Reborn on Top of Football

v4 Chapter 493: Fight for yourself (9)

The League Cup semi-final is two rounds, so in the 77th minute of the game, after Chelsea was tied by Wecombe, Jose rejected Wang Ai who took the initiative to send the eager youngster Sinclair. Due to the major change in the lineup and the lack of coordination, the final score was locked at 1:1.

Wang Ai was still thinking when he left from the stadium. This is probably Jose's demonstrating to the board with actual actions: You let me use a teenager, okay, I used it, one kicked for an hour and the other kicked for 15 minutes. Saw it?

Wang Ai did nothing but ask Xu Qinglian to go shopping with Matilde after the game.

However, Wang Ai's little action obviously could not calm Jose's anger. He applied to the board again after the game to buy people. It may be that the reality of the overwhelming use of young players offset the Dutch's ridicule. The board said: it will seriously consider it.

However, the real response of the board of directors carries a bit of British black humor: preparing to hire Portsmouth’s technical director Avram Grant, an Israeli who speaks Russian, can help Sheva get back to the state...the board is also plausible: This is called revitalizing stock assets! Activating a Sheva is equivalent to re-purchasing 4000 Euros for buying people!

Jose is not opposed to the board helping Sheva, but he does not want a forward, but a central defender. In particular, the board hired Grant as his assistant at the cost of asking for the dismissal of his close assistant Clark!

In fact, although Jose also said a lot of Sheva in the summer, Chelsea did not need Sheva. The rotation of Drogba + Crespo is enough to solve the problem, not to mention the strong attack combination of Lampard + Wang Ai behind them. The arrival of Sheva did not help Jose's tactical vision, but he expressed his support against his boss out of respect or force majeure.

But what he really wants is always a full-back and a central defender, and strengthening the defense is also in line with his football aesthetics.

However, the arrival of Sheva is very important to the club. His commercial value can stand up to both Drogba + Crespo. His style and even his personal are Mr. Roman’s Chelsea “from victory to elegance”. Relying on the strategic objectives of the second stage, the wealth of West London gathered, only elegant style can win their appreciation.

Regarding the use of Sheva, the conflict between Jose and Mr. Roman gradually became irreconcilable. In the winter when this special case was injured and the central defender was badly needed, this contradiction suddenly intensified.

If it is said that Sheva was only a contradiction in Chelsea's tactical adjustment, then at this stage, the contradiction surrounding Sheva has become his transfer fee of up to 46 million euros. Jose's idea is: with these 46 million, you can buy three halfbacks! What do you say that there is no money in winter? If you didn't buy Sheva, how could you have no money? Squeezing out the scheduled transfer fee, buying such a useless person is entirely your tactical mistake, it is you who do not respect my professional opinion of the Chelsea tactical system builder!

In other words: you are doing your own thing, doing nothing, you are responsible for the current team's poor record!

The board of course can understand what Jose meant, and objectively speaking, it is not that none of them regretted buying Sheva. However, the part-timer wants the boss to bow his head...what do you want? Any rich man who emerged from the color revolution of a socialist country, which is not the hands of the proletariat?

Jose has an annual salary of 7.5 million euros, and that is also the proletariat!

Instead of acknowledging his mistakes, Mr. Roman blamed Jose for not using Sheva well. The same person, Ukrainian nuclear warhead last season, this season is "Mr. 67 minutes", where is the problem? I spent so much money to buy you people, but you blamed me for buying it wrong?

Okay! In my opinion, your assistant did not help Sheva properly, so I will dismiss your assistant and replace with an activated Sheva who understands Russian! I don’t believe that Slavs can’t play football well, I tm... long live Slav!

Mr. Roman, who had his temper, did not publicly scold the street like ordinary Russians, but he was angry.

From the first round of the League Cup semifinals on January 9 to the 23rd round of the Premier League on January 13, the interaction between Chelsea factions dazzled the outside world. Jose wants to buy people; the board agrees; then the board decides to "buy" the assistant coach; Jose...

Jose issued an ultimatum to the board of directors: either buy me a player or fire me!

Jose signed a five-year contract with the club. If the club is dismissed in advance, why will Jose pay a penalty of 36 million pounds! Jose's agent is the famous Portuguese agent Mendes, this guy will be squeezed out of the crown! Once he tried to be Wang Ai's agent, but Wang Ai declined. Because this guy partially controls the European transfer market, there are also a lot of strongmen and a lot of money under his command, but his relationship with the rich clubs is very bad. Wang Ai, a Chinese under his leadership, would be a typical example of "profit-making" in football. Jose is not afraid, Ronaldo is not afraid, Wang Ai is afraid!

After Jose issued an ultimatum, the news that he was about to leave was flying, and it caused a series of shocks inside and outside the team. Externally, Ferguson and Wenger spoke at the same time, expressing their appreciation to Jose; internally, led by Terry, Drogba publicly spoke to retain Jose, and Terry even said: I will hate those who drive him away! Terry did not hesitate to express a collective signature to the board of directors for this purpose.

So exciting teachers and terrifying the board, they probably did not expect Jose to be so popular. Two of his old opponents, Ferguson and Wenger who had fought several battles of salute, stood up to pay their respects. It’s hard to imagine that his own youth training product, Terry’s jump and General Drogba’s resistance, were unexpected. More seriously, Lampard, who received 300 souvenirs in the FA Cup, rejected the club's invitation to renew the contract, even if the club offered a weekly salary of £121,000.

It is said that Real Madrid's Calderon is preparing to invite Jose to join Bernabeu with him. Although he still does not mix with the recent club ups and downs like Wang Ai, he refused to renew the contract itself is the most powerful statement!

Mr. Roman flinched, and he instructed the board to withdraw Clark's decision to dismiss Clark and instead agreed to find new foreign aid. This allowed Chelsea to survive the biggest crisis since he entered the club and was able to welcome the arrival of the 23rd round of the Premier League.

However, his relationship with Jose has deteriorated beyond remedy. It is not the liquidated damages that restricts Jose's departure, but time. Mr. Roman stepped into football and learned a new lesson: To successfully dismiss a highly respected head coach, don't worry, you have to take your time.