Reborn on Top of Football

v6 Chapter 302: In spring, a hundred flowers bloom (2)

In Xu Genbao's smiling memories, the lights on the third floor were on, and the lights on the first floor were also on. After a while, Wang Ai, who was wearing a sports suit and carrying a ball, walked to the backyard and said hello, "Master, so early?"

"Can't sleep." Xu Genbao looked at Wang Ai up and down: "Morning exercise?"

"Ah." Wang Ai nodded and pointed to the outside: "Go, run two laps?"

Xu Genbao smiled and shook his head: "No shoes."

"How big is it?"

"...No clothes."

"How big is it?"

"...What a bastard!"

"Okay!" Wang Ai nodded as if not listening: "It's still a little cold in the morning, you are also active, there is a gym over there, I'm leaving."

Seeing Wang Ai leading his assistant and two guards around the house and disappearing into the light morning light, Xu Genbao shook his head slightly, and happened to be seen by Liu Shangjie who also came out: "What's wrong, master?"

"He is going to participate in the National Games. I heard that he also signed up for the triathlon. Do you have any ideas? Triathlon?"

Liu Shangjie was obviously stunned before walking to Xu Genbao with a big laugh and sat down: "Master, you haven't joked with me for a long time."

Xu Genbao thought about it and nodded: "Yes, as soon as I get to this kid's side, I forget all the worries."

Just as they were talking, Huang Xin, Leoni, and Xu Qinglian went downstairs together. It seemed that they were also going to exercise in the morning. They all said hello to the old man before leaving. Looking at the three big girls and the little daughter-in-law, the master and the apprentice were speechless. As for Xu Genbao, he had seen these three girls one after another, and he also noticed their ambiguity with his apprentice and grandson at different time periods, but he didn't expect it. It finally became like this.

It's too late to say anything now, but all the children are running around.

Liu Shangjie, who has always been with Xu Genbao, is also one of the witnesses. Seeing the silence of the old man, he smiled and said, "They are both in love and like-minded."

The old man hummed: "You go out too."


Half an hour later, on the Yong Road in the artificial forest, Wang Ai, who took the lead in the three-segment run, met Liu Shangjie with the camera head-on. He gave him a strange look, waved his hand, and continued to run. Liu Shangjie followed and followed. Can't keep up.

Another half an hour later, in the glade, Wang Ai and Li Jun practiced passing and catching the ball, while women not far away were playing badminton. Since they play all year round and they all like to play, they also have fun. Seven people play two badmintons at the same time. They often get this one but not the other. It’s better to say it’s a game than an exercise. Gone.

While making a fuss, Liu Shangjie arrived panting, and set the camera on a tree branch and aimed it at Wang Ai's side. Wang Ai casually kicked the ball towards Li Jun's face, provoking Li Jun and exclaimed that he was allowed to chase the ball, and walked to Liu Shangjie himself: "Old Liu, what is this for?"

Wang Ai poked his finger at the camera, and the bluffed old Liu quickly pulled Wang Ai away: "There are more than 20,000 shots. The master asked me to follow you today, shoot your day, and come back to cheer for the team members."

"Oh." Wang Ai nodded indifferently: "Okay, but don't aim at them."

Old Liu grinned: "Don't worry, I won't trouble you."

Wang Ai pointed Lao Liu with his finger. Just as he was about to leave, Lao Liu stopped Wang Ai: "Little Wang'er asked you something."

"Ah?" Wang Ai was surprised: "Do you have something to ask me? Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Which..." Liu Shangjie hesitated a bit.

Wang Ai stood there smiling and looked at Liu Shangjie in embarrassment. He gritted his teeth in the triathlon and said, "Which, little Wanger, do you have any thoughts? For the East Asia team?"

"What?" Wang Ai was completely surprised: "What do you mean? What do I have in mind... I haven't cared about it all these years! I don't want to make two Chinese Super League teams, you help me, I help you, it's too ugly Isn't it? How can I do that? Don't you think I'm losing my share of those things in the country, I'm going to do something?"

Wang Ai babbled a bunch of words, and Lao Liu couldn't talk. When Wang Ai finished speaking, he shook his head: "No, why don't you believe in selling the team?"

"Sell the team? To whom?" Wang Ai's eyes were blank: "When did you tell me?"

"I called you, I called." Liu Shangjie said eagerly, "Your assistant answered."

Wang Ai turned back: "Li Jun, Li Jun..."

"I picked it up, maybe seven or eight days ago, but didn't you retreat? I didn't have time to tell you." Li Jun nodded after listening: "At that time, President Liu said that he was not in a hurry, so I was not in a hurry. ."

Wang Ai snorted: "Go back and play."

Seeing that Li Jun was gone, Wang Ai turned around and said, "Who wants to buy it?"

"Shanghai Port Group."

"Oh, SIPG, rich." Wang Ai nodded when he heard the sound. "Okay, I understand. I'll go back and ask my old man what he thinks. Don't worry, don't you know how my shares came from?"

Wang Ai went back to practice, Liu Shangjie continued to shoot, until the sun fully rose, and a group of people talked and laughed and walked back. From time to time, they would encounter Germans who were sparsely exercising in the morning, some would say hello, some would say hello. Just wave.

The shyness of the Germans helped a lot. If it wasn't for Wang Ai's current popularity, he would hardly be able to move away from such a public place. Of course, the fact that Germans don't like to get up early to exercise is also the key.

"Don't want to do it anymore?" After breakfast, Wang Ai asked the old man to go to the second study on the third floor and sit by the window to talk.

"Almost 70." Xu Genbao with black hair sighed: "Old man, be nice."

"You yin and yang are weird and don't look like you're convinced." Wang Ai smiled.

"Haha!" The old man laughed loudly: "Ten years of sharpening swords, a Chinese Super League team from scratch, how did I do?"

Wang Ai shook his head: "Ten years of sharpening swords, forging a football grand slam, how did I do?"

Xu Genbao suddenly felt that the disciple and grandson in front of him were not cute, and pinched his nose: "Not bad."

Wang Ai nodded in relief: "Chongchao succeeded, not bad."

The old man raised his hand and gave Wang Ai a slap in the head: "Give me a nice word, do you want to sell it?"

Wang Ai rubbed his forehead: "I was busy making adjustments and didn't get a call the other day, but Liu Shangjie told me face-to-face this morning that I found out. As for whether to sell or not, I am 40%, you and East Asia each have 30%, and the two of you Fang nodded, it's not easy for me to object, isn't it?"

"People want full capital, you don't sell them, you don't buy them."

"Will you sell me?"

"Sell you?" Lao Xu pushed his glasses: "Don't plan to mix in the Football Association?"

"Don't delay, Liaozu has been in my hands for all these years."

"I'm talking about after you retire." Seeing that Wang Ai didn't quite understand, he had to make further instructions: "According to the current trend, you famous and successful athletes may be promoted to... well, at least the league leaders. "

Wang Ai was stunned and shook his head: "I have many problems, so I shouldn't."

"So..." Old Xu said, "Don't sell it?"