Reborn on Top of Football

v6 Chapter 333: Under fame (3)

Every successful team has a pistachio, just like Bayern's Muller, Dong Fangzhuo is the funny person in this national team.

In fact, the earliest role was Wang Ai. At that time, he had just joined the team. He was the latest, the most educated, and full of crooked talents. Later, as his status became more and more important, the role began to be played by Zhao Xuri. After Zhao Xuri played for a few years, when Wang Ai completely let go of the team's daily life, and Chen Tao became more and more dull and rarely intervened, he and Zhou Haibin gradually became captains of real power. Not happy anymore.

Then there is Dong Fangzhuo.

He was not a member of this team originally. The 84-nation youth did not catch up, and the 86-nation youth was over-aged. He was not able to join until the 85-nation youth formed. At this time, the 85 National Youth is full of talents. After all, it is a team composed of two world champion teams from the 84 and 86 countries. If it wasn't for the lack of a strong center at the time, he would not be able to get in. And even if he joins, don't talk about his status. When his teammates chat, either Trinidad and Tobago won the championship or Finland Helsinki won the championship. He has nothing but a smirk.

Don't mention the feeling in his heart, if it wasn't for Wang Ai, the leader, who had no insight, and even took special care of him.

In fact, he and Feng Xiaoting were teammates since childhood, and they also knew Zhao Xuri very early. When he was a child, his talent surpassed everyone else's, but unfortunately, taking a slow step, it was almost a big difference.

In addition, during the setback period of his career, Wang Ai extended a helping hand in time. In his loneliness at Manchester United, Wang Ai once talked to him for a long time on a flight back to China, and then did two things: one was to invite him to sign a European brokerage contract with an experienced, almost exclusively for Under the command of CY Sports, who serves Chinese players in Europe, he received a wealth of materials and guidance to adapt to life in Europe, and even transferred an assistant from China to his side; the other was Wang Ai who helped him plan his career development and played against him. The characteristics of the ball being too hard and easy to get injured suggest that he simply give up Manchester United and the five major leagues, and go to the small and medium-sized European leagues to develop and accumulate strength. .

In this way, the latecomer Dong Fangzhuo finally took root in this heroic group. He made many military exploits in the 2008 Olympic Games, 09 Confederations Cup, 10 World Cup, and 11 Asian Cup, and finally fully demonstrated his childhood talent. .

When Wang Ai was often busy with professional leagues or business affairs, he was the team's most played shooter and the most scored shooter. He and Gao Lin, the big center, formed a one-rush-one-shoot combination. Of course, they were all strong.

In the warm national team, the once repressed mood was relieved, and then I became free.

Generally speaking, those who let themselves go in the team are the main players with stable positions, guaranteed strength, and always in a good mood.

After Lao Gao's continuous shouting, everyone finally didn't kick Dong Fangzhuo. After a few minutes, when the door opened, Director Wei Di walked in with a smile on his face, raised his hands and applauded, and everyone shook their faces. Look, it was the leader who sent everyone off at the World Cup in South Africa three years ago.

With a smile on her face, the female leader pressed her hands down amid the applause of everyone. She approached the front and said, "We're all acquaintances, so don't be so polite."

After being seated, she asked, "Today, on behalf of the leaders, I came to see you who are about to go out and ask if you have any difficulties that your superiors need to solve."

Lao Gao usually doesn't speak much on such occasions. Unless the leader calls him by name, he usually gives this opportunity to Wang Ai, who is eloquent and loved by the leader and the masses. Probably the leader also knew his habit. Seeing that he smiled and shook his head and looked to the side subconsciously, he also looked at Wang Ai.

"We don't have any difficulties. The Football Association and the General Administration of Sports are very well guaranteed." Wang Ai said firmly.

"Yeah." The leader replied, but his eyes stayed on Wang Ai for a few seconds, then smiled and looked at the several coaches present: "I often see several coaches on TV, many leaders back then I have seen you play football, and today you have stepped into the coaching position with such a good team and many opportunities for international competitions, I hope you will continue to work hard."

Several coaches nodded.

"The Confederations Cup, next year's World Cup, and the next year's Asian Cup all need your continued contribution, and you also need you to spread more advanced technology and experience to our league and our youth training, so as to help Chinese football. There is a steady stream of talents, and a steady stream of high-level teams to contribute.”

Lao Gao, Lao Tang, Lao Fan and others all took out their notepads. Today's speech by the leader is obviously not only a ceremonial one, but a suggestion for the development of Chinese football. Even Director Wei Di is on the side. Unexpectedly, I hurriedly took a small booklet used by the secretary from the secretary's hand and opened it to prepare for recording.

"The country is so big, there are so many things, and the international struggle is very complicated. As a developing country, we must maintain basic stability in all aspects in order to advance in an orderly manner and ultimately realize the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Although the dawn is ahead, there are still Many difficulties need to be overcome, and there are some stages that cannot be surpassed. Our people still have to persevere in struggle under relatively poor conditions. This requires our people and our society to feel confident. In this regard, our propaganda work is one aspect, Progress in intuitive areas such as cultural and sports careers is also an aspect.”

The conference room was quiet, the coaches were taking notes, and the players were not ready and had to listen intently.

"The influence of football is so great that its role is not only to inspire people to exercise, take off the hat of the sick man of East Asia and the economic utility of your football reform, but also to promote national image and enhance national self-confidence in the new era. . A World Cup champion in South Africa has achieved an effect that hundreds of millions or billions of publicity dollars cannot achieve, and its legacy is very rich."

Speaking of this, the leader paused and looked at the team members: "Little Wang'er, are you 26 this year?"

Seeing Wang Ai nod, the leader smiled: "I didn't tell you about this three years ago, because I was worried that you were still young, and of course, considering that you were still climbing. After three years, some of you have become fathers. Bar?"

Seeing some of the players laughing, the leader also smiled: "With your achievements, you will all be influential people in the sports industry in the future, whether you are in the system or not, you will not be confused if you have a big vision. In the end, it is made up of us one by one, the struggle is endless, don’t let up.”