Reborn on Top of Football

v4 Chapter 135: ? Everyone loves, flowers bloom (1)

"Wang Ai, Wang Ai ... this, this!"

Outside Cobham Base in the western suburbs of London, in the early evening of March, when Wang Ai stepped out of the gate of the base, he heard a few voices of Mandarin mixed with English. He waved warmly.

Wang Ai's smiling face came close, and he couldn't figure out why the fans who came to see him always like to shout two English words. Did he regard him as an overseas Chinese or use it as an English corner?

As Cobham is a large closed training field, and it is too far away from the main stadium, the scene of watching stars through barbed wire is generally non-existent in Cobham. Look at the star fans, you can only stay outside the base gate. When does the favorite star come out, can I get together to sign a photo and have fun?

Chelsea's overall fans are not huge. Jose's "ugly" style of play also makes Chelsea's "star taste" insufficient. Therefore, there are usually only three or two fans waiting outside Cobham every day. There was no one at all.

The situation of Wang Ai's fans is special. There are many Chinese in London, but there are not many fans. The head of the fan organization met Wang Ai when he came to Chelsea, and that was the only side. Later, there were scattered locals. Not many Chinese come to chase the stars. The attitude of British natives towards Wang Ai is not different from that of other Chelsea stars. Instead, fans from the country often appear. Since London is the capital of the United Kingdom, people who come to the UK to do business usually come to London. Among them, if there are fans, Highbury, Stamford Bridge, White Hart Lane are all worth seeing.

Wang Ai's news is an important part of the sports section of many domestic websites. Not to mention the daily movements, there must be news at least before and after the match day. Anyway, forward players who often score goals are good. Old grandsons don't have this treatment. Wang Ai didn't go on vacations either. He squatted at home, so if the domestic fans who came to London watched him, they would always stop him.

Wang Ai prefers some domestic fans. Many overseas Chinese, apart from being similar in appearance, have different growing environments and few common languages. Today, Wang Ai is a delegation of a domestic company. He came to the UK to negotiate business. The conversation was very good in the morning, and it was all right in the afternoon. The leader of the team proposed to come to Cobham.

Some domestic fans forums have shared the experience of blocking Wang Ai. Sure enough, by 4 pm, Wang Ai went out on time.

"Wang Ai, it's not easy to meet you." The team leader said with emotion, holding Wang Ai's hand.

Wang Ai laughed for a while.

"Wang Ai, I have seen you before."

Wang Ai then took a closer look at this, a forty-year-old middle-aged man, struggling with energy, but completely unimpressed.

"I went to South Korea in the World Cup four years ago. At the time, I played Turkey in the third game. You came out of the hotel. I was right across the hotel and I was across the street from you. He waved his hand. "The leader of the team danced," You were so tall then, now you are taller than me. "

It's not easy for domestic fans to come, and I don't know how long they have stayed outside Cobham, so when they meet, they can't stop talking. Wang Ai debuted early, and that would be the first pinnacle of Chinese football, so most fans look at Wang Ai, they have a "home child" feeling.

Wang Ai was not in a hurry. Even if several people took turns to talk to him about the situation, he laughed and signed the autograph and the photo. It took 20 minutes to make a few people satisfied.

This year, the majority of people do not surf the Internet, so no matter how lively the Internet is, many people should do what it does, it will not affect it at all. Since Wang Ai came to Chelsea, he always had a special trip to visit his fans, and letters and gifts were sent to Cobham from time to time. At the beginning Wang Ai's future at Chelsea was unknown, and Chelsea's play was not attractive, so it was still relatively small. But since Wang Ai became the main rotation in the middle of the first half of the season, more people have visited him.

There are still very few people who have traveled abroad. It is even the minority who can find out Wang Ai's address in London, and even fewer who are able to think and spend money on gifts. But even so, at least one or two copies are received each day.

Leading a group of people to the bus stop not far from the base, watching them leave on the bus, Wang Ai turned and went home. Yan Zhu carrying a postal bag slowly followed Wang Ai and walked back while walking with Wang Ai. This was a rare leisure time for them in one day.

"OK, I didn't ask if you have a girlfriend today."

"Haha, maybe they always think I am the silly son of the landlord's house, which is very funny."

Yan Zhu sullen Wang Ai, who did not refute it. He could still feel arrogant when playing with people all day long. The genius of the college entrance examination that day, and now he has obtained six degree certificates, do not make people feel cunning. When I came to him, he smiled as soon as he relaxed.

Seeing that Yan Zhu didn't say anything, Wang Ai turned to look at Yan Zhubei ’s post: "Guess what is here today? But do n’t be Wuhan bean skin, I said it once on TV, but in the past few years The tofu is vomiting. "

"In the beginning, you should say that you like diamond rings." Yan Zhu teased.

"No, no." Wang Ai smiled and waved again and again: "Can't be valuable, you don't know the family conditions of the fans on the other side, in case someone sends me an expensive gift and then goes online to say, what other people think The small thing, the important thing is that many fans will not dare to get close to me. We didn't expect this thing to get rich, did we? The important thing is the mind. "

Yan Zhu squeezed the parcel a few times; "It doesn't look like eating ... in other words, do they have the same treatment for Qu Bo and Sun Jihai?"

Wang Aihaha said twice: "It should be there, but it should not be as high as mine. NetEase and Sina have special forums named after me. The Sina blog also sent me an invitation a few days ago to let me start a blog . Whether ordinary Chinese fans turn on the TV or go online, my name always jumps out first, so resources are concentrated on me. "

"Blog? Is that what you write in your diary every day? Sina has also done this? What's the use?"

"Ha, it's very useful. This thing is equivalent to the personal newspapers and speaking platforms of celebrities. You see how hard it is for ordinary fans to see me today and want to talk to me? Isn't it Miles? It is convenient to have a blog. If you want to say something, you do n’t need to ask reporters anymore. You can just tell them what they want to say, and leave me a message. "