Reborn on Top of Football

v5 Chapter 9: The Old Man in the Mountain (9)

Wang Ai thought for a while and shook his head: "There is no immediate effect. Even if it does, it will take years for it to take effect."

"Can't you take all the rules of Europe, especially the five major leagues? Hasn't it been verified successfully?" Duan Xuan looked at the notepad in his hand and looked up: "You have analyzed the national economy in our CCTV before. The level of development determines the level of football development. Based on your analysis today, can I infer that the level of national economic development determines the level of commercial football? Is it useful for us to learn? How to learn? What to learn?"

"The level of national economic development is fundamental, which is equivalent to the number of cards in your hand. The league system and youth training system are equivalent to the way you play cards. So you still have to learn, which is related to the situation with limited resources. How to increase the utilization rate of resources and how to play the cards in your hands well. But how to learn is still to be cautious." Wang Ai looked up and said: "I have discussed with many people, and I have not learned this direction from the European league system. Wrong, but we must also pay attention to innovation in the learning process."

Duan Xuan frowned: "These things about football are not that complicated in themselves, right?"

Wang Ai nodded: "Yes, the rules of football, including clubs, youth training, and league systems are not very complicated, but football has a great influence and is related to all aspects of society. Because you can't avoid these factors, so they change. It has to be complicated. We have to learn, but in the end we must have our own characteristics. Of course, I am not saying that we are different from others for the sake of characteristics, but as long as you start from reality and seek truth from facts to develop Chinese football, then you will definitely come out. A football path with Chinese characteristics that suits China’s national conditions and conforms to international standards. This is not determined by anyone’s will, but by objective facts."

This is the first time that Wang Ai has publicly stood on the side of the "specialist" in the domestic debate about how Chinese football is going.

"Can you give an example of this feature?"

Wang Ai thought for a while and nodded: "Let’s put it this way, there are many small European countries, and they have a strong sense of city-state culture. This has been there since Athens and Sparta in ancient Greece. Until the Roman Empire, For example, the Republic of Venice is also a city-state republic. Prussia and later Germany are also a combination of many city-states. The history of those city-states is longer than that of the country. This is different from ours in China. We Chinese will also have a hometown. Awareness, but more is based on the common memory of countries and nations, and Europe is different from us. To put it in perspective, we Chinese often think about issues from large to small, first the country and then our hometown, while Europeans tend to be the opposite. Hometown and then the country."

The people in the hall listened quietly, and Dr. Wang went to class again.

"The loyalty of European fans, the competition on and off the field, and the cultural confrontation are very strong. Some fans support a team from three generations, because the team’s cultural label is their own One of the labels of the derby. Some derby games are so fierce because they have become a carrier of mutual regional attacks and cultural discrimination." Wang Ai paused when he said: "In November last year, an accident occurred in Italy. , Leading to the suspension of many Serie A games, this close attention to the fans may still have an impression. The reason is that a group of Lazio fans saw a group of Juventus fans, went up to provocative fights, and then a policeman accidentally killed someone. I don’t. When it comes to the police right and wrong, I want to tell everyone that there are a lot of similar fan fights in the five major leagues."

Wang Ai looked at everyone after digesting the news and said: "Assuming there is a purely commercial football rule, theoretically the most perfect system, after it is taken to Europe, it must adapt to the European society of city-state culture and form the rules of the five major leagues. The same set of rules is different when we get Japan, the United States, and the Middle East. If we get China, it will definitely be different. If we take back all the five major league systems without distinction, it will definitely not be suitable for us. It will bring some drawbacks. For example, there will be conflicts between fans on each match day. Are you willing to accept it? I think there will be such a scene. The people of our country would rather not accept the development of the league. Therefore, the Chinese league has Chinese characteristics. It's an inevitable result. It's just this feature and what are there, I can't say clearly, this still needs our cadres, bosses, scholars, fans and players to explore together.

"There is another proposition, which is to return to the era of sports schools."

Duan Xuan said: "In the era of sports schools, our football used to be very strong, at least stronger than Japan and South Korea. We can also give full play to our country's human resources advantages and save a lot of costs to invest in youth training. What do you think? ?"

Wang Ai directly shook his head: "It seems reasonable, but it can't be achieved. The simplest, without professional leagues, you can't make money at all, so there is no investment. We Chinese football loses obviously against Japanese and Korean football. The strength advantage is not that our professional league made a mistake, but that the two players came first. Japan's professional league developed relatively late, but the country's comprehensive development level is there, so it will grow quickly after getting up. South Korea also It's similar, so the professional league road is correct, in fact it is also the road that must be taken."

Wang Ai found that the expressions of the audience below were still somewhat puzzled, so he explained further, but before he spoke, he glanced at Liu Jianhong: "I'm going to say bubbling, you pinch it, I have no objection."

The people present smiled at the same time. There was no outsider, so they pinched it. People wanted to hear what Wang Ai said about it.

"Assuming that China is still the game system of the past, then there is a problem here, such as me." Wang Ai pointed to his nose: "I guess if there is no league in China and I work for the Liaoning Sports Team, my The monthly salary is now 10,000 yuan, which is full. And I am in"

"How much!" Duan Xuan was not afraid of the excitement.

Wang Ai rubbed his face and murmured: "I seem to put myself in. Okay, to clarify this matter, well, I am in Chelsea and my monthly salary is 5 million."

The following exclaimed for a while, and Wang Ai shook his head: "With such a huge income gap, you can't stop the players from looking for higher income. You have to stop it... In fact, we are all a special kind of commodity. There is fluidity, allowing it to flow in order to comply with objective laws, and it is better for the country and the sport itself. For example, our stars can go to Europe to exercise, earn higher salaries, and then use higher salaries and better environments to improve I, in the end, after I come back, I will raise the level of our country’s league and our national team. But if you want to stop it, that’s all."