Reborn on Top of Football

v6 Chapter 307: In spring, a hundred flowers bloom (7)

On the morning of the 27th, Bayern announced the starting lineup for the afternoon game. Center Mandzukic, left winger Wang Ai, right winger Shaqiri, attacking midfielder Kroos, midfielder Timoschuk, etc., except for Wang Ai and Nuo. In addition to Il being the absolute main force, everyone else is considered to be the main force in rotation.

The outside world has despised the next Champions League semi-final, but Heynckes did not despise it and is still preparing for the game wholeheartedly... Anyway, there is nothing else to do after winning the league. Wang Ai is willing to continue to set records, and the club is also willing Look, then let Wang Ai go.

Heynckes has only one request for Wang Ai: don't get hurt.

Besides, you can play how you like, even our whole team can cooperate with you!

On the same day, Real Madrid announced that Ronaldo would miss the 33rd round of La Liga in preparation for the second leg of the Champions League semi-final three days later. He was 1:4 behind in the away game. Mourinho was not convinced and wanted to struggle. There is no shadow of Messi in the starting lineup announced by Barcelona, ​​but it is in the squad. This shows that Barcelona is still striving for the league points to overtake. Messi, when the team defeated Bayern and the league is behind in points, is very important to ensure La Liga. There are still some ideas for the golden boot and striving for the European golden boot.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, the sun was just right. Standing on the re-dried turf of the Allianz Stadium, Wang Ai and Mandzukic whispered and laughed while waiting for the kick-off. The game that had already won the championship, but the stands were still full. As players who have played in the professional league for many years, they all know that the extra fans are all for the teammates who are about to leave.

When thinking of 73 goals and hat-tricks per game, everyone is inevitably in a trance: How did he do it? I don't feel like I'm not a human being when I train with him every day, why is it different when I play? So accurate?

Not to mention them, even Wang Ai himself occasionally looked up at the "73" everywhere in the stands at this time. When he was determined to save Chinese football many years ago, he never thought that he would have such a day...

"Beep!" The whistle sounded suddenly, Wang Ai subconsciously retreated to the side, looked back at Kroos, who had received Mandzukic's return, and only started to move to the side when he saw that he had passed Boateng back. .

The European Golden Boot leads the opponent by 13 goals, and the Bundesliga Golden Boot leads the opponent by more than 50 goals. The huge pressure that lasted for more than a year has disappeared. Personally, he has won the Champions League five times on behalf of four different teams. Wang Ai's feeling for the Champions League is a little weak now.

Huang Xin's words "Enjoy victory to the fullest" further freed Wang Ai from the shackles. Although his body and mind were still exhausted, his mood was very relaxed and even cheerful. With the remaining 4 games and 360 minutes of his Bundesliga career, he hopes, and his family hopes, that he can have a good goodbye, that he can have a relaxed, relaxed and happy time after being extremely tired.

Because in the coming summer, he will not only go to the Confederations Cup again to try to win the championship that he has never touched before, but also the more emotionally complicated National Games. The star who has been famous for many years suddenly joins 100 meters, long jumps and triathlons... Damn it! What do people say!

This is a shocking gamble made by Wang Ai and those sports scholars: if Wang Ai loses, it must be an overwhelming internal ridicule, and if Wang Ai wins, the "Wang Ai Training Method" will be promulgated all over the world!

This is an academic battle and a battle of ideas that is no less than a super giant war.

The family really didn't want Wang Ai who had just won an epic battle so hard to start another epic battle in one breath.

Therefore, from late April to late May, the month when the five major leagues ended, was initiated by Huang Xin, followed by Leoni and Xu Qinglian to become Wang Ai's "leisure month": you only need to play as you like. Just like you got the blindfolded ball back by kicking your son's bun football.

"We believe that you really love football. If you let go of all constraints and do whatever you want, you can only create greater achievements. And in the process, you will feel greater happiness."

"Perhaps for you, being able to play whatever you want is the greatest recognition and relaxation."

The combination of various factors, inside and outside, made today's unremarkable game and the fans who watched Wang Ai's last performance cry out! No one would expect such a match, what Wang Ai can do without both opponents playing.

However, if all goes as expected, is it still a super-giant with one hand and a wind?

From the first minute of the game, the smile never left Wang Ai's face, whether it was running without the ball or passing and receiving the ball, whether it was a collision or a fall, whether it was a shot or a steal, Wang Ai, who was just playing, was in a trance. I felt the joy of galloping on the turf every minute, fighting side by side with my beloved football, fighting side by side with my close teammates, co-planning, advancing and retreating together, and felt that every action under my feet affected the heartbeat of tens of thousands of fans in the stands. , voice, feel the joy of being needed and honored!

When the setting sun slanted, the final whistle sounded, and thunderous cheers echoed in the stadium, Wang Ai wiped the sweat from his head and smiled at the nearby teammates, and walked to the sidelines together. It was Kroos who reminded Wang Ai that he wanted to sign Hans. When he ran out of the tunnel to find Hans, Hans burst into tears, and the surrounding fans burst into laughter.

Brush brush, brush brush, Wang Ai skillfully signs on A4 paper...

"Doctor, there is one less."

"What?" Wang Ai was pulled by Hans just as he was about to leave. He asked suspiciously, "How many did I enter today?"

Hans raised his two hands, one with five fingers and one with a thumbs up. Wang Ai sniffed and lowered his head to pick up the pen again: "There are so many, how can I remember five."

Wang Ai's muttering was accurately captured by the camera not far away, especially the microphone that was secretly pestle next to his ribs. After Wang Ai signed his signature, he was immediately grabbed by the reporter: "Why did you forget to score a few goals? "

"I'm probably too happy to play today, right? I only remember the joy of cooperating with my teammates again and again, the joy of success, and of course the regret of failure." Wang Ai shrugged: "I have won the championship, and the rest I and everyone can enjoy the game without any burden and without any orders, and enjoy the game at the highest level in the world, ah! It’s so happy!”

"How many are you going to make in the end? Over 90? Wow, I'm dreaming!"

"Haha, I don't know. How many goals are scored is the natural result of everyone enjoying the game." Wang Ai grinned while leaning against the stand, surrounded by all kinds of German fans who were winking and frantically stealing the spotlight.