Reborn on Top of Football

v6 Chapter 26: Love-hate relationship (6)

After moving to Germany, the third floor has been sleeping in separate rooms. Huang Xin took the child in the master bedroom, Shi Wenjun in the second bedroom, and Kang Si in the third bedroom. Wang Ai spends almost the same amount of time sleeping in the master bedroom and the second bedroom most of the time. It's not that Wang Ai is deliberately trying to balance the size and size, but that he is willing to help Huang Xin take the child, and is often rejected by Huang Xin because he is too tired. After all, sometimes his son's loud cry in the middle of the night will wake up Wang Ai.

Wang Ai has the heart to let Huang Xin and Shi Wenjun, a pair of fellow Liaoyang fellows make their debut, but Shi Wenjun quit. Just forget about the debut with Leo Ni. After all, I was not familiar with it before, but I have been a friend of Huang Xin for more than ten years, and suddenly changed the relationship, which is a bit psychologically unacceptable.

Wang Ai didn't ask Huang Xin's opinion. Teacher Huang usually didn't have any opinions, or he couldn't remember any opinions, and it was too late to remember.

Wang Ai couldn't help it tonight, and wanted to force it to create established facts. The little beauty who was struggling weakly on the bed was pushed down by the man, and soon lost the ability to resist. But even so, the aggrieved little eyes still made Wang Ai scratch his head.

In other words, it is hard to play with my good girl, and I can't really make her feel wronged. So at the last moment, I still made up my mind to hug the little beauty in my arms and return to the second bedroom.

After a very happy battle, the little beauty was exhausted by the tossing, Wang Aiyou had enough energy, and it took a long time for it to stop. When he was awakened by the morning breeze with the atmosphere of the big forest the next day, Wang Ai found that Little Beauty had been awake for a while, and she was lying on her body to look at herself, her eyes were like cats.

"Hi." Wang Ai greeted softly: "When did you wake up?"

"It's been a while."

The two looked at each other, Wang Ai pulled the blanket up and covered the back of Little Beauty, then put his hands under her armpits, brought the belt up, and shook her body to make her feel it. Own exuberant, touched her slim figure by the way: "Don't blame me, I think too much, there is no other meaning, no other meaning."

"I know." The little beauty said, reaching out and pulling the stuff in her stomach aside: "Wait for me again."

"Yeah." Wang Ai agreed softly, closing his eyes again, feeling the tenderness of the beauty in his arms: "I'm not so courageous. Frighten you. If you don't agree, I'm afraid."

Shi Wenjun adjusted a comfortable posture in Wang Ai's arms and closed his eyes: "Women are sometimes spoiled. You know that you are afraid, you will pretend to be, and then slowly bully you."

Wang Ai hummed again, clasped his hands on Shi Wenjun’s ass, and said hehe, "So, don’t worry that I will provoke others, no more, you guys even if you bully me, I’ll admit it. I understand after a long time. You see, I changed Li Jun as an assistant last year, which shows that I have started to learn well."

After speaking a few words softly, their voices fell. When they woke up again, the sky was already bright. Wang Ai stretched out his hand and took the watch from the bedside and took a look at it. It was less than 7 o'clock, so he patted the blanket. : "Let’s get to the point, I’ll go downstairs to eat in a while, I think I shouldn’t be full if you just eat, hehe."

Feeling pinched, then the blanket on the chest was opened, the little beauty came out, and the red face and red lips gave Wang Ai a cross, then he straightened up carefully, adjusted and sat down again, Wang Ai went to He moved back and leaned against the head of the bed, watching with interest a picture of a beautiful woman riding a horse.

After a brief taste and a chat, Wang Ai is going to the club to participate in the first day of training, so although he is in the mood in the morning, he can't indulge. Therefore, after twenty minutes in a hurry, the little beauty is not physically strong and Wang Ai is not. After hunting down, after tidying up, both went downstairs.

When I met Huang Xin midway, Wang Ai gave her a look: "Wait for me at noon."

Huang Xin pretended not to understand, and coaxed her son to go down.

The family is harmonious and happy. At nine o'clock in the morning, Wang Ai appeared on the Bayern training ground on time. Under the introduction of Neeringer and Heynckes, he officially met with the new teammates. Whether it’s Ram, Schweinsteiger, Muller, Neuer, Kroos, Boateng, and Ribery, they are all friendly and even a little cautious, even if Wang Ai did not release the "superstar halo" "This makes Wang Ai more relaxed.

Sometimes the overly approachable personality and the flat and warm family will make Wang Ai have the illusion of "I am an ordinary person", even if he sometimes deliberately emphasizes his superstar status when analyzing problems. Judging from the attitude of these Bayern stars, even the most arrogant Ribery did not give him an idea of ​​disagreement. At most, he clapped his shoulders and back, but even so, he seemed a little deliberately relaxed, not true. Look at yourself like Robben.

After listening to Heynckes’s words, Wang Ai still sighed in his heart: After all, it is Europe that hasn’t shouted "Princes and generals, I would rather have a kind". Perhaps the biggest difference with China is that "inequality" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In China, no matter how powerful a person is and how high his position in the industry is, there will always be an endless stream of challengers, even if the challengers are ridiculous, such as the "minke" in the scientific world, but there are certainly. In Europe, after reaching a certain position, not only did there were few challengers, but there were a lot of supporters and thighs. Even if the performance was relatively shy, the essence remained the same.

The rich and powerful are indeed the most comfortable in exploiting the society. The Chinese environment and Chinese culture are too annoying. How can leeks that refuse to be cut honestly be considered good leeks? How can a vegetable plot that grows such leeks be considered a good vegetable plot?

After thinking about it, Wang Ai's team started physical training and technical training under the command of Heynckes, mixed with relaxing games. The old coach neither deliberately highlight Wang Ai, nor deliberately ignore Wang Ai, Wang Ai did not deliberately highlight himself, listening to everyone's joking and basically not interjecting, even this group of teammates will always pay attention to him from time to time.

The only active football player in the Bundesliga in the past two decades, and the first person in international football in the past three years in 2008, 2009, and 2010, Wang Ai still ignored the deterrence of this title, so that he practiced all morning when he went home for dinner. Feel funny.

He was ready to deal with the challenger, but he didn't expect it to be so harmonious. The rebellious Bayern stars, who gave him submission and awe?

This is... great.

This good mood lasted until the team training game started at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Heynckes took a yellow vest and walked to Wang Ai with a smile: "Try the level of our main lineup? World Footballer?"

Wang Ai looked at this yellow vest representing the substitute team in surprise, and then noticed the faint eagerness of Schweinsteiger, Kroos, Ribery and others. With a smile, he stepped forward and took the yellow vest. .