Reborn on Top of Football

v3 Chapter 178: Rescue (1)

After waiting for the news of the Champions League victory to be slightly dissipated, the Laco club began to prepare for the next season. The first is the renewal of two people, one is coach Irueta and the other is team 13. Wang Ai. As a result, the first contact in renewal negotiations did not go well.

Irueta is aware of the club's distressed financial situation and high debts. He does not know who else can stay in the team next season and what players will be introduced. And through his initial contact, he learned that the club is not enthusiastic about introducing new players next season. Although Irueta understands the poor condition of the club and also admires Lendoiro's painstaking efforts for many years, as a head coach, there is no elite soldier and it is bound to be stretched.

Irueta was not Wenger, and Lendoiro didn't necessarily give him that much trust. Judging from the style of coaching, Irueta's Basque personality and the relationship with the team members are far less level than the polite Professor Wenger.

Therefore, Irueta has not agreed to renew the contract for the time being, but just said that he will wait until the end of the Champions League game. The club is not good, it's a strong reason after all. There are millions of Champions League prize money, and the geometric rise in popularity caused by it will bring more than ten times the increase in advertising revenue. At least for Raco.

Similarly, contact with Wang Ai was not smooth. The club meant to sign a long-term contract with Wang Ai. At present, all players in the Laco club have a contract of more than 6 years, including Belleron, Luke, Pandiani, etc., but only Wang Ai is a one-year contract, which means that the club does not May profit by selling Wang Ai. Now the club certainly does not have the desperate idea to sell Wang Ai, but plans ahead, the day when it will be sold, Wang Ai's worth is now at least 10 million euros. With the team's second-leading shooter and the Champions League gold The performance of the favorable contenders of the boots, Wang Ai's appeal is good for general clubs, too great for the giants.

Facing such a huge potential gain, Laco even put forward Wang Ai's extremely high signing fee of one million Euros as a condition.

But from the perspective of Wang Ai, it is another matter. Now compared to Wang Ai's annual salary of 550,000 plus a bonus of about 250,000, Wang Ai's advertising revenue to Laco has exceeded 4 million euros, and it will definitely exceed 5 million in the next year.

Therefore, it is not the issue that the club wants to sign a long-term contract, but the issue that Wang Ai needs to raise his salary.

Why is Beckham the highest salary in Real Madrid? Not even Ronaldo? Because their salary is equivalent to their own. Although Wang Ai can't compare with Beckham's 40 million euros in advertising revenue and 20 million euros in jersey sales profits, Wang Ai's commercial appeal in the Laco team is now NO.1!

In order to keep this "money tree", club owner Rendoiro even went out of his own hands and proposed new conditions for a long salary in exchange for a salary increase. But even so, he couldn't convince Wang Ai, especially when Wang Ai called Schrapner. Wang Ai just said that he did not consider leaving Laco for the time being and would continue to play. But signing a long-term contract is impossible.

Schrapner was rude. He bluntly said: "Rey's salary comes with him. He wants nothing more than a platform for playing football. If Laco is not willing, a lot of giants will take the initiative. When you sign a long-term contract, Wang Ai's next boss will pay a high transfer fee, and this transfer fee will become his salary if Wang Ai joins freely. "

The implication, now that you propose to sign a long-term contract, is equivalent to taking money from Wang Ai's pocket, and from his future salary, but also from my pocket!

Schlapner is different from the general agent. He has a deep and close relationship with Wang Ai. As a football professional with some connections in Germany, he is not strong in business activities and is highly dependent on player wages. More importantly, in the past, he was the only window to introduce Chinese players to play in Germany. Yang Chen, Xie Hui and Shao Jiayi could only choose to sign a contract with him. Now, Wang Ai is the first Chinese player to go to Germany, and his role is dispensable. Therefore, he is now mingling with Wang Ai. Tubingen's Chinese foreign aid has no right to choose who should be the agent.

Recently, Beyond Sports Company is preparing to establish CY Company, that is, Beyond Europe in Europe, and is preparing to cut the two companies financially. This does not mean that the two will be independent portals in the future, mainly to guard against FIFA or UEFA Some regulations. To become a regular sports comprehensive company, CY Sports must have not only its own club but also a brokerage company. Schlaipner, as Wang Ai, has always cooperated happily, has no great ability, but does not have much ambition, he is preparing to join the first. Although it is inevitable that the company will take a large part of the revenue, but in exchange for a large number of contracts for Tubingen youth Chinese players and even German players, the total revenue will increase instead of falling. Especially for a 62-year-old man, it is self-evident whether he is working hard or relying on a powerful company.

Regarding Wang Ai's choice of not signing a long-term contract, Schrapner is not only to protect Wang Ai's interests, because his contract with Wang Ai stipulates that Wang Ai's transfer fee and salary bonus are the same. This means that Wang Ai's failure to sign a long-term contract has no loss of interest to him, so he is so righteous.

Faced with the accusations of Schrapner, Londoiro could not help but immediately invited Wang Ai to have a separate conversation. In the conversation, he was frank that the financial situation of the club was unable to be maintained, including the fixed assets of players, stadiums and clubs. A club with a total of only 200 million euros has a debt of 150 million. The value of players is floating and difficult to determine, especially for some older players. The value of each year is shrinking, which means that The total assets of the Laco Club have been shrinking. Only due to the special nature of sports and the qualification of La Liga, it barely reached 200 million in the evaluation.

The club's assets of 50 million seem to be a lot, but they are all fixed assets. For example, the Riasso stadium is worth 80 million euros. So now the club's liquidity is very small except to pay players. The club's financial revenue is mainly derived from advertising, broadcasting, tickets, and souvenirs, of which tickets account for 40%. In recent years, the cold winter of Laco Fisheries has reduced the ability of fans to buy tickets, and the ticket income of the club has plummeted. As the representative club in Galicia, the primary advertising revenue must come from local businessmen. The economic downturn in the region also means that the advertising revenue of the club has declined.

Domestic and foreign troubled Rondoiro candidly said: "The club is going to be younger."

Wang Ai understands that Lendoiro has been determined to be an excellent club manager since he was a child, and has been doing it for 16 years. He has brought this small team of A Coruña to the great chairman of the current situation. No longer. The so-called "rejuvenation" is actually a pretty good idea to sell the current star in exchange for the club's financial balance. In other words, the "super-racco" is actually approaching the end of the most dazzling moment when it is about to reach the summit.