Reborn on Top of Football

v2 Chapter 58: Good news for Tubingen

Wang Ai waved goodbye to Lao Gao. Li Lin had been following for a long time. As long as Wang Ai was out, or in Beijing, Li Lin would follow Wang Ai and silently complete the work of personal defense without speaking.

As for whether Lao Gao will have insomnia tonight, Wang Ai doesn't care, anyway, Lao Gao has been unable to sleep in the past six months. Although Xu Genbao has been cured a bit, maybe Lao Gao is still missing the feeling of insomnia?

Early the next morning, the morning was bright, and Wang Ai received a call from the Annunciation, which was called by Huang Xin and Leoni from far away in Germany. It turned out that the Tubingen Youth Club and the city of Tubingen had finally settled on the land transfer fee. Originally, the city of Tubingen was very pleased with such a large investment in the Tubingen Club, which brought employment, opportunities, etc., and even raised taxes, and the land prices given were more favorable. However, due to the relatively large investment this time, and the big boss Wang Bin has little confidence that Wang Ai will not spend money when he has money, so the money control is very tight, even if Huang Xin is in charge, it is also an appropriation. So the total budget of 15 million is tight. Regardless of the amount of money, there are many things to do. In addition to a football field, supporting facilities are also key. At least one of them has a club headquarters, which has office buildings and a fully enclosed high-level football stadium. There is also a three-star supporting hotel. Otherwise, where can foreign fans watch the game? If you want to travel on the stadium or even during the winter break and league intermission, the football stadium will hold concerts. Where do tourists live? Naturally, the court's supporting hotel is the most suitable, and this is also the biggest source of revenue for the court. In addition, there must be a hardware construction in a small commercial area.

In addition, there are souvenir design and production, design and production of team uniforms, team emblems, and team flags. Although Wang Ai has found some high-quality and low-cost Chinese manufacturers through Alibaba's general relationship, they must always invest Cost of hoarding a batch.

These investments are mixed, and 8 million euros are unstoppable. At this time, the land transfer fee is extremely important. According to the original plan, the city of Tubingen intends to sell the original sports center land and supporting facilities for 7 million euros, which is just enough 15 million.

But Huang Xin reported on the phone that the situation changed as Gao Hongbo's national team came to play a warm-up match. Although Huang Xin's report to Tubingen City Hall stated that Wang Ai, the main force of the team and the relatives of the investors, is the main force of the Chinese youth, and will also play a lot in the World Junior Championships. However, it describes and really sees China is different. The officials in charge of this negotiation also learned in detail that there were only three opponents in this country ’s youth training in Germany: Tubingen in the regional league, Aachen in the Bundesliga, and Frankfurt, which has just been relegated! Except Tubingen, all are strong teams. At this moment, the enthusiasm of Tubingen City Hall was ignited.

Because an amateur team and a professional team, the pulling effect on the local economy is completely different. At the very least, professional teams are telecasts and live broadcasts throughout Germany, while amateur teams are, at best, a state broadcast. The cost of TV broadcasts is also completely different, and the influence they bring is even more heaven and earth. If the youth of Tubingen really have a practicable plan to hit the German Bundesliga, then even in ten or eight years, Tubingen can afford to wait! Because it requires long-term, large-scale investment in the team.

Therefore, the city of Tubingen urgently wants to know the specific plans of the investors. How much money is spent is one aspect, and the team's own construction is also a more important aspect. If the team does have the determination to impact the Bundesliga, then, According to Leoni's analysis, the land transfer fee will be greatly reduced, and the financial situation of the club will be greatly eased.

"You tell the city directly that our club is not just satisfied with staying in the regional leagues. Regarding the signing of this season, I am now in preliminary contact. It should be a backup member of the Chinese national team, which is equivalent to the Bundesliga team. Main level players. Regarding the head coach, I will hire a head coach of the Chinese first-class team. In short, in terms of staffing, it will completely exceed the level of the regional leagues, and, as far as I know, Allison and Boateng are both It is possible to be selected for the national teams of Tanzania and Australia. Counting Ozil and Mertesacker, our team will have more than seven national and quasi-national team members in the world, even if it is based in the Bundesliga. Any questions. Before I sign a contract with a domestic coach and players, you can remember to return home, or you can bring officials from the Tubingen City Hall. By the way, you can also tell them that next year we After the regional league, I can guarantee that China's CCTV, CCTV with 1.3 billion viewers, will give us a special report once! "

On the phone, Huang Xin was talking, and Leoni was writing with a pen. Wang Ai's guarantee was so useful that it was scratching the most itchy place of Tubingen city officials. Once Wang Ai's ideas were successful, Tubingen became famous in China, and not to mention how good the club's souvenirs and jerseys will be sold. How many Chinese tourists will come to Tubingen every year? CCTV The cost of media rebroadcasting is a big one each year, plus various commercial operations of advertising and so on. You know, these clubs have to pay local taxes. More importantly, as long as Tubingen breaks into the Bundesliga, he will have the opportunity to participate in European competitions! Then the little Tubingen will have the opportunity to usher in a big explosion of European tourists! This has a huge driving force for the economic development of Tubingen as a whole.

Leoni's confidence made Wang Ai look forward to the good news. Wang Ai stepped on a plane to Shenyang in a good mood.

After getting off the plane, Wang Liang came to pick him up and accompanied Wang Liang to the club manager and team leader.

When the two sides shivered, Wang Liang secretly squeezed his eyes. Although it was ugly and hard to see, Wang Ai understood what Wang Liang meant: Liaozu was short of money and crazy! It was just a first contact without a word, and it was a foreign quasi-professional team, which actually shocked the club boss and team leader to personally pick up the plane.

Along the way, Wang Ai found that the two were really enthusiastic and hoped to sell two players in exchange for some money. Maybe they are also Wang Ai as a child and have not deliberately concealed their emotions. Instead, they brag about how powerful their players are.

Wang Ai deliberately pretends to be stupid, nods his head, and keeps giving out, "Is it? Oops! That's awesome!" Such a sound, Wang Liang, who understands Wang Aidi's details, keeps goosebumps!