Reborn on Top of Football

v5 Chapter 397: ? Being Young (7)

After the meal, Liu Chunming consciously walked downstairs accompanied by others, while Wang Ai accompanied Ambassador Cui back to his office for tea. Looking at the neon streetscape of Tokyo outside the window, Ambassador Cui looked at the young man who was not far from him, pressing his hands outside the window: "Xiao Wang, when did you start playing in the five major leagues?"

"It should be the summer of 2003, 17 years old."

Ambassador Cui nodded, and said with emotion: "It's great to be young, dare to think and do it, dare to dare to fight."

Wang Ai asked with interest: "What did you do when you were 17?"

"Me?" Ambassador Cui looked at Wang Ai and suddenly smiled: "Just like you, I went into the world."

Wang Ai's eyes rolled: "To the Great Northern Wilderness to enter the world?"

Ambassador Cui shook his head and laughed: "To support the construction of the frontiers, the Great Northern Wilderness at that time was almost the same if it was uninhabited. Therefore, *** called on us urban youth to exercise in difficult places. We Shanghai educated youth went to the Great Northern Wilderness. There are a large number of them. I also went there at the age of 17 and stayed for five years. But, I am one year old, you are a false year, you are better than you."

Wang Ai's face twisted: "You are not Marxist-Leninist."

"How to say?"

"Revolutionary work has no distinction between high and low."

"Hahahaha." Ambassador Cui smiled for a while before he said, "If you look at the scenery in front of you, what can you think of?"

Wang Ai looked around for a while: "I hope, this is China."

"Yes." Ambassador Cui said with emotion: "When each generation of patriots goes out of the country, there is nothing to worry about for the country. But development always needs stages, always needs foundation, always needs process, not to mention. There are a lot of groping and tuition fees. Unknowingly, decades have passed. Baiju has a gap and life is in a hurry. Compared with the rejuvenation of the country and the nation, life is too short and there is only so little that can be done."

Wang Ai also nodded with emotion: "So, the five-year plan looks long, but it's actually a step forward. Fortunately, we are in an era of ascending, just like the founding period of every feudal dynasty in history, despite the trouble. There are many things, and there may be Baideng's siege and Weishui alliance. But it is always high-spirited, and it is lucky compared to those who are worried in the late dynasty."

Ambassador Cui nodded and suddenly said, "I found out that your Xiao Wang's communication skills are indeed very strong. Then I ask you a tricky question. Japan has a peaceful constitution, which stipulates that no aggression can be launched. Why should China worry about it? Japan’s constitution does not have such a clause. Isn’t it true that Japan should worry about China more?"

Wang Ai thought for a while: "The constitution is a manifestation of the will of the country, but Japan’s peace constitution was indeed imposed. It was imposed by the United States after the defeat in World War II. Therefore, the Japanese peace constitution does not represent the will of the country, or it is not so representative. Otherwise, there will be no attempts to break through the peaceful constitution. Although China did not write this in the constitution, China has implemented it with actions. Although there have been several wars in the 60 years since the founding of the country, China has not invaded and occupied an inch of other people’s land. These wars are all imposed by us, and can even be seen as a sort of aftermath of Japan’s invasion of China in World War II. It seems that China is good at fighting, so everyone should try."

Ambassador Cui nodded thoughtfully: "So, China should be more worried about Japan? At least at the private level?"

Wang Ai nodded: "Yes, this is one of my arguments tomorrow."

"China always emphasizes that all countries are equal regardless of size, but why can't they be equal to Japan? It has been 60 years after the war. Why can't Japan have the same power as China? Such as nuclear weapons? Such as permanent membership?"

"My answer is that national status is equal, but countries are different in size. This is a fact. For example, if a small country has an economic crisis, it will hardly have a serious impact on other countries, and once an economic crisis occurs in the United States, it will affect the world. It affects the jobs of hundreds of millions of people and the happiness of hundreds of millions of families. Therefore, it is absolute egalitarianism to require all powers to be equal. At least in the modern era, it is not feasible."

"What about nuclear weapons? What about the specific issues of permanent membership?"

"If Japan must seek this." Wang Ai said this and smiled suddenly: "I will formally recommend Japan to join China and become an autonomous region of China."

Ambassador Cui opened his eyes wide: "That's what you said?"

Wang Ai said, "What's wrong? It's a mere strip of water and a common culture. Following the Hong Kong administrative region, the central government does not need to collect taxes from the four provinces of Japan. China's 1.4 billion people's market is fully liberalized to Japan, and a country can still collect taxes." Tariffs? This one can free Japan from the "lost 20 years" of economic stagnation, and the people will live a happy life soon."

"I heard what you said is the best, have you really thought about it?"

Wang Ai smiled and said: "I really thought about it, I knew I could not escape these problems sooner or later. Simply use the method of reduction to absurdity. Doesn't Japan want nuclear weapons or permanent member status? It's easy to do, merge with China. Ah, don’t you have them all? Don’t you want to engage in the ***** circle in Japan? Don’t you always envy the size of China? Come on, our country, more than 10 million square kilometers, how about? Enough? Right? You have everything in China, so you don’t have to go to war, you don’t have to take risks to study nuclear weapons, let alone get into the ordinary, you just do it."

Ambassador Cui smiled and shook his head: "You call it a kid."

Wang Ai also smiled and said, "They are also asking children's words."

"Yes." Ambassador Cui nodded and skipped this absurd suggestion. "From a practical point of view, how do you answer the two things about nuclear weapons and permanent residence?"

"Nuclear weapons are meaningless to Japan." Wang Ai shook his head: "The land area is too small and the endurance is too poor, which determines that Japan is almost impossible to form a sufficient deterrent to its opponents. If others hit you, you will be subjugated by 3 hydrogen bombs. If you beat others, 30 is not enough. If Japan enters the era of nuclear weapons, its military superiority will not expand, but shrink, shrinking unprecedentedly."

"As for the permanent members of the UN." Wang Ai couldn't help but sneered: "The power of the five major powers does not come from the veto vote, but from the strength to support their veto. The United States, Russia, Britain and France have denied it, not just procedurally. In fact, it also makes you unable to do it, unless it is between the five major countries. And other countries will give you the right to veto. At best, you can only paralyze the United Nations, which is essentially ineffective. Virtue is not matched, it must be. Suffered by the disaster, Japan should think about it when it seeks the status of a permanent member of the council, is it worthy of it?"

Ambassador Cui exhaled and suddenly asked, "Are you not a party member?"

Wang Ai grinned, "No."