Reborn on Top of Football

v2 Chapter 78: National Expedition

Not to mention how the outside world is disturbing one another, Xu Genbao's own affairs are also a lot, and he is still reluctant to base Xu Genbao. Wang Ai had to persuade the old Xu head: "Guide Xu, but now in the Internet era, you are not delaying overseeing their training in Germany. You can make a plan for the person in charge and send an email. They take the training situation as a photo And data, send it back to you in an email, or simply apply for a blog from both of you, and the base puts the training situation on the blog, so that not only you can watch it easily, but also the parents of your children.

In the end, Wang Ai also promised that the old Xu Tou could let the children perform well in the Tubingen youth team to train for a period of time. This old Xu Tou was satisfied. At the end of the trouble, Wang Ai felt that he might have been tricked again!

It is impossible for Xu Genbao to go to Germany alone. After all, he is in his sixties. Even if Xu Genbao does not care about himself, Wang Ai is not assured. In the end, Xu Genbao took one of his apprentices, a former retired player of the second team. Xu Genbao was studying at the football base. This was responsible for following Xu Genbao to Germany as an assistant to take care of Xu Genbao's diet. Wang Ai promised to give this one thousand euros a month, a total of 120,000 yuan a year. How can I find such a good job this year?

As for the tactical assumptions, the two only talked initially. Wang Ai hoped that Xu Genbao could further develop his "grabbing siege" in Germany, which could be combined with the total offensive and defensive gradually formed by Tubingen youth. Xu Genbao agreed.

In mid-August, Xu Genbao rushed to Germany in advance, and the old man held a booklet of "Simple German Dialogue" all day. It can be seen that the old Xu head is also really playing.

In addition, Wang Ai also reminded Xu Genbao to pay attention to working methods.

Old Xu Duo-smart, at a glance, saw Wang Ai's worry, dissatisfied and said: "You are not happy I am a little bit better, when is it? Besides, it ’s Germany, I go out to represent the Chinese, Chinese coach, Chinese football Yes, and do n’t forget, I ’m from Shanghai, and I ’ll show you what the Chinese ’s “gentlemanly style” is! "

After going to Germany, the old Xu head mainly inspected the construction of the club, but did not rush to meet with the team members. This was the unanimous decision of Wang Ai, Huang Xin, Lei Aoni, and Xu Genbao. After all, Xu Genbao is a Chinese coach. It can't be said if he can hold down German players. This also needs to be personally introduced by Wang Ai, who has won the sincere approval of all players.

After disposing of the power of the nine cows and two tigers, he finally deceived "Master" from Wang Ai of Chongming Island, and hurried back to Yunnan Hongta Base after finishing the trivial matters. The World Junior Tournament is about to begin, what Tubingen, what German B, Wang Ai are all thrown aside, even if the regional league has started, Wang Ai also directly commissioned Leoni and Feifeer to jointly command the team. If Wang Ai is absent, and Xu Genbao is still not in place, don't lose all! Besides, with the current strength of the Tubingen youth team, you have all lost. Do you ask the players' opinions? Ozil, Mertesacker, Allison, Boateng, and Chinese players Bai Guanghai and Luo Tongliang all screamed to play the Bundesliga.

In fact, Wang Ai was so relieved because the German Southern Region League, which started in early August, has played five rounds so far. As a promoted horse, the youth of Tubingen have achieved three wins, one draw and one loss, and temporarily top the list. With the upcoming joining of Bai Guanghai and Luo Tongliang, the level of the team will be strengthened. The hard work of Leoni, Huang Xin, Feifeer and even Kugel and other club members and players is the key to allowing Wang Ai to devote himself to training in the country. Even the players also uploaded a video on the official blog of the Tubingen youth, encouraging Wang Ai to work hard to play a good World Junior, and winning the honor of the Tubingen youth. For example, Ozil said: "Brother, I wish you a group exit and win the championship! Hehe ... No one has been competing with me for two months!"

This time, with no external interference, Wang Ai and the team members of the national youth team devoted themselves to training. Aiming at the characteristics of European players, the main opponents of this World Junior Match, based on the research of Lao Gao, Wang Ai, and several main players, they figured out new tactics.

Another twenty days of sweating!

On August 30, the national team said goodbye to the enthusiastic Hongta base and returned to Beijing. The Football Management Center held a solemn expedition for the national youth team. Originally, there was an oath division meeting, but the national youth team refused: we are not blocking our eyes and blowing up bunkers.

Therefore, on this day's Beijing Capital Airport, including the director of the Sports Bureau, Yuan Weimin, Yuan, all arrived at the airport to see off the country. After the leaders spoke, the player's representative spoke. Unexpectedly, Wang Ai didn't come on stage, but stood honestly in the team. He gave this opportunity to Zhou Haibin.

Due to a contest between Hongta Base and the National Football Team, Zhou Haibin was optimistic about Su Maozhen. He is expected to be promoted from the youth team to the first team within this year. At such a critical moment, Wang Ai didn't mind helping his friends. Delegates from young countries are also a manifestation of their ability. To show their face in front of so many leaders has many benefits in the future. Of course, Zhao Xuri, Chen Tao, and others have a bright future, but Zhao Xuri is easily nervous and forgets words, and dares not to go. Chen Tao is not nervous, but who knows what he can say when he is excited? What if you get dazzled by a sense of justice? The Beijing Olympic bid was successful last month, and the Sports Bureau leaders are on the rise. So I thought I would give this opportunity to calm Zhou Haibin.

The simple and solemn departure ceremony was over. The young team members boarded the aircraft in turn under the leadership of the team leader. Wang Ai walked behind. Yuan Weimin was holding Wang Ai's hand and talking.

"Xiao Wang, how are you studying in Germany? When will the doctor take it?"

Seeing Wang Ai shaking his head, Director Yuan asked quickly: "What are the difficulties?"

Wang Ai smiled: "Director Yuan, the doctor will take at least two years. Maybe next year, but I won the master of philosophy this year!"

Guiding Yuan was very bright: "Master of Philosophy at the University of Tubingen?"

Wang Ai nodded with a smile: "And oh, I guess if everything goes well, I can get a master of German literature next year!"

Instructor Yuan said happily: "A master's degree in dual material! Good! What are your plans to pass away this time?"

Speaking of the World Championships, Wang Ai's expression became serious: "We watched the warm-up video of the group's opponents when they were in the Red Tower. They were very good. Maybe we were out of luck. I found that both Nigeria and France in the same group Stronger than imaginary! "

Guiding Yuan frowned: "That is to say that it is very difficult to get out of the group? Now that you have watched the video, you have a high IQ, what do you think of?"

Wang Ai nodded and mentored Yuan's ear: "We have developed a new set of tactics to specifically restrain them. In addition, the French team has always been slow, so we have to fight for France in the group stage. Eliminate! Get rid of obstacles for going further! "

Instructor Yuan shot the ambitious Wang Ai and said nothing. He nodded and called the accompanying secretary. He took a plastic photo from the secretary's shoulder bag: "Xiao Wang, I have nothing to send you. . Know that you like our old women's volleyball team, your generation has not forgotten us, and my team members are very happy. So, this is a photo of our old women's volleyball team after winning the championship. You like Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang They all have signatures on the back. They are a gift from our old women's volleyball team! "

"Really?" Wang Aiyu took the photo incoherently and held it in his hand: "I, I, you wait! One month later, I will try to give you one!"