Reborn on Top of Football

v2 Chapter 452: One black to the end (on) (repair)

Mr. Mustafa brought many small foods made by his wife to visit his son, and visited Wang Ai by the way.

Wang Ai was well aware of the change in Mr. Mustafa's attitude, and happily tasted the other party's traditional Turkish food and praised it.

After this setback, Mr. Mustafa really understood that leaving his son in Tubingen was the best choice, so he was very humble and nodded frequently no matter what Wang Ai said. He is not a teenager like Ozil. He has been in Germany for decades, and it is not easy to meet someone who cares about his son so much.

At least until his son is an adult, he will no longer consider the issue of transfer.

Compared with Ozil, Mertesacker's ideological work seems more difficult, but actually unexpectedly smooth. After Wang Ai was frank with the quiet giant, Mertesacker smiled and nodded, and said directly: I will not go.

Wang Ai was confused.

It turned out that the old Mertesacker had long noticed the right and wrong of Tubingen and had begun preparations. But unlike Mr Mustafa, his choice is that his son must not be promoted with the Tubingen youth and must be transferred.

As a footballer, Mertesacker understands the situation of Tubingen's youth. Instead, if the Tubingen youth decides not to escalate, he feels telling his son to stay.

Originally as a central defender, Mertesacker's technical characteristics were rejected by German football. He was slow, gentle, and not aggressive at all. Otherwise, he would not be older than Ozil. Zir is still low. When he came to Tubingen, he was quickly transformed into a front waist. Although he glowed with special brilliance, he was called by the "Kickers" magazine "the only front intercepting front waist in Germany" and attracted much attention. However, it is still incompatible with the football ideas of many people and incompatible with the tactics of many teams. What can you do if a forward doesn't often move quickly to catch the ball?

This makes Mertesacker's first solution to the transfer of the other's tactical system, which is too difficult. A never-before-seen technical type of midfielder means that all teams are unprepared or do not know how to use him. To use him, it is necessary to reform the tactics, which is too high.

So the old Mertesacker meant to let Pehr continue to hone in Tubingen for one or two years, thoroughly hone his technical skills and mature, and accompanied the German national youth team and the Olympic team to perform well in the competition In this way, it can really attract the attention of German football and create conditions for the smooth integration into other teams. At the same time, if Pell can be recognized by the German coach, once he joins the national team, relying on the ability of his opponent to create two or three opposing backcourt interceptions in each game and almost immediately become a threat, he will win Germany sooner or later. Respect for football.

But now, it's too early, and the degree of attention is average, and it is easy to be delayed and buried. For example, to other teams, the head coach finds that he is not needed, so send him to play guard, do you go or not?

The old Mertesacker knew very well that his son was playing guard and playing at the front, and his future was very different. He would never let his son lose his current position at the front.

The situation of Boateng is simpler. As a beast waist, he is not a player lacking his technical characteristics in German football. His income in the Bundesliga and the main players in Tubingen are equal, but in Tubingen It can also ensure the main position, so after thinking about it, Boateng quickly agreed not to transfer.

The news that Wang Ai was leaving touched this bearded barbarian. Although he didn't like to talk, he was a man with a lot of inner emotions. To this end, Wang Ai was shaking his head and couldn't speak. Come. Without Wang Ai, Tubingen is still fooling around in the state league. He is now earning one or two thousand euros a month.

Ideological work can achieve such ideal results, even Wang Ai did not expect, the team's main force, in addition to Bai Guanghai and himself, have promised to stay on the team.

Wang Aike didn't think it was all due to his own plan and personality charm. After thinking about it for a long time, he sighed at the end: It's good to have money!

Yes, the main reason to keep the players from losing is to promise to double the salary next year!

For professional players, this is the hard bar!

If you do n’t talk about Qian Guang and your feelings, that is a hooligan! You have deprived people of their fundamental interests and still talk to your buddies. Isn't that a liar?

After reporting the team situation to Xu Genbao and Gao Hongbo, both coaches expressed satisfaction, especially Lao Gao, who was very, very satisfied. However, after two years of rest, he was ready to go out. He has been invited by domestic clubs, but how can he appreciate it? How can I stay in Tubingen for a few years? It would be nice if other foreign clubs hired him. He didn't want to mix in the domestic pickles.

With Tubingen and Wang Ai in front, Lao Gao's ambitions also increased.

After the 33rd round of the Bundesliga round, Tubingen's team rested at home for a day and then rushed to Spain again.

This year's UEFA Cup final is held at the Seville Olympic Stadium. This stadium pinned the city's ambitions. Unfortunately, both Sevilla and Real Betis have their own stadiums, so this stadium is very embarrassing.

But the hardware facilities are really good.

As for Tubingen's opponent, the Celtics also came to the Sevilla adaptation ground early.

This year's UEFA Cup finals, none of the five major league teams! The Celtics of Su Chao? Well, it used to be brilliant, but the old yellow calendar! Tubingen youth? Germany's right, but the second league!

Originally, some people in UEFA were worried that such a match would further reduce the attention of the UEFA Cup, but the good news from various live broadcast agencies before the game was that the attention of this game was higher than the previous one!

The youth of Tubingen has dominated the well-known European sports media for a long time. A second league team has successively beaten La Liga, Real Betis, Serie A strong Lazio, Premier League giants Liverpool, and Portugal Super League double Porto Big black horse, why not attract attention?

Besides, this is not the first time that Tubingen youths have become dark horses. Last year's German Cup, they won the final championship as an amateur team, all the way through five levels and cut through six, the German Bundesliga team died at their feet. And this year again reached the German Cup finals. Even in the Bundesliga, no one can think of just upgrading last year and upgrading again this year. It was only a few years ago that Kaiserslautern wondered.

Therefore, the youth of Tubingen, who were titled "Miraculous Team", "Glory of Baden", "Chinese Magic Football" and so on, were surrounded by reporters as soon as they arrived in Seville.

This is not comparable to when I first came to Seville a few months ago.