Reborn on Top of Football

v3 Chapter 21: Matador in Helsinki (5)

This game can't be much exciting. Except for Wang Ai's wonderful shot and Xiao Zeng's 15-minute performance, the whole game is not good. The Spanish nationals did not play the pride and control system they were proud of, while the Chinese nationals also made too many unsatisfactory shots.

However, after all, China's national youth has won.

The following afternoon, the Embassy of Helsinki sent evaluations from major sports newspapers published on the same day, as well as portals such as NetEase, Sina, and Sohu. The opinion of most media is: If the Chinese nationals take good control and improve their shooting efficiency, this game will score more goals.

Of course, the media also severely criticized forwards such as Mao Jianqing, Jiang Chen, and Lin Lin who came off the bench in the second half: they scored dozens of shots in the field and did not score once. What kind of striker is this?

Even the Chinese Football Association specifically called Liu Chunming. Although there was no direct criticism, after all, the game was won, but dissatisfaction with the game was still too much to say.

To this end, Wang Aite deliberately made a clarification in a telephone interview with CCTV Sports Channel the following day: "I think our strikers have performed very well. This is not my support of my teammates, but the truth to be said This is our tactical requirement. As for why not adjust to improve the success rate and then shoot ... this is our tactical secret! Next we have more games to play, so I can't explain our tactical intentions in detail. "

The implication: This is our tactical design, which reflects our tactical intentions and achieves our tactical goals. As for what we mean ... guess what!

After Wang Ai's remarks were broadcast on CCTV, domestic media, football commentators, and so on, all became mute. Several major portals have quietly withdrawn contributions to fierce criticism of young forwards. The paper media could not be removed, so I pretended not to say it.

I don't even know how young people think about it. There is a clear level of difference in understanding of football skills and tactics, dare to continue? Dr. Wang was really anxious, opened up all of this clearly, shattered it and made it clear, they can indeed improve their understanding of football skills and tactics, but at the cost of their mouths being flushed.

If it is another player, the critics may still be unconvinced, but the critics really dare not resist the last champion of Wang Ai.

Wang Ai also convened a member of the team to hold a meeting to specifically target the team ’s "strength" and media turmoil to build mentality for teammates. Sixteen or seventeen-year-olds need the age of others to agree. The criticism of the "tall and tall" media is unlikely to have an impact on their psychology.

"After the game, we made technical statistics on the game video." Wang Ai stood in front of the blackboard facing all his teammates: "In the first half, our shooting ratio in the goal frame was 36%, and in the second half, this figure improved to 55%. "

"This shows that under our tactical requirements, without seeking accuracy, the shooting efficiency of several forward players has still been improved." Wang Ai said with satisfaction: "Our game is to shake the opponent with wave shots. Confidence. We all know afterwards that the wave shot has no effect, but who knows in the game? Each of our shots is an impact on the opponent's psychology. Is there a threat of immature shooting opportunities? Do not rush to kick the goal Too much! It ’s just that we are unlucky, we have n’t succeeded so many times in a hurry. But we need to see that our forward players have been very well trained in this game. You are not quite used to this. Hurrying to kick, but it does not mean that you have not improved. "

"Jianqing, Jiang Ning, and Lin Lin, you." Wang Ai laughed. "Do n’t be panicked by the media. You have to pay attention that our tactical pre-game tactics are not guessed by any media, they are all in Simply talk to the game scene to talk about the host. In the final analysis, it is similar to the level of ordinary fans. And we? Professional football players, the best young players in the country, we can even beat the United States and Spain. Said to be one of the best young players in the world. Therefore, we and the media have different levels of understanding of football. In other words, we are the most professional. Whether now or in the future, you are playing in the national team or local team. If you lose, be criticized by the media, don't pay too much attention. We just need to show a proper humble attitude. Keep in mind that they are unprofessional, and even harder to say: they don't understand. "

"So." Wang Ai patted his breasts: "As long as you seriously train the game, no matter who scolds you, I will support you! I feel wronged, even if you come to me! Even if the club can't keep going, Liaozu wants you, even The Tubingen youth also have your place! "

Slightly sad teenagers showed smiles instantly. Mao Jianqing covered her head and laughed: "Boss, I feel more relieved when you say that. In the past, Shenhua trained with the first team and watched their games. The coach said a set of things, and then the newspaper said another set of things. Sometimes, I ca n’t tell who is right. See what their experts say. ”

"No matter how many laymen say, they are also laymen!" Wang Ai said firmly. "In addition, I give you a suggestion. If you have the opportunity, play less games, drink less alcohol, read more books, and try to take a test. University. If you do n’t have time for a full-time program, you can take a correspondence test. You can shake a group of laymen because you do n’t read too much. You do n’t need to take a doctoral degree like me, and it ’s a regular undergraduate or college degree . Modern football depends not only on the body but also on the mind. This determines your ability to understand tactics. At least you are scolded. You can read more books to scold you back. "

When it comes to school, the teammates are silent, they will hardly come to play if they want to study. Zeng Cheng raised his hand with a smile: "Boss, your brain is enough."

"Fart!" Wang Aishun threw his chalk head at Xiao Zeng. "You will almost always be the main force of domestic clubs. They will be pulled and pulled by the media and fans every day. Can I make it for you every day? It ’s up to you. I really do n’t want to go to college, but it ’s always right to read more? I tell you, the harder you read the book, the more helpful it is to you, the more it proves that this thing is missing from your mind, You start with junior high school textbooks, and then slowly look at high school. I just don't have time, otherwise I have to take you to a culture class. "

After the psychological building for the teammates, the Chinese primary school team faced the last opponent of the group stage on August 20: Sierra Leone.

In this game, the Chinese primary school again changed the way of playing and played the strategy of passing and controlling. The result was the same as the first game against the US team. The rampage of Sierra Leone was like a bull being played by a bullfighter. Sierra Leone was super physically fit.

It was not until the referee of Fiji blew the final whistle that the pain of the **** bulls ended.

The Chinese youth defeated the Sierra Leone 4: 0 and, as the group leader, made their debut.