Reborn on Top of Football

v5 Chapter 351: ?The wind is always blown away by the ra

Giants, celebrities, celebrities. The relationship between Wang Ai and Messi, the old grudge between Jose and Barcelona, ​​this scene constituted the life of the newspaper page before the 0809 Champions League final. The Milan media and the Barcelona media clamored for each other, one said that I had the strongest scorer in history, and the other said that I had the successor to Maradona.

Wang Ai doesn't know what Messi's mood is, but Wang Ai is a little annoyed, and he guesses that Little Flea doesn't like to watch it either. After several contacts, Wang Ai could feel that there was an ambition that surpassed Maradona in that small body.

Since the current Champions League scored 19 goals, Messi only had 8 goals, so Wang Ai basically booked this year's Champions League golden boots, which is his fifth consecutive year. To this end, praise from the international football arena is flooding, the super shooters who once dominated the league's scorer list have appeared one by one, and many old things have also been bombed out for fans to talk about.

In the past few years, with consecutive Champions League golden boots, Wang Ai has also gained a lot in UEFA awards: he was elected as one of the best players for five consecutive years, sometimes as a striker and sometimes as a midfielder. But in terms of the club footballer, Wang Ai didn't get much, only one time in 0708.

These awards belong to the Champions League golden boots, so Wang Ai did not overestimate them.

During the most noisy days outside, Wang Ai still carried out training with the help of Fan Zhiyi and Li Bing to target the Hercules Cup. This plan was secretly reported to the country by Gao Hongbo during his vacation. As the matter itself was extremely sensitive and related to the future of Wang Ai, a national treasure-level star, as soon as the information reached Yan Shiduo, who was about to leave, he immediately blocked the documents with the highest level of confidentiality: top secret level.

He will look for opportunities to report to a higher level or even a higher level, but he will never talk about the teamwork at this moment, or wait for his successor to hand over.

This plan did not give a great name, and Gao Hongbo's report raised its head only: "Report on the adjustment of the national team and player Wang Ai's goals" This kind of lethargic headline. The five members of the national team coaching staff and Wang Ai did not hesitate to make a tall name. Everyone knows it.

In this plan, even the upcoming Champions League final is a kind of training.

The Chinese are not lacking in ambition, they just lacked a stage for display in the past.

On May 25th, Wang Ai, who had been in hiding for almost half a month, finally walked out of his house and hugged his girlfriend who went down the mountain to see him off. He brought Kang Si who had returned to the team, as well as two guards, Zhao Dan and Liu Liang, and boarded Inter Milan. Blue-black bus.

Ibrahimovic, Stankovic, Vieira, Balotelli, Cambiasso, Zanetti, Cordoba, Burdiso, Sandton, Julio, Mancini, Montari , Thornton, Figo, Qi Wu...

Wang Ai and his teammates greeted each other one by one. The teammates had long been surprised by the fact that he always took assistants and guards with him, and didn't ride in your car! Wang Ai sat down in the place set aside by Ibrahimovic, and the two smiled at each other.

Jose is the director of this scam that deceives Barcelona, ​​Guardiola and even the whole world, and they are also dual heroes! Under Wang Ai's deliberate humility, Ibrahimovic's feeling is not bad now. If no one is instigating him, his character is still quite tolerant.

The teammates talked about relaxed topics, such as where to go on vacation in the summer. This relaxed atmosphere didn't disappear until everyone took a plane and landed in Rome.

Now in this team, very few have experience in winning the Champions League. Counting and counting, it turns out that there are only two of Figo and Wang Ai. Regardless of the long-standing fame, Figo is all rich, but he only won the Champions League once in 0102, at Real Madrid at that time. And Wang Ai won twice in Deportivo at 0304 and Chelsea at 0506.

Except for Balotelli and Thornton, who are younger than Wang Ai, the whole team is now older than him, but they lag behind him in terms of collective honors and personal honors and even competition experience. Even coach Jose has only won the Champions League once.

Therefore, after arriving in Rome, both Wang Ai and Figo were asked by Jose to use the "predecessor's championship experience" to show to their teammates that Figo is okay, and he is ready to announce his retirement after the final round of Serie A in a few days. He has a broad mind, after all, he is a star ready to go into politics. But Wang Ai was a bit embarrassed, and taught a group of old men the experience, which is what Chinese culture takes with a cold eye.

If it wasn't for his teammates to be serious, he really couldn't go on.

In fact, it’s not much different from the finals of other competitions. There are more audiences, more media, and more money. Specifically, if you play a final, you will lose tens of millions of euros. If you win, you will add a few hundred. Ten thousand, it is the general treatment of Jinshan Yinhai.

Without this money, of course the wealthy clubs can't afford such a great interest.

In addition, the Champions League final is not much different from other games, and the victory or defeat sometimes does not depend on absolute strength. The arrangement of the coach and the brainstorming of the players may dominate the final result of the game. This is called "Football is round".

Unpredictable matches are precisely the charm of football.

It can also be said that this is a bounty battle between 23 people on both sides and the coaching team. Although everyone is a big-name star with an annual salary of tens of millions, but that's just a few people in the head. The salary of most stars is only one or two million, such as Balotelli's current annual salary is less than 1 million.

He won almost 100,000 points after winning the game, which is not too small for him.

In fact, it’s not too small for Wang Ai. He won 1 million RMB for a game, is that less? How many candied haws can I buy?

On the other side, the Barcelona people were "robbed" of the Champions League title by Wang Ai, who played for Chelsea in 2005, so that now the whole Barcelona team, except for Guardiola as a player, won a Champions League accident, including Messi and Ines. Ta, Pique, Puyol, Henry, Eto'o, etc., have never been taken.

Based on various conditions, before the game, the mainstream views of media powers such as France, Germany, and the United Kingdom gradually favored Inter Milan's victory, but it was not certain. Barcelona's style of play is indeed good-looking, but the embarrassment in dealing with Chelsea has shown that this style of play is either immature or out of its name.

What makes people even more concerned is that between the star born in 1987, Wang Ai, who has already become famous, and Messi who later caught up with Messi, this 90-minute match is likely to be the direction of many awards in world football this year. The fundamental impact.

Cristiano Ronaldo in 1985 has fallen behind this year. The next step is to see which of the two double stars of 1987 is better.

On the evening of May 27, the breeze of the Olympic Stadium in Rome, with the eager anticipation of 80,000 fans, finally ushered in the presence of the two strongest teams on the planet.

Wang Ai rubbed his hands when he went out to warm up: My third Champions League, here I am!