Reborn on Top of Football

v6 Chapter 341: Playing Sword and Singing (1)

After several rounds of confrontation, it was time for breakfast, and the two went to the restaurant to eat and chat. Lao Gao announced that he would rest for an hour after the meal, and then hold a summary meeting. Just taking advantage of this hour, Wang Ai and the reporter returned to the Chinese team floor with an open-air platform outside the window and sat opposite each other.

"Do you still insist that playing football is your scientific practice?" The reporter put it down after taking a sip of the juice, obviously not very fond of drinking it.

"What do you think?" Wang Ai picked up the juice and thumped.

"I always feel that if it's a natural science, such as medicine, anthropology, or sports, it's fairly reliable. Social science is... philosophy is..."

In Wang Ai's laughter, the reporter shook his head: "I can't connect football with philosophy anyway."

Wang Ai nodded: "To say that everything is connected, to say that I learned some philosophical truths from the football field, this is a strong argument. Indeed, football, whether on or off the field, does not have the academic and practical value of developing philosophy. But , What industry has such value? Especially the basic laws of philosophy? No industry has it. In fact, everyone extracts the understanding of a specific discipline from all walks of life, and then melts them together into philosophy. "

The reporter was a little confused: "Is football useful or useless?"

Wang Ai smiled: "Don't you know that my studies have been wasted all these years?"

"Is your studies abandoned?" The reporter smiled: "You have been going to university, and you are not that kind of nominal."

"It can only be said that my work and study are better coordinated. Or it can be said that I earn enough money in football to give me this freedom."

The reporter looked at Wang Ai and smiled again: "I'm a loyal reader of "Young Philosophers", and so is our editor-in-chief, otherwise I wouldn't be specially sent here."

"Oh?" Wang Ai laughed: "So, you are my double material fan? Have you brought any money?"

The reporter, who was a bit unable to keep up with Wang Ai's transformation, touched his trousers pocket blankly: "Did you bring it?"

"Then why don't you pay tribute now?" Wang Ai laughed.

The reporter also laughed, and when the laughter stopped, he heard Wang Ai say: "You may be a loyal reader of the things in that little book, but your editor-in-chief should not be, it's relatively simple, it's actually aimed at the public, and it reaches a certain level. Something you should be able to understand in the future.”

The reporter smiled without saying a word, Wang Ai thought about it when he saw it: "Football is still helpful to me, at least, my lung capacity can beat everyone in the Academy of Social Sciences, my blood oxygen content is the highest, my brain When thinking about problems, energy is most abundant."

The reporter laughed and applauded: "Then would you suggest that they also play football?"

"I wouldn't suggest that football is a strenuous exercise after all, and I can't bear the responsibility if I really bumped them. But moderate exercise is indeed what it should be. For example, mental exhaustion is a problem that many people have encountered. In the past We're accustomed to sum it up as a lack of inspiration, and pray for a moment of inspiration and suddenly figured it out. Frankly, I've had a lot of times like this, and I think this phenomenon is a long-term accumulation, in The final result that emerges after slow combination and calculation in the subconscious is also the result of simplifying and simplifying many steps, and our brain has such a background calculation function.”

The reporter listened to Wang Ai's business, and his expression became correct.

"But there is a premise. Just like a computer, under the same technical conditions, the stronger the computing power, the greater the power. Conversely, the power remains the same, and the more complex calculations take longer." Wang Ai spread his hands: "For us humans For example, the organ for thinking is the brain, and the blood vessels are the wires. If you want the brain to produce results as soon as possible, you must ensure sufficient power. But our scientists, let alone athletes, how many are healthy?”

"Your reasoning is very novel, so do you think their exercise is not enough?"

"Of course." Wang Ai said sternly: "What state should a healthy person be? Unless there is congenital heredity or external injury, there should be no disease. Look at us international footballers, this is called health. Why do scientists publish The results are all around 30 years old, but it will not work in the future? It is said that the brain is not good, but it is not true, it is the body that is not good, and the oxygen supply cannot keep up.

"What do you think is the reason for their lack of exercise?"

“It could be stressful work, it could be indifferent, it could be lazy.”


"Yes, you don't think that scientists forget to eat and sleep because of diligence? At least not all. Why? Interests, hobbies, like this. Many scientists will feel fun and life value from scientific research. For them, it's kind of a game."

"Playing?" The reporter said in surprise: "You said that, but you will be besieged."

"Besieged? With whom, am I not a scientist?" Wang Ai shook her hands: "Why is it too urgent to fry each other?"

"You mean that they treat scientific research as a play, and they are too involved in the play to care about exercising?"

"People's interests are different. They may just like scientific research, but not exercise. Exercise is a chore for them, so I say that this kind of scientist is lazy."

The reporter sighed and sat up straight: "Sure enough, it's the scientists who scold scientists. Going back to the original question, do you think football is helpful to your academic research?"

"Yes." Wang Ai nodded: "Like all other fields, I work in the field of football, observing football, football business, and the operation of the football system, groping and summarizing relevant laws, and then refining them again to enrich my philosophy. know."

"Two paragraphs?"

"Yes, there is no specific work that directly benefits philosophy."

At this moment, as soon as the door of the viewing platform opened, Zhao Xuri probed: "Boss, there are ten minutes left for the meeting."

"Oh." Wang Ai responded and was about to pack up and go out.

The reporter hurriedly asked, "Can I release all these interviews today?"

Wang Ai thought for a while, then nodded: "Let's go."

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Why should I be afraid?" Wang Ai asked in return, "If people who engage in science are arrogant, talk bluntly, and watch the wind, is this a responsible attitude towards the country and the people? The above is my analysis conclusion. Listen, I'm telling the truth, what am I afraid of? I thought that except for the scientific research results related to the national economy, people's livelihood and national security, I can tell the truth. In terms of scientific nature, what I just said does not belong to applied science, but belongs to theoretical science."

"So, why not?" Wang Ai said calmly.