Reborn on Top of Football

v2 Chapter 381: Here comes the curved wave (below)

Maybe it was finally disappointed with Tottenham. Maybe it was Wang Ai's European game that impressed Qu Bo. Of course, it may also be the straight-hearted temperament of Qu Bo ’s Shandong people. He did n’t wait for the agent to say anything. .

I have to admit that sometimes people's intuition can make an accurate judgment. According to the general model, his club, his agent and the Tubingen youth will be honed, and more benefits will be honed, such as salary, bonuses, main status, etc. This friction may be a few months And even half a season. On the other hand, Wang Ai was obviously not so patient. If she could not get Wang Ai annoyed, she might take a few photos.

Qu Bo didn't calculate anything in the short telephone conversation. He just relied on an intuition: Xiao Wang didn't lie to him, a rare opportunity!

Looking at the schedule of the Tubingen youth, combined with their rapidly rising resume, we can know that this season is definitely lacking people, or else it will not directly promise that it is the main force. What's wrong with you? What is a Chinese international in the German league? For so many years, it is nothing more than Yang Chen and Xie Hui playing in the German league, so many other international players, who do they like? In the German league, not too many internationals from around the world. Tubingen's youth third-line blossomed, and Bai Guanghai booked the best scorer in half a season. Laoqu himself knew from a subconscious comparison that he had no negotiating advantage.

Xiao Wang said it well, Tubingen's youth has Liaozu as an ally, and they can be transferred at any time when they are lacking. It is estimated that I am worried that too many recruitments will make the Liaoning football team among Tubingen youths too clumsy, but it is not impossible to crack it.

Therefore, Qu Bo promised Wang Ai directly.

Wang Aiga explained to Qu Bo on the phone happily: "You come first, then let the two clubs talk, you don't care. We have two games left in the league and one in the UEFA Cup. In short, there are three games left. You Hurry up, come with us, practice with the match, how can you play two games with each other. When the winter break comes back, you and the guys are also familiar, and strive to top. "

"Okay!" Qu Bote simply responded.

When he hung up, Qu Bo started packing. Gao Qi was dumbfounded: as anxious? You are so proactive, how can I benefit you?

Qu Bo shook his head and sighed: "People are in short supply now, and I'm going right now. If they slow down, I won't be worth it anymore. By the way, my salary or something, don't you Too much. I can be stronger than Wang Ai? I can be stronger than Bai Guanghai? Not Spurs, Eindhoven, Helen Fen. I can see in this little half year, I'm not that powerful, nor So sought-after. There is nothing convincing in how to behave in China. The key now is to go out first. Xiao Wang is good to me. People are not obliged to me, but where do I go if I leave them? "

Gao Qi sighed, clutching her hair with both hands: "blame me for being incompetent! Okay, you go first, let's send charcoal in the snow, and then I will communicate with the clubs on both sides to ensure that they are not blocked. By the way, the national team, you have to and Mr. Shen asked for a leave. "

Qu Bo promised, put the packed luggage in the corner, and went out to find Shen Xiangfu.

The temporary coach, Shen Xiangfu, who was preparing to yoyo's body, was happy when he heard: "Good thing, this is a big turn. In the end, I still went with Xiao Wang. Good thing, when are you going? Oh yes, When I talked to Xiao Wang a few days ago, I heard that he was embarrassing and bragging. In short, the game was very intensive, otherwise I could n’t give him a leave. You just happened to catch up with them and do well. When you go, there will be a game. Good thing! Our national team will not stop you. "

After the national team asked for leave, Qu Bo and the Qingdao Club said nothing, and they didn't care. They took their passports and boarded the plane to Germany.

On the plane, Lao Shen's words echoed from time to time: "Xiaoqu, you have to seize this opportunity. No, I am not talking about the UEFA Cup. Although it is an opportunity, it is not very important to you. You What you want to see is the talent training and mining ability of the youth club Tubingen. Did you notice that the former Bai Guanghai was just a substitute for Liaoning Football, what about now? I tell you the truth, he is now the number one candidate for the national team forward. That Luo Tongliang is worse than him, how is it now? Have you seen the game against Real Betis a few days ago? For young players like you, how much salary and how many opportunities does this team give you? It ’s important, it ’s important to cultivate and dig for you. You have to start working in this area. You can get away with it in Tubingen. Hey! We play in the country, and the biggest one is there. You Be modest and obey the club's arrangements. Although Gui Xu is strict, there is something. "

"Oh yes, I'll tell you a little news. It is said that, ah, it is said that Bai Guanghai and Luo Tongliang's strength has grown so fast, and has a direct relationship with Dr. Wang. It is only when Wang took them to train today. You Think again about the training situation of Wang in the national team and the Olympic team? In short, you have to obey management and ask for advice humbly, no matter how long you can stay with him, how much you can learn, listen? He's polite! "

Qu Bo flew to Germany by plane, and the two clubs and agent Gao Qi were busy. Because the incident was sudden and the first half of the season was about to end, the two parties signed an agreement to rent first and then buy, stipulating that the last three games of the first half were leased by the player Qu Bo The youth of Tubingen will wait until the winter break and the two sides will transfer without further objection.

At that time, time would be free, and everyone could discuss the specific terms with peace of mind. Besides, the Qingdao team does not have too strong a desire to sell players for money. Some people in the hometown team and hometown are invited to come here. Shandong and Qingdao football associations at all levels are happy to see it. So it ’s easy to negotiate transfer fees and rental fees. Anyway, eating a fat man is impossible.

In the end, the lease fee agreed was a nominal 300,000 yuan, and the Qingdao team didn't need it. They directly called Qu Bo for travel expenses.

On December 4, when the Chinese national team made a flight to Hong Kong and headed for Bahrain under the leadership of Lao Shen, Qu Bo's plane had already landed in Frankfurt. Since it was the morning, Wang Ai and others were attending classes and going to work, so Feffer waited in Frankfurt for a special trip.

Qu Bo knows that this is certainly not grand, but it is not rude. Most Chinese players are staying abroad. The welcome ceremony is only available at the club. Tubingen sent Feffer, the old captain and assistant coach, to Frankfurt for a special trip, which is interesting.

No matter how you say it, it is just a new player in Tubingen.