Reborn on Top of Football

v6 Chapter 267: More blowing, stars like rain (7)

"You won, are you comfortable lying down?" Xu Qinglian walked with Wang Ai on the street leading to the consulate with a smile.

"Look at my pace?" Wang Ai waved his arms high, excited like an Erha who went out for a walk.

"Shouldn't you shout, isn't this how I want to win?" Xu Qinglian continued to tease Wang Ai.

Wang Ai ignored it and continued to move forward stubbornly, which fully showed the master's good mood.

"Since ancient times, laughing at people's bad luck is the axiom." Huang Xin put his hands in the two pockets of the white down jacket, and walked gracefully: "The doctor is not bad, at least he didn't laugh."

Just as he was talking, Wang Ai suddenly burst out laughing.

It turned out that it was two German fans who were pleasantly surprised when they met Wang Ai. They said Happy New Year in German. The strange taste and wording made Wang Ai laugh.

Leoni, who was carrying two large yellow croakers, arched Huang Xin with her shoulders: "Excuse me?"

The guards smiled scatteredly, and Li Jun was still making and receiving calls. Recently, this guy didn't know what anti-intellectual propaganda he saw. He said that too many calls are easy to grow ears. He has been asking Wang Ai to ask for labor protection supplies. , Wang Ai sent him one when he was in a good mood at noon today: a silver ear spoon!

Yesterday, Wang Ai had already made an agreement with Consul General Wang and the others. Today, Wang Ai's family came to the kitchen to show everyone a hand, just like hanging relatives during the Chinese New Year. Not only did people come, but they also brought things. I drove an Iveco from my home to deliver a whole carload of ingredients. It is estimated that the consulate general will eat until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Before I went out today, I remembered that there were still quite a few large yellow croakers that my family had mailed recently, so I brought two in particular. Wang Ai didn't know whether it was wild or farmed. Anyway, it was just to eat. Whether he or Consul General Wang, no one would be as curious as the businessmen.

An hour later, the happy laughter of children playing hide-and-seek and Wang Ai's countdown to the wall came from the backyard of the consulate general. Consul General Wang, who was accompanied by Leoni upstairs, glanced at the backyard, turned around and said worriedly, "Is your little Wang alright?"

Leoni hadn't spoken yet, when the backyard complimented, the flower stand fell down, and a fart boy poked his **** and drilled in. As long as he wasn't caught, it didn't count. As a result, Wang Ai was serious and bent over to drill in. The big man over 1.9 meters arched, the fart child was caught, and the flower stand was also arched over.

Leoni smiled and said after taking her seat, "Take this place as my home."

Consul General Wang nodded happily for a while: "Okay, it's good to be in charge, we'll be in charge of everyone. Speaking of which, you took too many things yesterday. We sent things to you during the Chinese New Year, and it's the other way around. , send it to us. Yesterday I was not at home, I didn't see it at a glance, even the freezer was full, and there was a lot of hanging outside the rear window. Germany is not your northeast today, it is used as a refrigerator outside, it can't be put a few days."

Leoni giggled: "Every time you gain three pounds during the New Year, everyone eats it hard. If you're really afraid of bad things, you will give it away. Anyway, you know that our family is rich!"

Consul General Wang pointed at Leoni: "You are using us as a charity organization? Or, take it from you and use it for others."

Leoni was about to speak when the door slammed, and the secretary came in with a smile: "Leader, the meal is ready, let's go now?"

Consul General Wang stood up and looked at his watch: "Okay, the Spring Festival Gala is about to start. I'll eat while watching. I'll serve you dumplings in the evening."

Hearing that the meal was ready, Wang Ai led a group of children and ran in, and was reprimanded by Huang Xin. One, five, three, three boys and three girls lined up to wash their hands.

There was a lively Spring Festival Gala on the TV in the restaurant. The restaurant was full of people. Consul General Wang Chunfeng gave a toast with a full face. Consul General Wang, who was about to be transferred back to China to serve in the European Department, was promoted this time. It's not too sad to be leaving after two months.

After a simple greeting, everyone raised their chopsticks to eat at the same time. The consulate does not have a dedicated chef. It is a part-time job for everyone. It's a craft... Anyway, Wang Ailai has eaten it a few times and can only say that it is not bad. It is an authentic Chinese home cooking, but it is definitely not good. Compared with Xu Qinglian, the artist is far behind.

In fact, Wang Ai's craftsmanship is also good. In the early years of his life in Tübingen, he was not able to take care of himself just by having money. The Chinese diet has never been not only to replenish energy for the body, but also to regulate the mood. It's just that today Wang Ai was about to cook and was chased out by Xu Qinglian and Huang Xin. They each brought a guard today, and they still have excellent cooking skills, which is enough.

Wang Ai is informal and free-spirited, so women need to think more. Playing with the children is a no-brainer, but it is a bit inappropriate to cook by yourself. After all, the two sides still have a layer of working relationship in it, and there are some things that must be considered. Although Wang Ai's promotion last year was one level lower than that of Consul General Wang's deputy office, Yao Ming, who was at the same level as Wang Ai, was already a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Wang Ai did not retire, otherwise his status would only be higher or lower than Yao Ming.

"I was a fan when I was young." When the wine was half full, Consul General Wang loosened his tie slightly: "I watched Maradona, Platini, and the Dutch three Musketeers at that time. After work, I have been circling around Europe. , so I don’t watch the ball less. When these people retire, it will be Ronaldo, Zidane, Beckham, etc., eh, I thought at that time, when will there be two such people in Chinese football. Ah? It really came out. Sometimes it feels like a dream. The best in front of you is Sun Jihai, the main force of the middle and lower teams in the five major leagues, and behind you... Anyway, your group seems to have suddenly appeared. It's a strange phenomenon that you don't see the ancients and then you don't see the newcomers."

Wang Ai laughed and listened. Consul General Wang looked at the deputy consul, secretary and others around him: "We have discussed it several times, right? Everyone thinks that if you follow the normal development process, you shouldn't come out. Some Some people say that you are the result of the professional reform of Chinese football, but if you are, why are you not below? This does not make sense, and some people say that you are a product of the sports team era, which also makes no sense. The era of the labor team has lasted for decades, and the best is Sun Jihai. Even if the times have progressed and the material has improved, I dare to say that it is not enough to have one main force in the giants? It is enough to have two Luo Tongliang. But you, especially your little Wang'er, jumped too high, you couldn't touch the height."

Wang Ai looked at the head of the family who shook his head again and again: "Sports is a matter of ten or eight years, and it will come out if you go the right way."

"The problem is how to go the right way." Consul General Wang shook his head: "If you have a direction, you must have a method. Judging from the situation of you people, Chinese football as a whole has not changed much. It is you people who have changed. . Do you have any thoughts? Share?"