Reborn on Top of Football

v3 Chapter 86: Winter swimming (below)

"Professional athletes have a certain physical focus because of the type of sports. Over time, it will cause some aspects of disharmony. For example, if you play football, long-term training, the lower limbs will be significantly more developed than the upper limbs. The human body It is about overall coordination. Especially if you are still developing during adolescence, the body will involuntarily correct the inconsistencies caused by your training. Therefore, during this time, you have some problems in physical control. "

Zhao Dan seemed to understand, but Wang Ai thoughtfully.

"Simply put, this is also an occupational disease. Long-term employment in a certain job will bring about certain changes in the body, certain aspects of expertise and mediocrity in other aspects. If it is an adult, it will be fixed and gradually become the body. Accept, but minors have a hard time adapting. Your professional needs and the balance of your body need long-term coexistence. ”Yan Zhu pointed at Wang Ai ’s arm and said,“ For example, if you ’re boxing, You will find that boxers, especially the professional boxers in the United States, are significantly more developed than the lower body, as if two chopsticks bear a piece of tofu. The kick is exactly the opposite, the lower limbs are too developed, and the upper limbs are worse. The human body is complicated During growth and development, we will try our best to smooth out this inconsistency. "

"I usually pay attention to upper limb training." Wang Ai frowned. He roughly understood Yan Zhu's meaning. He was talking about the conflict between the incoordination brought about by his long-term football training and the self-balance of the human body.

"Well, that's good." Yan Zhu nodded: "But it doesn't mean that you are really coordinated. Your training in the gym has strengthened your upper limbs to a certain extent, and this self-adjusting body Strength, but not enough. After all, the body is not just between the upper and lower limbs. "

"Brother Yan, what sports are the most coordinated?" Zhao Dan asked curiously: "Is basketball more coordinated, arms to catch the ball and protect the ball, legs to run, to jump?"

"Well, it's better than football." Yan Zhu shook his head: "I didn't study the specifics. When training you, we mixed all kinds of sports. This is like eating, the human body is too complicated, and the scientists are also There is no conclusion on what kind of diet is the healthiest, so our Chinese approach is to try to make food as mixed as possible and to have a balanced nutrition structure. "

"But I can't really engage in other sports." Wang Ai was distressed.

Yan Zhu thought for a while: "Swim."

"Swimming?" Wang Ai scratched his face: "I will do a little breaststroke, and there is no swimming pool at home. Hey, I knew I would buy a villa-type house, at least the place is bigger, with a swimming pool. When the club showed me the house, why didn't I think about it? Spain is famous for its sun on the beach.

Yan Zhu smiled: "Inertia thinking, it's like you have been sitting on an international flight for a long time.

"Haha!" Wang Ai and Zhao Dan laughed together. This was almost the only black spot on Wang Ai.

"When we were in the mother's body, they were soaked in amniotic fluid, so some studies believe that babies are born to swim. When we swim, our body activates the memories of the first stage. On the one hand, we will feel comfortable and on the other hand, it will stimulate The vitality of the body is very helpful for your problems caused by this incoordination. So, despite the dangers of swimming, people still can't help but love to be close to the water. Westerners like swimming, and we Orientals like bathing , Essentially the same mechanism. "

"But I can only do a little breaststroke."

"Well, it's okay, let Xiao Zhao teach you, but he is famous for flying on the water, and he is absolutely freestyle."

"Well, we will go to the swimming pool in the afternoon." Wang Ai was very kind and ready to implement immediately.

Zhao Dan and Wang Ai were bragging, Yan Zhu quietly thought for a moment and then said, "I think you can consider swimming in the north sea."

"It's winter!" Wang Ai exclaimed, "I don't usually enter the water."

"That ’s why I let you go." Yan Zhudao said: "Immunity also needs to be trained from a young age. Winter swimming is a very good sport, and this is Spain, not Liaoyang. This season, the north of China is already below zero, and the northeast is colder. That is The real winter swimming is nothing more than a little cold. Rest assured that we will launch the water with you and watch you. "

"Then I have to wear a life jacket and hold a swimming ring."

"Oh, huh, of course you are the boss, you have the final say." Yan Zhu smiled and said, "Do n’t think that your immunity is good, you train hard, and you are in good health, so your resistance is strong, but it does n’t mean you ca n’t continue. Raised. I am 27 this year, and I haven't had any cold and fever problems for ten consecutive years. You just got a serious illness some time ago. "

"Then I won't get sick again in this winter swim?"

"As long as the warm-up is in place, it's fine. Besides, we Chinese and Europeans have different degrees of severity of colds and fevers. They lack such knowledge. For example, after we have a cold, in addition to taking medicine, we Chinese will cover sweat and eat Everyone knows some sweaty food, but Westerners don't understand it. So, even if you have a cold, it won't be too serious. Besides, you are still very cold-resistant, it's late autumn, and you haven't wore fleece pants. "

"Okay!" Wang Ai simply agreed. When he was a kid, he often rolled in the Prince River in his hometown. The friends said that he touched the fish. Most of the time he couldn't touch the fish, he threw in the river. It was only that Wang Ai later determined to play football and spent almost no time swimming.

It was a little breaststroke, which I learned during the National People's Congress. It was taught in physical education.

In winter, the seaside of A Coruña often has strong winds and waves, and sometimes it even snows. The temperature of the sea is between 8 and 10 degrees, and the body feels cooler. This is very different from the north and south of France. . In the northern part of Spain, close to France, the temperature will drop below zero in the winter, and in the southern part of the Mediterranean near Seville, winter is almost the same as summer, still around 20 degrees. The center of the capital, Madrid, is drier and drier.

Wearing a life jacket and a swimming ring, Wang Ai, after warming up for fifteen minutes, dropped into a small, gentle area. Although Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan didn't think it was necessary, it was not easy to persuade them. They sympathized with their brothers, but they were not a family after all. Even winter swimming was decided after reporting to Wang Bin.

In the afternoon, Wang Ai lost his life jacket and swimming ring, and almost immediately fell in love with the feeling of soaking in the sea water. The undulating waves made Wang Ai not dare to walk like a normal life, but instead Help him divert his attention and relieve his habitual thinking.