excellent method is too rough, depends on your physical fitness, and has no technical content. You can only rely on your young body. Okay, but how old is it? What about your physical condition? "

No matter how good-tempered Yang Chen is, he is also a young man in his 20s. It is a bit ridiculous to call Wang Ai such a mockery: "It seems like you will all speak."

Wang Ai didn't ridicule this time, shook his head and said, "I'm just a beginner, and it's far from ideal. It's not a meeting. But I'm definitely better than Yang Yang. After all, I have this kind of consciousness and specialized training. It's been half a year. You may have had a hazy feeling before, but you must have heard it so clearly for the first time. "

Wang Ai yelled at Yang Chen, still a little unbelieving, and nodded: "Brother Yang, I'll give you an experiment. Have you brought a stopwatch?"

Yang Chen raised his arm: "Sports watch."

"Okay, Brother Yang, let me test it. I'll show you what high-frequency running looks like. Let me say first. This is just the beginning stage. It's not really a high-frequency running. It just means that."

Wang Ai's arms were at the tip of his arms and he took a deep breath. His body started like a motor. His arms were shaking up and down at high frequencies, and his feet were stomping on the ground like raindrops. By the light of the training field, Yang Chen couldn't see how fast Wang Ai's footsteps were, and he noticed the shadow left by Wang Ai's legs with cold eyes. , Light and dark fast switching, dazzling Yang Chen dazzled.

Five seconds later, Wang Ai slowed down: "How about, Brother Yang?"

"The stopwatch is meaningless" Yang Chen lowered her arm. "How fast are you?"

"I know this," Jonas interjected. "We tested it. After recording it with a digital video camera, it slowly counted up to 18 steps per second and an average of 15 steps."

"How fast can the average person have?"

Jonas shrugged. "I don't know. I've been a soldier. I'm not a purely ordinary person, but my maximum speed is 8 steps. Ordinary people may be slower."

Yang Chen turned to Wang Ai: "You should be pure speed measurement, right? In actual combat? Oh, not to mention actual combat, how much can you run?"

"High-frequency running is very practical. Even if I run on the spot, I can confuse my opponents. I haven't measured it in the game. But I have tested it once in the training match. The average is 6 to 8 or 8 steps. More than 12 steps. Especially Ozil and me, oh, the other midfielder in our team, when we are singled out, usually my pace will be forced to more than 15 steps. "

Yang Chen took a deep breath: "You go all out, let's try."

"Really?" Wang Ai opened his eyes wide, and seemed unable to believe that "Yang Ge" was tortured himself.

"Less nonsense! Let me try."

The two set the posture and tried it. Five minutes later, Yang Chen exhaled and shook his head with a sigh of relief. . "

Wang Aidao: "You are pretty good, Brother Yang. In our team, except for Ozil, who is one year younger than me, he dared to accompany me to play this, and no one else dared to come forward."

Yang Chen nodded: "I understand that the more I want to keep up with you, the more chaotic the motor nerves will be. In the end, it will be a mess. It's not bad to stand still. So I just tried it in less than half a minute and stopped following your speed. You still have to control your body forcefully, or your body's center of gravity will adjust automatically. "

"That's right," Yang Chen suddenly said, "You just said, this is just getting started. What do you mean? No one can grab your ball now if you take it out?"

Wang Ai smiled mysteriously: "I think that the speed can be improved a little bit, and the center of gravity can be kept better."

"You cow!" Yang Chen gave a thumbs up: "Are the other two so good?"

Wang Ai shook his head: "No, there is a direct relationship between high-speed running and stride. I am still small and have to grow. Finally, I move closer to sprinters. The speed running mainly depends on the strength, the ability to adjust the center of gravity, and the ability to resist collision. There is nothing mysterious. . "

Wang Ai was about to rest, and took out the football from the hood: "You brother Yang Yang, I'll run."

"Still running?"

Wang Ai smiled: "This is the actual training, just now it is just pulling the physical fitness."

Yang Chen's eyes widened in shock: "Just that was just pulling your physical fitness? What is your method of pulling your physical fitness? I just wanted to ask you here. Pulling physical fitness is mainly long-distance running. I have never seen you run at such a variable speed!"

Wang Ai pushed the ball while running at a constant speed and said, "In fact, when I just pulled my physical fitness, I did n’t have three running methods, but four running methods. I ran at high speed, then raced, then ran at high frequency, and finally jogged to restore my fitness. . Then run at high speed and cycle like this. You can reach the fatigue point in one or two cycles, then use the jog to get through the fatigue point, and then continue. "

"Then you're not right. During the fatigue period, oh the fatigue point is OK. After the fatigue point arrives, you should continue to run at a constant speed, pass the fatigue point smoothly, and then pull the energy easily. You reached the fatigue point suddenly Slow down, the fatigue point comes again, and the fatigue point has not passed yet? "


In the night, Wang Ai's smiling face was brilliant and brisk: "I just want to ride on the fatigue point and repeatedly pull the saw. I want to smooth out and flatten this fatigue point. We play differently from the track and field, they can control the speed of running, And we are often affected by the situation on the field and ca n’t decide for ourselves. As long as they pass through the fatigue period, the more physical energy reserves they have, the better, so running at a constant speed through the fatigue period is fine. We ca n’t, we often have to face it repeatedly. The fatigue point, so our physical training can not be the same as the track and field. In this way, the impact of fatigue point on the body will become less and less, the race will easily and even pass the fatigue period without feeling, It can keep the state very well, or let the game state gradually and smoothly decline according to the decline of physical fitness. "

Yang Chen pouted his Chinese fellow with a half-opened mouth, tired? This, this has never been heard before, has domestic sports medicine advanced to this level?

No, I'm one of the most well-known football players in the country. I don't know. Wouldn't this little fellow in my country think about it myself? Also, riding a fatigue point, what a strange and weird word.

"Brother Yang, how much do I have to practice? Not only do I have to practice four runs, but also physical fitness, and I have to practice dribbling, shooting, passing, team coordination at other times. There are too many things to practice. I do n’t have enough time and physical fitness, so I can only pinch them as much as possible. The four-segment run is exactly the same as pulling the physical fitness, so I put them together. Oh, yes, running with the ball is also running, and I usually put them together. , Four-step running, physical running, running with the ball, the trinity, hey, that's almost all, I'm going to speed up now. "

Having said that, Wang Ai rushed along the runway with the ball.

"Abnormal!" Yang Chen stayed in place, clenching fists with both hands!