Reborn on Top of Football

v4 Chapter 236: Count Monte Cristo (Act 7: Duel)

"Beggars said" didn't arouse the reaction of the British press at first. Originally, they didn't pay much attention to Chelsea and liked the sales that Chelsea brought, but the sales were obtained by scolding Chelsea. Until Lampard was impatient when he was interviewed by a reporter at his door, he said, "The Premier League champion is a beggar, so what is the Premier League?"

This sentence successfully incited journalists. If Chelsea, who won the championship with an unprecedented super advantage this season, is a "beggar", is it a "beggar organization" in the Premier League? As a result, the atmosphere of Fleet Street began to reverse, and the Team News was spurted across the English Channel. The authors in the "Team News" were not to be outdone, and they always responded with the pride of the French. They even ridiculed that the Premier League was only about money, not about football.

This is the daily life between the five major leagues. Who reads the newspaper without playing? The competition had to be played before the competition. The advertising space on the second day of the competition was going to rise in price.

But Arsenal was embarrassed. "Team News" to support them in support of justice, it is quite comfortable, but a little too much, originally British newspapers are also on the side of Arsenal. However, according to Lampard's casual words, the contradiction between English and French was picked up. By the way, Arsenal were not people inside and out.

It was just that Wenger was a little puzzled, Lampard was not such a brilliant person. In fact, he didn't really guess wrong. This sentence was not conceived by Lampard himself, but during the daytime training, he accidentally listened to what Wang Ai said.

By the time Chelsea arrived in Paris one day earlier, the sprinklers on both sides of the English Channel had temporarily turned off, and began to fry the cold rice for tomorrow's contest: the cold rice between Henry and Wang Ai.

The cold rice itself is too good, even if it has been eaten, it is quite evocative. And the two have an epic confrontation in the Premier League this season, a dramatic competition in the UEFA Champions League, and are rivals to each other. Whatever it is, they are the ultimate chapters of the previous confrontation, Tianwang Mountain!

Facing the enthusiasm of the reporters, Wang Ai smiled and nodded with smile: "Yes, I use this game as my battle for Henry's revenge."

Before Chelsea settled in the hotel's gate, Wang Ai's revenge was quickly passed to Henry's ears by reporters. Henry smiled: "I want to remind wiwi that tomorrow's game is not a battle between us, but two of us Team battles. I am not going to use personal goals tomorrow as our criterion for victory. "

"Are you afraid? The King of Highbury?" The reporters provoked loudly.

Henry smiled mildly: "It's not that I'm afraid, but that I know what professional ethics is."

Henry's taunting sarcasm was quickly brought to Wang Ai by reporters, and it was time for Wang Ai to follow the team to the French Stadium in the evening to adjust to the return of the venue.

"Titi and I are very persistent people." This is Wang Ai's only answer, and was interpreted by reporters as: "You can not accept the challenge, but my revenge remains the same."

That's almost what it means. This is what Wang Ai had long thought about before the game. No matter what, the negative impression of losing the golden boot competition will be restored tomorrow. If the team wins, it is the best. If the team loses, the reporters will also take out Wang Ai ’s Champions League gold boots. Compared with Henry ’s league golden boots, Wang Ai can still achieve his goal. That is to say, regardless of victory or defeat, Wang Ai can succeed in revenge tomorrow, but the premise is that Wang Ai must be in the premise of the game and revenge, so that people can form a causal relationship before and after.

The friendship between Wang Ai and Henry is actually nothing to say. The two have not even met in private. It is a combination of interests. It is not even as fast as the relationship between the two. So when the Premier League hype ended, the two ended their relationship. Wang Ai said without resentment that he wanted revenge, and Henry taunted him, and Wang Ai again emphasized going back.

This time, Mars really broke out between the two. Originally, there was only one on the highest stage in the world, not you or it might not be me, but if you were, it would definitely not be me.

From Jose and Wenger, to Wang Ai and Henry, and both teams have set an unbeaten record in the Premier League, and the past grudges of East and West London Derby, this Premier League Champions League civil war, which should have lacked audiences, was unexpectedly Fired up. At noon on the day of the game, a large number of English fans who crossed the strait gathered from various places in Paris to the vicinity of the French Stadium. Among them, there were those holding the Chelsea blue flag and the red and white flag. The fans spontaneously warmed up for the game. .

In the evening, Paris was full of glory in May, and a large number of French fans as well as fans from other European countries and even scattered fans from the main stars of their respective countries gathered, waiting collectively outside the stadium. At half past five, the stadium opened. From the ball above, more than 10,000 Chelsea fans in blue jerseys were remitted to more than 30,000 fans in yellow jerseys, and there were less than 40,000 neutral fans wearing ordinary clothing. No way, this is France, this is Wenger's hometown. The neutral French fans had automatically stood in the team because of scolding over the English Channel. At least from the scene, no matter how embarrassing Wenger will be after returning home, at least this decisive battle has occupied the home court advantage.

At 7 pm, the coaches of the two teams departed from the hotel. Arsenal's hotel was a little closer to the stadium, so it arrived first, but there was not much difference. When the Arsenal stars got off, the Chelsea people turned blue. The bus also arrived.

The slightly nervous security personnel at the scene separated the two sides, and also separated the two sides from the fans and reporters who had not yet entered the field. The players on both sides did not face, provoke, or even speak like Mars hit the earth. But the depressed atmosphere at the scene made people feel the tension and involuntary trembling before the war.

These are two teams that have never been involved in the Champions League. Don't look at the rise of both sides in recent years, but between European football and even European giants, they can only be regarded as small characters. In a sense, whoever wins tonight will be a major step ahead in the construction of the club that entered the giants. Only the teams that have won the strongest clubs in Europe and even the strongest clubs in the world, can they dare to say "the ancestors have passed" and can continue to inspire the players in the future to complete the endless building of strength.

At 7.15pm, the teams from both sides warmed up and immediately felt the enthusiasm in the stadium. Looking away, the main stand was arranged for a small number of Chelsea fans, and the opposite stand was arranged for a uniform yellow. There are many Arsenal fans in the jersey even in the stands on both sides.

An unfamiliar stadium brings a familiar taste. Chelsea has been under siege and besieged from the Premier League to the Champions League. This is the home of Arsenal, but it is also Chelsea's "home".

Swearing is cheering, booing is cheering!