Reborn on Top of Football

v4 Chapter 603: When sitting and watching the clouds ris

Xu Qinglian gave Wang Ai a blank look, then turned to her bathroom, and then heard the sound of the washing machine turning. This time, Wang Ai didn't dare to act rashly, sitting at her computer desk and browsing the web at will. To be honest, I practiced at the attached middle school for more than an hour from 7 in the evening, and went to the gym for two hours after returning to eat supper, and fighting against Xu Qinglian. Sitting in the warm room at this time, Wang Ai was a little tired.

Looking at the piles of Xu Qinglian's papers on the computer screen, Wang Aiqiang worked hard until Xu Qinglian came out.

Wang Ai took Xu Qinglian's hand, held it quietly in his arms, and sat for a while before saying: "Well, you know I love to play, you know I just talk about it, so don't be angry."

"...I'm tired, today..."

"Hmm, I know, I'm tired too, so I just hold you, okay?"

When Wang Ai was about to go to bed, Xu Qinglian pointed to the door suddenly: "Your pajamas."

At this time, Wang Ai was so sleepy that he didn't have the energy to fight with Xu Qinglian. He went outside to change his pajamas, closed the door, and finally climbed onto Xu Qinglian’s bed. This was the first time Wang Ai was resting in Xu Qinglian’s boudoir. The quilt carries a special girly fragrance.

Xu Qinglian put her arm on her arm, then watched Wang Ai grabbing the quilt and sniffing it, and sneered, "Do you know why I let you wear pajamas?"

Wang Ai smiled and pointed to himself: "Smelly man."

Xu Qinglian pursed her mouth and glared, forbearing a smile. This man loves to play and makes trouble. Sometimes he always has to look anxious when he strums, but it is really funny.

Wang Ai stretched out his arms: "Come on, lie in your stinky man's arms."

"Since it smells bad, why should I lie in your arms?" Xu Qinglian closed her mouth, still leaning over, rubbing against Wang Ai's arms, finding a comfortable position to lean on, closing her eyes, and paying Fighting with Wang Ai.

"Smelly, you can't avoid it, so the best way is to get close to smell it hard, paralyze your own olfactory nerves, and slowly stop feeling stink. Bitterness is sweetness, first smelly and then fragrance, smell and smell, and taste fragrance."

Xu Qinglian didn't want to talk anymore, but still tilted her head and bit Wang Ai's arm.

Wang Ai took the opportunity to separate the collars of her pajamas. Xu Qinglian closed her eyes and felt her boyfriend's movements. She also raised her arms before whispering, "All right?"

Wang Ai pulled his arm back and squeezed Xu Qinglian's face, "See you tomorrow."

Wake up early in the morning, the fragrance of birds and flowers, not only the fragrance of flowers outside the window, but also the fragrance of flowers in the room, and the fragrance of flowers on the bed. Wang Ai looked down. Xu Qinglian was still asleep, and she felt wrong when she moved. She lifted the quilt and found that Xu Qinglian's hand was holding something she didn't have.

Wang Ai moved amusedly before taking off. Just about to get out of bed, he frowned suddenly, feeling as if he had forgotten something.

The philosopher’s obsessive-compulsive disorder has its disadvantages, but it also has its advantages. For example, if a philosophical subject that deserves to be entangled is unfortunately discovered on the field, it may be in a state of ignorance. But at the same time, philosophy tells philosophers that nothing is absolutely bad and good.

Therefore, OCD has done its job this time. After a brief ten-minute struggle before Wang Ai was ready to get up and go out for morning exercises, Wang Ai suddenly figured out: I want Qinglian, and Qinglian doesn't want me?

Recalling the scenes last night, first she was wronged, and then Xu Qinglian took advantage of her grievances and went back to sum up her experience. Xu Qinglian chased it out and worked out with him. Why did she work out together suddenly? Combined with the conversation about the door lock when he entered the house last night, Wang Ai would understand. But as I said before, it’s not easy to recycle, plus a little shy. And yourself you? I was sleepy at the time, so I didn't move obediently this night.

Alas! Almost missed the great time!

"If I am willing to peel your heart layer by layer, I will find that I will be surprised to see your most depressed and deepest secret; if I am willing to peel your heart layer by layer Heart, I am going to you, you are coming to me, you and me are in your eyes, both of us are tender and sweet."

Wang Ai kissed again with satisfaction for a few minutes before letting go of the restrictions on Xu Qinglian: "Should I take you to the bathroom?"

"No." Xu Qinglian still closed her eyes: "I have to sleep for a while."

Wang Ai smiled, got out of bed to take a shower, put a jar of water for Xu Qinglian, then went back to his room to change equipment, and went out for a morning run with Li Lin and Zhao Dan in the front yard.

At 6:40 in the morning in Beijing, there are already a lot of people on the street. This is summer and people come out early, which makes it very inconvenient for Wang Ai to run. It is because there are too many people who know him, and he cannot be big. In the morning running with sunglasses, the neighborhood asked: How much do you wear?

Therefore, Wang Ai's legs were not sore and his face was sour, and he actually smiled with others. Fortunately, the Temple of Heaven Park is not far in front. The place is secluded. Wang Ai dared to take a few steps with the ball in the park. Unfortunately, he couldn’t run away. Although there were not many people, he basically knew him. He had to hide in the woods with Li Lin, Zhao Dan did stretching together, and when they practiced martial arts, Wang Ai was blindfolded.

Regardless of the simplicity of looking at the ball blindfolded, Wang Ai’s current skills, especially the touch, estimation, and response of the foot to the ball, seem to be amazing skills for the two masters of Li Lin and Zhao Dan. , A school master. In the early years, Wang Ai's documentary on CCTV has been put on the Internet. The hit rate is high, imitators are everywhere, and some children can really learn it.

However, Wang Ai is now 20 years old and can still close his eyes for thousands of times. His skills are more sophisticated than before, and there is no one who can keep up with him until now.

This skill is still his unique skill.

No way, the conditions are too harsh.