Reborn on Top of Football

v6 Chapter 392: Forehead God (2)

"Not good." Huang Xin was vigilant and hesitant: "Tomorrow is the main game."

Wang Ai is righteous: "That's why I want you. You can adjust the state of the game to stimulate male hormones. You see, this is my science. They still traditionally believe that they need to recharge their batteries the day before the game and can't be in the same room. But my understanding is the latest scientific research achievement! Come on, don't worry, I want to create good results more than you, don't I?"

"But it is said that Ronaldo's abnormal performance in the 1998 World Cup final was in a nightclub the night before..." Huang Xin was hugged by Wang Ai and walked to the bed, still muttering.

"That thing about him, maybe someone poisoned him." Wang Ai said carelessly: "Even if it wasn't for the poisoning, he definitely didn't drink too much. Drinking alcohol really hurts athletic ability."

Seeing Wang Ai bowing her head to kiss, Leoni instead calmed down: "It's only 8 o'clock. It's too early, you should talk about activities."

Wang Aiyi reluctantly left Huang Xin's lips, and then stretched her head over to punish Leoni before letting go: "Okay, I'll go downstairs and run a few laps, the National Games will end tomorrow, I have to think about it. Going back to Manchester City to play football."

Wang Ai got up and went downstairs accompanied by Leoni. Li Jun was playing with his mobile phone in the guard room on the second floor. He heard the sound and raised his head: "Where are you going?"

"Go for a few laps, walk, and you accompany me down."

"Am I running with you?"

"No, practice with me, it's time to find a sense of ball."

Wang Ai, Li Jun, and two guards played in the empty training base until 9:30 p.m. before withdrawing their troops and returning to the camp. Wang Ai stayed in the bedroom on the third floor without shame and didn't sleep until eleven o'clock.

The next morning, a ray of sunlight shone into the quiet bedroom on the third floor. The sleeping Wang Ai opened his eyes, moved his arms gently to break free from Huang Xin's embrace, moved his body and took it out from under Leoni's butt. Legs, got up sideways, lifted the curtains and looked out, there were already old people who were doing morning exercises nearby.

"You guys go to sleep, I'll go downstairs for a run." Wang Ai held down Huang Xin who was about to get up.

When I came out of the base at 7:30, the sun was already bright, and I saw Huang Xin and Leoni going to the cafeteria together.

"Isn't it going to be a race in a while, so tired from running?" Huang Xin asked with concern.

"It's okay." Wang Ai wiped his forehead with a smile, then swung it down again, dripping with sweat on the ground: "Now that I have fully started my activities, I'm just resting, and I will have a lot of reserves when I go to run."

The adult team is on the go training system and does not eat breakfast in the cafeteria. Only the young team members of the base come noisily. As a result, they can see the high-calorie food piled high on the table in front of Wang Ai at a glance. With a flattering face, he stood by and waited for compliments.

"Come here, let's eat together, the master's craftsmanship is amazing!" Wang Ai greeted people warmly.

A dazed guy at the head ran over and sat beside Wang Ai, picked up his big elbow and gnawed it, and the others were led by him and ran over.

Wang Ai was eating himself, but while eating, he looked at this guy: "I'm just polite, why are you taking it seriously?"

The elbow-eater shook his head and didn't speak, and only after he finally swallowed a mouthful did he ask, "What did you say?"

"I said I was being polite, and I didn't plan to let you guys really come over to eat." Wang Ai's expression changed, and the other young players didn't eat or leave immediately. I don't know what to do.

The first one continued to shake his head, took another big mouthful and looked at Wang Ai blankly: "What did you say?"

"Ah, what the fuck, are you hurrying to eat, right?" Wang Ai was so happy, he stood up and kicked him.

The guy scratched his **** and continued to eat without moving.

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"Okay, then eat, then eat." After sitting down, Wang Ai squeezed his eyes at the stunned silly boys who didn't know what to do, and these silly boys continued to eat after realizing it.

"How have you been kicking recently? Don't just eat, drink, or use mine, but you can't get the job done."

The **** who has eaten half an elbow can finally speak properly: "Don't worry, I have already entered the National Youth League."

"Isn't it right?" Wang Ai asked suspiciously, "The 93 National Youth League has been disbanded. What national youth do you enter?"

"95 National Youth."

"That's not right, you're from '94."

"That's why I can eat with you here."

Wang Ai pondered and patted the table: "Tang Zhen, tell me the truth, what's going on?"

Seeing Wang Aihu's face, Tang Zhen accepted the smiley face: "I didn't catch up with the 93 National Youth, but when the 95 National Youth was formed, I came to find me, and later I found out that I was from 1994, so I was abandoned like that. "

"Oh." Wang Ai nodded: "As old as you are, you can't fake it. When the 84-nation Youth League was formed, more than half of it was eliminated because of the bone age problem, which almost put us in a desperate situation. This is our fine tradition. Can't forget. Listen?"

As Wang Ai spoke, he reached out and patted Tang Zhen's head, obviously not at ease with this naughty guy.

Tang Zhen couldn't eat anymore after being photographed, and put down the bones that had been gnawed away: "Although Guoqing just glanced at it and didn't really go in, I was the number one shooter in Zhongyi."

"Really?" Wang Ai's eyes turned to the others, and only after receiving a sign of nodding, he turned back to look at Tang Zhen: "How many? How many per game?"

Tang Zhen replied hesitantly, "Less than 1.3."

"Well, it's alright."

"Worse than you."

"Well, that's true, but you haven't reached 20 yet. It's not bad to have this goal rate in a game with a group of adult players." Wang Ai thought about it and shook his head regretfully: "Unfortunately I will tomorrow I have to leave at noon, I don’t have time to watch you play football, so you can ask your coach to send me a copy of your game video later.”

Huang Xin, who was also eating next to him, saw Wang Ai's love and eagerness, and quickly took over: "I have all the information, and I will take it to the UK together tomorrow."

"Okay." Seeing Huang Xin talking, Wang Ai didn't say more, and then lowered his head to eat.

After the meal, the young players left one after another. Wang Ai also went back upstairs to rest for an hour, then went downstairs and got into the car, and continued to take his team Wuyangyang to the main stadium.

As soon as he arrived at the door, even Wang Ai was startled, and all he saw were people. In the middle is the reporter, and the people on the periphery are all looking at his van.

Wang Ai sighed and looked back at the person in the car: "It's a big problem."

Li Jun smiled and said, "You should have known yesterday that the yellow race was the fastest, the first to score ten seconds, and the football star broke the sprint record. You do the math, which one is not enough to make the front page? What's more, it's a collection?"

The guards got out of the car and pushed their bodies forward. Wang Ai then got out of the car and nodded at the surrounding reporters: "Sorry, I'm not being interviewed now, the game is coming, I want to keep my mood stable, thank you everyone."

Fortunately, Wang Ai was tall enough, and the people outside were lucky to see not only Wang Ai's arm but also his smiling face.