Reborn on Top of Football

v4 Chapter 404: Purification (4)

At the beginning of the century, China continued the ideal turmoil that began in the 1980s, with a material desire. Too many people use everything for the sake of material enjoyment. Looking at the whole society, money is violently sweeping away all good qualities. The petty bourgeois shed tears while reading the confidant, while straddling the arms of the big money; the entrepreneurs were talking about serving the society, but they were flagrantly sending fakes in their hands; the university students shouted to serve the motherland, and they never returned after going abroad ; Doctors, teachers and other traditionally respected people, while claiming to be white angels and soul engineers, while unscrupulously blackmailing patients and students as meat tickets; couples, mothers, sons, and brothers turn against each other and speak against each other.

Friendship, love, affection, all goodness can't resist this squalid torrent of turbulence. At such a moment when the soul is defiled, the society is facing disintegration, and even when darkness is about to reappear, Cong Fei and Bai Fangli can actually come out like this Characters!

Their deeds are like Huang Zhong Da Lu, "bang" knocked on people's hearts, I don't know how many people were awakened, stopped and turned back.

"Our country and nation should not be like this!"

The joke they are fools, there are still people who continue to be obsessed, but this country has 5,000 years of splendid civilization after all, this kind of people is called "the person who knows the conduct and the goodness" according to the traditional cultural definition, or "Sage" in another way! Their example and endorsement are endless.

According to Wang Ai's memory, there are a lot of people like New China, such as those revolutionary martyrs, heroes, etc. However, at the mass level, it has reached nobody’s ignorance and is deeply moving. Only three of them have made great contributions to the construction of spiritual civilization in China, **, Cong Fei, and Bai Fangli. The former raises the moral standard, the latter two save the moral collapse.

Cong Fei fortunately said that he is a member of the Communist Party of China, but what about Bai Fangli? It's just a mass, and it's a mass for life. So that his deeds made some people very embarrassed, and once wanted to be low-key, so he was not selected until four years after his death and was moved to be officially recognized as a Chinese character. More and more commemorative and condemnation.

It can even be said that Bai Fangli’s deeds were established by the spontaneous recollection and remembrance of ordinary people when the Chinese social elite as a whole was lost and dared and did not want to set an example. This is also the first time that the Chinese Internet community The large-scale rebellion against the social elite has since opened a vigorous era of online public opinion. The result is that mainstream economists, experts, professors, bureaucrats and even the public, who once ruled Chinese public opinion and Chinese thought, have been gradually defeated.

Viewed from a historical perspective, Bai Fangli and Cong Fei were a self-help at the critical moment of the Chinese nation, traditional virtues, and Chinese society. It was the number one that the Chinese people blew to foreign slaves, compradors, bourgeoisie, bureaucratic bourgeoisie, and anti-racists. The horn of a full-scale counterattack finally reached its climax in 2008 after three years of incubation. Since then, it has rewritten mainstream public opinion, repelled the "climax of betrayal of the country," and smashed "peaceful evolution." From the perspective of historical contingency, the difference between the former Soviet Union and China is such a difference.

Therefore, on the way back to pay the party due to truce due to injury and truce in October 2006, Wang Ai mentioned the Bai Fang Li, and after returning home, Xu Qinglian was also specially called in. He gave a lecture and launched the "Bai Fang Li" for 7 people. , Cong Fei Deeds Report Meeting" and "Summary Meeting on the Construction of Chinese Social Ideology and Culture in the New Century".

Wang Ai and Bai Fangli met very early. As early as the second year when he promoted the Fool Fund, Shi Wenjun met the two student celebrities who were also education. They also brought advice to them. It's a pity that both of them have their own principles of conduct, and they are unwavering on the road to sanctification. Wang Ai has no way to save their lives, but can only follow their steps. The idiot fund has been persevering for so long in mocking and sarcasm, and it has cost so much. It must be said that there is encouragement from these two. Therefore, Wang Ai knew them very well, and it was also handy to talk about their deeds. Especially when it comes to their importance and achievements, they are combined with their philosophy major and Xu Qinglian's history major for a comprehensive analysis.

Now Wang Ai has no ability to promote Chinese society to immediately recognize the historical height and historical contribution of these series of events, but Wang Ai feels the need to unify his thoughts and understanding in his own small team. These people are Wang Ai's life partner and business partner. To promote the correct values, Wang Ai must rely on the strength of the team. Fortunately, these people are either high-quality students or have undergone strict ideological education, so they have the basis for this acceptance, and what they lack is only a deeper understanding and a more macro perspective.

At the end, after Wang Ai proposed and discussed with everyone, Wang Ai decided to pay all the advertisements, bonuses, and manuscript fees starting from the stage of preparing party members to the special party fee at a rate of 2% after tax.

Leaving Xu Qinglian to organize the meeting report, ready to send to Tubingen, Shenyang, Beijing and other teams, Wang Ai and Kang Si began to organize their full income last season.

The final data is: from September last year to September this year, Wang Ai received various kinds of advertising expenses, bonuses, additional bonuses, appearance fees, etc. in Europe of 37.91 million euros, and received various kinds of RMB 413.4 million in China. Non-salary income, in Japan, Southeast Asia, the Americas and other places received scattered foreign currencies such as US dollars, Japanese yen, etc., according to the actual exchange rate of approximately 76 million yuan of non-salary income, which means that Wang Ai from various aspects last season Obtained additional income of about 800 million yuan.

Now in Wang Ai’s foreign currency account, half of the total income is thrown into the R fund, and the rest is bought by planes and all kinds of blunders, so there are 3 million euros left. The domestic part was basically thrown to the idiot fund. Fortunately, Wenjun has kept an extra 20% for Wang Ai. After all, she also knows that this man is always on a whim, so the RMB account has precipitated nearly 3 years. Billion.

Over there, Xu Qinglian sorted out the text report of the meeting and sent it to the three teams in turn. The two people also sorted out the income report. At the suggestion of Xu Qinglian, Wang Ai called home.

The father and mother finally threw back two sentences: "First, you should do it if you have this consciousness, but you are not allowed to promote it, you can't do it as charity, you can't do it with the idea of ​​changing something back from the organization; second, your son, You’re the only one, don’t push yourself too hard."