Reborn on Top of Football

v7 Chapter 105: Snow, Rain, Frost, Fragrant Road (5)

The vision in the forest became clearer and clearer, and the morning star in the east shone in the fading night sky.

From time to time, Shui Junyi unscrewed the thermos cup and took a sip of the mellow milk coffee. He stepped on the yellow and green grass in the woodland, and glanced at the "ball king" who was still concentrating on training, oh, little Wanger. The visit to the guard had ended, probably because he knew that he was bald, that Shandong man named Zhang Guang had a bitter expression on his face and ignored him.

What a special morning! The air in the mountains is extremely fresh, and the quietness in the mountains is fascinating. No wonder he likes to go to the wild instead of going to the professional and luxurious training ground. Shui Junyi felt that he hadn't looked at the night before dawn like this for a long time. The changes of pure black, blue-black, and dark blue were like a thick canvas. Although the sun in the east had not yet risen, it was pregnant with vigorous power.

"What is the host thinking? Are you going to write a poem?" Suddenly, Wang Ai's voice rang in his ears, calling Shui Junyi back to Shen'er.

"Have you finished training?"

"Ah." Wang Ai shoved the ball into his pocket: "Go back? The breakfast should be ready in the morning. Today, in order to take care of your BJ's taste, I made sweet tofu!"

"Here! Salted tofu brain is the real one!" Shui Junyi waved the microphone.

"Really? Then I'll put salt in your coffee." Wang Ai walked down the mountain with a smile.

The two guards at home were in charge of breakfast, and the others got up a little later and were training separately in the yard at this time. Most of them were practicing martial arts, and some meditation. When Wang Ai and his party came back, they also received magical powers. Shui Junyi teased that he was using you as an alarm clock, but Wang Ai didn't care.

The breakfast is very rich, including Chinese-style white porridge, fried dough sticks, and pickles, as well as Western-style milk, bread, and fried eggs. Most people, led by Wang Ai, eat everything, but they eat a lot, especially meat. For breakfast, beef, fish, pork, etc. should be at least five jin, and Wang Ai will eat one jin himself.

During the meal, Shui Junyi's assistant turned the camera on and pretended not to turn on the restaurant. Anyway, Wang Ai didn't care. Instead, the two squad leaders, Zhao Dan and Qian Ziqiang, were very vigilant and did not enter a single camera. After dinner, Shui Junyi and his assistant checked the video of the morning downstairs, and Wang Ai went upstairs to take a short rest.

This is the most relaxing time of the day, full of food and drink, nothing to do, and leisurely leisure. From downstairs, there was the voice that Shi Wenjun was going to take someone out to purchase. Hearing that there was not enough New Year's goods prepared a few days ago, Wang Ai patted his head and remembered that he still had to go out.

At 8:30 in the morning, the wooden door of the study was silently pushed open, and Shui Junyi snorted at the assistant, who deliberately put his footsteps lightly on the camera and aimed the camera at the back of the person in the room. In the camera, there are several large tomes and a few magazines spread out on the desk on Wang Ai's left. On the desk on Wang Ai's right is a messy pile of manuscript papers. The height of the photographer's shoulders of the Mi 8 is still very high. It should be Wang Ai's tiptoe to be able to reach it.

Below the bookshelves on both sides, there are five bookcases with five school badge stickers on them. The camera stopped for a while, and Shui Junyi understood that this should be the Department of Philosophy and Literature of the University of Tübingen, the Department of Spanish Literature of the University of A Coruña, the Department of Philosophy of the London School of Economics, and the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Milan, which Wang Ai studied. and textbooks of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Munich.

At this time, Wang Ai was facing the computer screen on the computer desk on the side of the window. It seemed that a visit program was playing on it.

Shui Junyi was thinking about the right time to speak, when Wang Ai clicked the mouse to pause the video, leaned his head back on the chair for five seconds, then suddenly stood up and walked back and forth in the small open space of the room, still indifferent He glanced at the two of them, but completely ignored them.

The cameraman's hand trembled a little, then looked at Shui Junyi, who shook his head. He was sure that Xiao Wang'er would not be angry with them for no reason. He had no trouble wandering into the study a few days ago, and now he should be thinking deeply. As far as the scholars who have interviewed, generally think deeply at this time and are wrapped in all kinds of messy and interconnected information, not to mention the two reporters, even if a bigger person comes, it just enters the retina, and Not presented by brain analysis.

To see without thinking is to turn a blind eye.

The strange behavior of Zhongxie is common among ordinary people, but it is very common among scholars, and it is often the case, especially some scholars who are responsible for pioneering work.

After a while, Wang Ai sat in front of the desk on the right, took out a pen from the pile of paper, grabbed a piece of grass paper and wrote with a brush. Shang picked up the tea jar and was about to watch the video while drinking water. Shui Junyi quickly reached out and knocked on the door.

Wang Ai turned around: "Come in..."

Obviously, Wang Ai had a move to hide back, and seemed to be frightened by the teleportation of the two.

Shui Junyi had no choice but to explain: "It's been a while since I came in, but you focused on it and didn't notice it."

Wang Ai exhaled: "I said, I seem to have seen someone just now."

Shui Junyi turned his head and pouted at the camera: "We are so big, he just seems to see it, is this considered arrogant?"

"Hey, don't provoke my public relations." Wang Ai looked at the photographer with a smile: "Don't carry it, how tired, you can put it on the shelf and record it automatically."

The cameraman shook his head lightly with a smile on his face, and pointed at the desk with the other finger while carrying the camera. Wang Ai smiled and nodded, and the camera moved over. Shui Junyi asked the right question: "What are you studying?"

"Oh, the construction of football culture." Wang Ai backed up, and Shui Junyi moved a chair and sat on Wang Ai's side to look at Wang Ai's straw paper. The show: "What's this?"

"Well, the Milan team's history visit program." Wang Ai ignored the cameraman at this time, pulling Shui Junyi and said: "AC Milan has a long history and an orderly inheritance. It has a profound social and mass foundation in Milan. There is also a corresponding rich football culture. Football is a game, a competition, a business, a life, or a fixed social activity. In Europe, this game day is a bit like our temple fairs in the past. The people of the eight townships in Shili get together to play for a day. It's just that we play all kinds of juggling, they are football, I mean from the perspective of social mechanisms and social needs."

Shui Junyi didn't understand, so he just skipped it. He didn't come to discuss the topic with Wang Ai: "Where are these books?"