Reborn on Top of Football

v2 Chapter 90: Flowers and swords (middle)

The rigorous formation of the French team has put a lot of pressure on the Chinese team. Although they do not understand the logic of the Chinese team's "chaos" in these two games, this "chaos" is undoubtedly the instability on the playing field. Factors, so at the prompt of the head coach, the French team's backcourt focused on the core point of the Chinese team ’s victory in this chaos-the two front teams of the Chinese team have placed key restrictions and also adopted similar play as the Chinese team Law, back-to-back, control the ball.

The Chinese team's tactics are still incomplete because of insufficient manpower. According to Wang Ai's idea, this should be a player who can have his own or Chen Tao's superb footwork and outstanding overall situation in the front, middle and backcourt, so that he can play deadly assists anytime, anywhere. Multiple starting points can also disperse himself and Chen Tao. pressure. Unfortunately, there are too few people in this country who can bear this responsibility. Zhao Xuri is a protective midfielder, Zhou Haibin is a scavenger centerback, and other players such as Yin Liangyi, Baihe, Guo Liang, etc. are more simple. Role players, there is no problem in the top position, but to play additional assists beyond their current level.

Wang Ai was helpless, but it was not a chance to fight hard, but he might have to pay the price of injury. At least in the French team's physical and focused start, the cost was too high, and he had to retreat to the front line of Zhao Xuri and put the white crane on the front waist. Cooperate with Chen Tao to enrich the Chinese team's ability to plan and attack in the backcourt.

Both the Chinese and French teams are looking forward to being able to take the lead, but they are afraid of each other's lead. The small-scale cooperation between the two sides has made the two teams more carefully deal with the situation on the field, and Wang Ai who has returned to the lower back has to bear the burden. With a defensive mission, he topped France's strongest striker, the black player Pongler!

Facing Pongle, who has scored four goals in the group stage so far, Wang Ai has no fear. In Tubingen for a year, although he did not play a defensive position on the court, he benefited from the peace Per Mertesacker ’s friendship, there is no lack of exchange of kicks in private. Wang Ai taught Pell the tactical organization and game reading in the frontcourt. Pell gave Wang Ai his stunt--predicting defense! This is the secret that Tall Pell was able to set up a football field and frequently intercepted it.

And Wang Ai learns to predict the defense very quickly. Thanks to Wang Ai itself is a forward with sculpted all-around moves, he only needs to change his mind for reverse understanding. Therefore, France ’s number one star Pongle was successfully intercepted four times by Wang Ai between the 20th minute and the 30th minute of the first half. The taller Pongler was compared to his short 20-centimeter defender. There was no alternative but to transfer the ball and the teammates were responsible for instigating the offense.

In this way, throughout the first half, the attacking cores of the Chinese and French teams were frozen by the other side. Despite the wonderful cooperation and the danger was created many times, neither goal was scored. Both sides had to score 0; Halftime.

Lao Gao patted the tactic board seriously in the locker room: "The real game is only now starting!"

The players understand that France will never be willing to draw with the Chinese team, and the Chinese team, of course, will not be reconciled!

Sure enough, at the beginning of the second half, the French team's style of play suddenly changed, and the team accelerated the speed of attack and coordination. Another black front waist Mog stared at Wang Ai, liberating Pongle, and after a series of exquisite passes, Pongler succeeded in offside between Zhou Haibin and Guo Liang and scored the ball into the gate of the Chinese team!

Wang Ai gasped heavily, observing the situation on the field seriously. If there was another one, it would be fine, even if he played against the French team. It's a pity that Pengler's goal sounded the horn of the French team's comprehensive attack!

The opportunity for the Chinese team has quietly arrived!

After the kick-off, Zhao Xuri passed back to the sideline Yang Fusheng. Yang Fusheng returned to Wang Ai, one of the double backs. After Wang Ai took a few times to get rid of Mog, he played several times with Zhou Haibin and found that Fully attracted the French team's frontcourt players, and after their own frontcourt players were already in place, they suddenly made a straight pass with one step horizontally, passing between the two French players in front and back with extremely fast ball speed. Chen Tao stepped forward and took a left foot kick on the side of the ball. He slightly adjusted the direction. After passing the caretaker of the French team, he kept the ball straight and gave it to Dai Qinhua. Dai Qinhua also passed the ball to the ball. Cao Di in the penalty area, Cao Di is more decisive, facing the ball and turned around and fired!

Although the ball rubbed the goal post and failed to score, it scared the French team up and down. At the same time, the Chinese team also discovered that the time for the light attack tactics has matured. The French team can no longer maintain the front-to-back balance as it did in the first half, with a slightly heavier rigor in the backcourt.

Therefore, before the French team responded, the Chinese team "chaotic", as if the football was hot, pass after the ball was busy, and the midfielder was combed by Wang Ai, the attack became sharp and concise After passing the midfield quickly, the frontcourt players scrambled. In addition to a number of unfocused shots, he finally scored two goals with a supplementary shot by Chen Tao and a grab by Cao Di!

At this time, the game time has just reached the 20th minute. China has overtaken France 2: 1.

Even if the fire broke into the room, the French's inherent temperament has not become rough. This generation of French players has watched Zidane become famous, his face can be a devil, and the style of play must not lose the romantic temperament of France. Relying on a calm mentality and still stable formation, the French team's Pongle made a breakthrough from Guo Liang's side and hit a wall with Mog to bypass the strong Zhou Haibin. The shot was successful in the penalty area. . Two minutes later, at this same position, Pongle again passed his teammate's bottom pass and the header succeeded.

Within three minutes, the French team overtook the Chinese team 3: 2!

Offensive or defensive? Wang Ai hesitated for a moment, then lost the unrealistic and aggressive attack!

Wang Aihe and Zhao Xuri welcomed him and nodded: the backcourt is over to you! Zhao Xuri, who loves to play and laugh, nods his head firmly.

Lao Gao stood on the side of the field and seriously observed the situation on the field, and found that Wang Ai and Bai He exchanged positions again, taking a deep breath: I really did not bring this young man! Instead, even if I choose to attack in the end, I will never make a decision so quickly. You know, this game is bound to be revisited by the Football Association. Strategic decisions at such a critical moment will definitely be repeated. It is wise and great to win, but to lose is to die for nothing!

The leader quietly came up and patted Lao Gao's arm: "High guidance, it is right or wrong for Xiao Wang to play this way. I can't tell, but I know that the fighter jet is fleeting and I am most afraid of indecision. It ’s indispensable for Xiao Wang to reach today. And it ’s also indispensable to excavate Xiao Wang ’s high guidance. Without your tolerance and encouragement, our country will never be so resolute in the arena and form such a distinctive And the dynamic style of the ball. Even if this game is lost, this is also the most promising and most ambitious national name I have ever seen. "