Reborn on Top of Football

v5 Chapter 649: From magic oil to universal glue (9)

The club has already burned his ass.

If Benitez could predict in advance that Wang Ai's three games after his departure would be two losses and one draw, he would not approve such a long vacation. Unfortunately, the words have been spoken, and the proud Spaniard is still not embarrassed to withdraw his promise.

On the night of the second day when Wang Ai returned home, the first national derby of the season started. Inter Milan, who had to step up the attack without Wang Ai, lost Jingzhou carelessly and was almost over by Juventus in the first half. Scored a goal when. Then Benister tried his best, but failed to equalize the score. During the internship of Huang Xin's childbirth and Wang Ai's father's internship, Inter Milan met the underdog Cagliari, and was finally tied 1:1 by their opponents. The Italian media inside and outside the city of Milan criticized Benitez unanimously, saying that he disregarded Jose’s defensive counterattack personnel, awareness and other basics, and recklessly transformed into an offensive and defensive balance. The result was not only unable to defend, but once Wang Ai was attacked. It becomes extremely dull even when he is absent.

Even Jose, who had been scolded by the Italian media for two years and almost never praised him, was sung the hymn at this time, which shows that Benitez did not do very well.

At this time, Benitez’s first phone call has already been made to Wang Ai, because the next game is the Champions League group match with Tottenham. Even if the first two games are won, the paper strength is still greater than that of Tottenham. Bei couldn't stand it anymore. It is a pity that Wang Ai is determined not to go back, claiming that I will spend two full weeks with the child.

Lao Bei could not say anything, but it was precisely because of this call that Huang Xin took notice. Her body is quite good, and she can go to the field on the day of delivery. She just takes care of the child, so she doesn't pay much attention to outside news. So three days later, when Inter Milan drew with Tottenham 3:3 at home, when Angelo Moratti called to ask about the return date, Huang Xin took the initiative to persuade Wang Ai to go back.

"I promise to keep the video well so that the children will not complain about you when they grow up."

Wang Ai's answer was um, and he hugged Huang Xin and the child in his arms, and kissed Huang Xin and the child's forehead.

It's like many years ago when he squatted in his yard and looked at the little chicken, and the little chicken was born by himself.

These years away from home, it is rare to have such long peaceful days, no competitions, no media, no tasks, only lovers, only children, and only parents.

Huang Xin’s persuasion was invalid. Zhao Dan, Li Jun and others looked at Wang Ai, who was immersed in the happiness of family. They either did not dare to persuade or were reluctant to persuade them. Xin's "Promise": As soon as the child was born, let him see the Hercules Cup that his father personally fought for!

It was just a joke at the beginning. Wang Ai hoped that his eldest son would be worthy of the name "Victory" and gave him great wishes, but he did not really intend to realize it. Besides, the Hercules Cup does not belong to Wang Ai, and the daily exhibition tasks are very heavy. No matter how much Guobo likes Wang Ai, it can't be said that he took it to his delivery room in broad daylight.

The rules are still important. Even if I look at it this day, I still take advantage of the closing time at night.

This is already a special case for Wang Ai.

After re-decorating the original "Wang Ai booth" of the Modern Achievement Exhibition of the National Museum, a mountain-shaped booth was placed in the center. The tallest showcase in the middle is placed on the red flannel, in the thick glass cover, and under the bright light is the Hercules Cup. In the display cabinets slightly shorter on both sides, the 2003 Asian Cup and 2007 Asian Cup champion trophies were placed.

On both sides of the central booth, there are two World Footballer's trophies, two Golden Globe trophies, and seven Asian Footballer's trophies on the left and right. So much so that the whole China was so excited that fans from all over the country were chasing after the six Champions League golden boots, four European golden boots, and five five major league golden boots that they visited repeatedly. There is no place to put the three European Golden Boy Award trophies, and they can only be squeezed into a display cabinet by categories of grievances.

When Wang Ai's family came to stop in front of this "Golden Mountain", the cadres on duty accompanied by the National Museum looked at the prominent family in a daze. They were quite proud. It is not in vain that the National Museum deliberately visited the local province for this purpose. The museum has made great efforts to borrow Wang Ai’s trophy temporarily.

All those who have visited from August to the present have been shocked by this ingenious display. The crazy trophies in the past have been piled up one after another, making people seem to have seen Wang Ai's struggle and climbing over the years.

This silent display not only highlights the supremacy of national honor, but also does not evade the connection with Wang Ai. Even when Wang Ai saw it, his mind began to appear after his galloping on the field, which was highlighted by newspapers and TV. The picture presented.

For a long time, Ai Xiaoqing smiled and said, "I wanted to put my beauty at home, but now I'm in front of the people of the whole country."

Wang Bin laughed and hugged his wife to visit other places.

Wang Ai returned to his senses and nodded to thank the accompanying cadres, then gathered Huang Xin's body to the front of the showcase, and took the children's little hands to introduce him one by one. When introducing the Hercules Cup, Wang Ai first pointed to the group photo of the national team specially displayed at the bottom left of the showcase, and then pointed to the Hercules Cup and said to the little Wang Sheng: "Today you are not sensible, but it is okay. Stayed in China for more than three years. If you still can’t remember it after three years, my dad will try to let it stay in China for another four years. I believe you will remember it when you are going to elementary school."

Wang Ai’s "crazy words" did not lower her voice, making Lei Oni, Zhao Dan, Li Jun, Yang Jun and the accompanying cadres on duty dumbfounded, but Wang Ai didn’t realize it, rubbing the softest part of his palm. With the child’s small face: "The tears we Chinese left for it can fill a Houhai. Your father, uncle, grandfather, grandfather, grandfather, have fought for more than a hundred years for it and more things behind it. . Now you’re here, it’s up to you in the future, you know?"

Xiao Wang Sheng babbled his arms, his little hand touching the thick bulletproof glass.

Leaving the National Museum, Wang Ai, who was sitting in the car, looked back at Chang'an Avenue in the night, and exhaled a long sigh, muttering: "Life is endless and struggle is endless. I will go back tomorrow."

Huang Xin hesitated and leaned his head lightly on Wang Ai's shoulder, still holding his sleeping son in his arms.

This resolute, gentle-looking woman finally at noon the next day, holding her child and watching the car carrying the man disappear from the end of her field of vision, she wiped her face that did not know when it became wet.

The rise of a great power will indeed hurt the "small people's happiness." But if thousands of people refuse to sacrifice, there will be no steps for the great powers to ascend. The steps filled with tears not only hold up the rise of the great powers, but also the happiness of the generations of the people who are stronger than the generations.