Reborn on Top of Football

v5 Chapter 136: Five stars out of the East, benefiting C

Many elderly people who have experienced beyond the birth of sports have exchanged views in private, and they all think that only such a powerful girl can be qualified to stand with the "prince prince".

Yes, most elderly people can guess the relationship between Leo Ni and Wang Ai, and it is not limited to the sports map, even if there is no evidence. Wang Ai’s current achievements leave everyone speechless. In world football, a stage that is not Chinese, no one has any objection to him not inheriting the family business and running out to play football. But since Wang Ai is so good, the person next to his pillow can't be worse. At this level, what looks, figure, and academic qualifications become unimportant. With Wang Ai's current appeal and Wang family strength, it is worthless.

On the contrary, whether he can assist Wang Ai's career and manage this family business is the key. In popular terms, it is called, "Is there a common language".

In the past, Leo Ni’s ability to work was just a rough impression for most senior cadres in the company. Knowing that she was roughly okay, after all, the rapid development of overseas transcendence sports, she must have credit as a co-founder. But I can’t say exactly how it is. Some people even laughed that she was a thief old Gao Yangma who Wang Ai abducted from Germany.

This surpassing act is the first "capability show" for her to enter the core area of ​​the Wang Family Enterprise. Compared with Huang Xin's ruling style with warmth and thunder, she is impressive, and this has led many senior officials of the family's enterprises to believe that she is one of the candidates who are qualified to stand with Wang Ai.

It is true that these senior cadres cannot determine Wang Ai's emotional life, but Wang Ai also cannot determine their preferences. People who get their approval will get their support when they come into contact with them at work. On the contrary, they have countless ways to softly resist and make Wang Ai speechless.

Political factors are inevitable when enterprises are so large. A person with recognized ability is far more important than a person with only personal relationships.

At noon on the second day when Wang Ai returned to China, he picked up the old lady who had arrested people in front of him, but did not see Shi Wenjun. Ai Xiaoqing arranged for her to be taken to the nursing home, and she was going to take it with her as a secretary for some time. See what is meant by "rich idlers".

Wang Ai thought about the arrangement of the old lady and agreed. Shi Wenjun has been too hard and sad all these years, and it is really necessary to relax and adjust for a while. If it weren't for the old lady, Wang Ai would have taken her directly to a foreign country. Whether it is to be with Huang Xin or simply take her with him, she must be kept away from her original environment.

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional. On the day my mother came back, Xu Qinglian murmured and murmured with her for half the night. Wang Ai was almost asleep and didn't wait, so she could only vain. Originally, Wang Ai thought that Leo Ni would come over these two days, no matter who was lucky enough, after a great battle, Wang Ai wanted to hug this former senior sister and talk.

A woman who runs around for him and can't make any money, he always has to give some emotional comfort. Of course, she should also be praised and encouraged for her outstanding work. In short, Wang Ai thought very well, but she didn't expect to make a phone call until she realized that she could not come recently and was busy with a major event.

The root of this matter is still in Wang Ai.

Three years ago, Wang Ai rebuilt the Liaoning Junior Team under the advice of Zhang Yin and other veterans of the Liaoning Football League, and built three of them in one go! Millions are spent every year, and I can't even hear a sound. After all, these children are too young. The oldest is only ten years old. It takes seven or eight years to see the money back.

But Wang Ai himself is not pursuing pure economic interests, but laying the foundation for his sports world.

After a few years, after Zhang Yin, the old Mertesacker, and Yu Ming's three youth coaches have tried their best, the three Liao Shaomen have achieved initial results. Each team has emerged several with great potential.

In the words of Zhang Yin, "Not worse than Dayu when I was a child!"

Originally, according to Wang Ai's vision, these children should try to play interview games when they were 12 or 3 years old. He is the junior at this age. However, the three Liao Shao teams have been playing internally and have never gone out. In the Liaoshen sports world and even the national football world, they only know that there are three, but the specific level is unclear.

After all, only competition is the best platform to show the level, and training can only be approximated. Moreover, the training of the three juniors was not so impressive. Even the coaching staff of the national juniors wanted to see them, but the three declined because the children did not grow up.

For this reason, the Liaozu veterans once explained to both Huang Xin and Lei Oni: We don't want to delay the children, but take them out now. Our economic strength can't keep these children at all, and the past investment will be wasted.

These years can be regarded as catching someone who is really engaged in football and who is really looking for development. What if he is so embarrassed and becomes angry and simply stops playing?

This reason was also recognized by Huang Xin and Leo Ni. Even if they reported to Wang Ai in the end, Wang Ai could only acquiesce. Although basic research does not directly produce economic benefits, it is always beneficial to you. Don't spend your own money to train talents across the country, you will be a fool.

What restricts all this is actually an obscure law-the "Prohibition of Child Labor". It is clear inside that children under 16 are considered child labor. In other words, a player under the age of 16 is free. No one is allowed to stop where he wants to go, and whoever stops, who breaks the law. All contracts signed with players under the age of 16 are illegal and can be torn up at will!

The starting point of this regulation is of course a good one. In the past, under the planned economy system, the cultivation of young players was invested by the state. But now it's a market economy. The country does not care about the training and investment of small players but enterprises.

A country can play a game of chess, but a company can't play a game of chess, especially between competing opponents.

So this rule is now, but it's horrible. You worked so hard to train him, eat well, live well, use well every day, and when you reach the age, you have to take him out to play games without any income to train him. The result? It took several tens of millions, and it took five or six years to finally become a talent, and their family members slapped this rule in your face.

People really want to turn their faces with you, you have nothing to do.

Yes, the big boss of your club may be rich and powerful, but those clubs that don’t train people on their own are worse than you? Therefore, this rule puts it aside, whoever does the youth training is a fool.

Especially for the northern team, the local economy is not good and the people are rough. People in the economically developed areas will immediately change their minds and become turbulent.