Reborn on Top of Football

v3 Chapter 329: Face to face: Dr. Wang's football thinki

Speaking of this, Wang Ai suddenly waved and greeted the people behind Wang Zhi: "Which one, please put some background music? I like to listen to the piano and think about the problem."

"Yes, what is Dr. Wang listening to?"

"Well, be soothing and lyrical, um, don't be classical, don't understand."

"Richard Clayman's version of" The Wedding in a Dream, "is it okay?"

Wang Ai laughed: "Okay, please."

Bits of music sounded, and the conversation between Wang Ai and Wang Zhi began to enter the deepest realm of this program.

"As a player, I certainly hope that Chinese football will become stronger than the average person. Just like you, I definitely hope that CCTV can become a globally important media." Wang Ai thought deeply: "But we all know, Nothing can be achieved overnight. The matter of football is relatively simple compared to the matter of national construction, but it is not simple enough to just look at the paper data to distinguish the high and low. A team has 14 people in the game, if it happens A group of more powerful players may have achieved this result. But these players will retire, they will be injured, and they will be in a poor state. Hao Haidong is unlikely to be 50 years old, right? "

"So what is the position of Chinese football in the world and in Asia?"

"If you compete against this national team, I can say that you can definitely rank in the top three in Asia. But if you compete against the Chinese football as a whole ..." Wang Ai said a pause, saying verbatim: "Asia's top eight. "


"Let me first say why the Asian Cup has a good result. First of all, we have a lot of support from the Football Association. For example, it took a lot of effort to get the hosting right. This got the geographical advantage. Our competitions and training are in the working body. Familiar, very convenient, no need to tow by boat, no need to adapt to the venue, no need to worry about food and accommodation, etc. Secondly, Bai Guanghai just took the Bundesliga silver boots this season, I took the Champions League silver boots, Hao Haidong, Li Mingbao are not old, Sun Jihai, Shao Jiayi All of them are in good condition. Or, the main players of this national team are just in a very good state and physical condition. Everyone is so neat, so this can be regarded as time. Finally, our national team coaching team created The atmosphere is very good. When we entered the game, the players entered the field hand in hand, you may have noticed? This actually shows that the atmosphere in our team is very good. Or that is, the coaching team's work arrangements, team management, etc. And so on, every bit of detail has created such a thriving and concerted situation. This is a harmony. You see, we are in good shape People are accounted for, a good result is not surprising. "

"But, it ’s definitely not us for the next host, this place will be lost. The next time our team members are in such a good physical condition, it ’s impossible to say, only half of them will be left at this time. And the next time is still It ’s not the Alihan coaching staff. No one can say this well. Will the atmosphere in the team be so peaceful, no one can guarantee it, right? We are all adults, we live in various groups, we all know that this is not Easy. So, this time we won the championship and next time we will face the environment of losing these advantages. What will happen to us? "

"That's not the top eight in Asia, right?"

"I enlarge the pattern a little and tell you." Wang Ai pondered for a while before he said, "There is a saying in our Chinese society called 'knowledge changes destiny'. What reflects this is the great development of our country's productivity over the past few decades. In the process, the trend of social employment requires more highly-educated workers, and this trend will not change in the short term. In the future, China's labor-intensive industries will gradually shift to Southeast Asia and Africa, and the main domestic economic type will be transformed into science and technology. The added value is mainly the current situation in Europe and the United States. Therefore, the society's demand for knowledgeable talents is long-term. This has objectively caused our families and schools to attach importance to children's intellectual education. Correspondingly, physical education You despise. You are a senior host, you must have some knowledge of this. All industries are becoming knowledgeable, and even our sports world is emphasizing knowledge. Without knowledge, it ’s really impossible. For example, sports rehabilitation, two years Before the World Cup, Yu Genwei's injuries could not be cured in China. Many athletes retired early and injuries did not receive timely rehabilitation, science Treatment is directly related. Do you think that under such a social structure, can the sports school system be disintegrated? After the athletes retire, they will go to school to be physical education teachers, but you have no culture or knowledge, and you will not be qualified as a physical education teacher in the future. In other words, from the perspective of family education investment, for the same money, are parents willing to let their children go to school and become a knowledgeable youth with strong social needs, or go to sports school and become an athlete with narrow social needs? "

Wang Zhi nodded.

"Or I can put it more bluntly, if I say bubbling, I will trouble you for editing later, but I don't want to hide it. Our society has now entered a big environment of contempt of manual labor. And it is a long-term phenomenon. I come from the Northeast, and I have a very direct understanding of the issue of employment. Workers who can only be competent in one part of the assembly line have the narrowest employment channels and lack of ascent channels. Conversely, even young people with knowledge, even for a time Income is not high, but the development prospect is very broad, able to adapt to multiple positions. Today's China is changing with each passing day, what kind of people can stand in the tide? Especially the high-knowledge, high-tech industry such as the Internet is booming at the moment? Have high-skilled talents. In this case, will parents support their children to play football? Although I earn a lot, it is an example, but how many of me in the country do I have? Less than a hundred, this success rate is too low. Few people invest so much in family education. Parents do n’t just want their children to be safe Do? Do you also do this to your child? "

Wang Zhi nodded: "So, Dr. Wang, you mean that there are fewer and fewer children playing football. From the perspective of youth sports in football, this foundation is weakening?"

"Yes." Wang Ai nodded affirmatively: "But this is not the responsibility of who, not the responsibility of which department. It is the development of Chinese society to this stage today. It is an overall environment and an inevitable. The elimination rate of athletes is high. Of the ten football children who were coached by the sports school, only one could turn into a football teenager; ten teenagers could play a city team, and ten city teams could be a provincial or professional team. Ten One of the professional teams can play in the Super League. One of the twenty in the Super League can go abroad to play, or enter the national team. How much is this? One of 200,000. And this is still the same age. One hundred children are picked by a sports school coach. How much is that? One in 20 million. "