Reborn on Top of Football

v4 Chapter 230: Count Monte Cristo (Act I: Interrogation

Without waiting for Wang Ai to speak, Lin Long continued: "Ordinary competition is fine. If you don't challenge, now you are the Premier League silver boots. The Chinese first time, many firsts, it is enough for everyone to praise you. However, you are not prepared enough, you are proud, and you set off the event without certainty. This is irrational and immature. You worry the leader and worry the fans. As a result, you lose and people are disappointed. Why? Explain it? "

Rao is Wang Ai, and it was a bit annoying to hear this. Xu Qinglian pulled Wang Ai's sleeve to calm Wang Ai, Lin Long turned a blind eye to the two little movements.

Wang Ai turned to Xu Qinglian and smiled. He calmly said, "Since you say that this thing represents the country, then what I need to say is that the Chinese cannot afford to lose."

Lin Long froze for a moment, then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and gave Wang Ai a thumbs up where the camera could not see. His question was just the flow of consciousness, which was exaggerated, so Wang Ai's response was also the flow of consciousness, and he also exaggerated. Brother, don't talk about the second brother. Even if it's not Lin Long, who is sitting here, anyone will be frustrated.

Lin Long's problems were not conceived by himself, but given by CCTV. CCTV was not conceived by himself, but the public was most concerned. Recently, many domestic newspapers, experts, seniors, and even some local football association leaders said that Wang Ai did so regardless of the overall situation. Of course, even if Wang Ai wins, his voice may be a little smaller, but it will not be gone. Especially some Muyang dogs, in their opinion, how could the Chinese win the Europeans? The Chinese are an inferior nation. If they can occasionally win two gold medals through an undemocratic and human rights-free nationwide system, they are equivalent to stealing, let alone a positive challenge? Too self-knowledge!

This kind of sound is quite loud, so CCTV must also respond in the interview. Of course, Lin Long did not communicate with Wang Ai in advance, that is another matter. This guy, including Ma Dong, is all of them. He always wants to show his meaning in front of Wang Ai. Of course Lin Long is here, even if Wang Ai's answer is not good, he can delete the re-recording.

"You just said that I represent the image of the country, right?" Wang Ai asked with a chuckle and saw Lin Long nodded. Wang Ai said, "Before I launched the challenge, the main media in England, including TV and newspapers, mentioned me about It is once a week. After all, there is so much news in the UK and so many Premier League teams. The probability of me being mentioned is equal to ordinary star players, about 200 people equal to me. But since I launched the challenge, the media reported that The number, length, and time have increased five or six times. If I represent the country, can this be regarded as China's national influence being magnified in England? "

"But you lost."

Wang Ai nodded, and said loudly, "Qing Lian, come back to the house and bring the newspapers for the past two months, as many as you like."

"Oh!" Xu Qinglian stood up and returned to the house, not holding a mule by herself. Zhao Dan came out with a large cardboard box.

"Alas." Wang Ai casually pointed out: "This is the Times, this is the Guardian, this is the Daily Telegraph, this is the Daily Mirror, the Daily Mail "The Sun", the most influential newspapers in England are basically these, there are mainstream, lace, and there are reports of me. Anyone who reports on me, I basically leave. You can flip through to see I have made a rough statistic, and 90% are complimenting me, even after I lose. "

Lin Long picked up a few newspapers handed by Zhao Dan, and showed the title and layout in front of the camera lens, and then put down: "What about 10%?"

Wang Ai spread his hand: "As a journalist, you should know, how do ordinary European media report Chinese news?"

Lin Long smiled silently.

Wang Ai did not ask, "So? If I represent China's image, then in the past two months, through this incident, China has seen an unprecedented increase in the media in England, Europe and the world. Added. If you must say that I lost, then the objective evaluation should also be: I Wang Ai lost, but China won. "

When Lin Long heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head and sighed and applauded Wang Ai, which was really wonderful. Such a tricky attack can be returned by his beautiful counterattack. The generosity and excitement that he said are exciting. This is indeed Dr. Wang, the master of logic and the young philosopher who most headaches journalists!

And Xu Qinglian on the other side had already seen God. Whenever Wang Ai quarrels with someone, it always makes her more heart-breaking and more energetic than he is on the court.

"Ten years ago, Professor Joseph of Harvard University proposed a concept of 'soft power' corresponding to a country's economic, political, and military strength. A country's good image can be used to promote the country's propositions and values ​​to gain more internationally. Support, thereby reducing the enemy to a greater extent and increasing friends. Now our country also needs to increase our soft power, increase friends, and reduce misunderstandings. "

Speaking of this, Wang Ai sipped a tea ceremony: "But I must remind that the increase in soft power can only be strengthened through self, not self-dwarfed. Some people are naive, just like children in kindergarten, think I treat you OK, how can you not be good to me? But was the National Government bad to Japan? Peaceful development is the mainstream today, but it does not mean that international competition is no longer there. European and American cultures are neighbors. They are all descendants of Rome. Discrimination against each other, not to mention us? Moreover, our national system is not the same? Can we be accepted if we change the national system? Then our languages ​​are different, abandoned Chinese characters, English for all? Then our skin color is different? What is your skin color? Change? Do you know how black Americans are treated? Russia split the country, gave up its armed forces, and the dwarf were almost kneeling, but what happened? NATO's eastward expansion? Do you give up your ego, and they will put a cannon in your house? The door! "

"The best way to achieve a breakthrough in soft power is in stylistics. For example, Liu Xiang, who set a sprint world record, no matter how you discriminate against the Chinese, you must admit that he is powerful. Right? Just like Yao Ming, no matter how you treat China How many people think, when he has performed well on and off the field for many years, you must admit his personality charm, right? For another example, I lost to Henry, but behind me is Fanny, I ’m in the Champions League. Behind Shevchenko, Ronaldinho and Henry, you must also admit that the Chinese are powerful, right? "